Increase jail time

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Czech Republic
Increase jail time

Short explanation (in notes):
-People won't kill entire PD, then get arrested for only 10 minutes.
-People will probably avoid crime MORE, not completely.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Now, you can go with a shotgun inside the PD, shoot every single person there, then probably get rekt by SWAT and you will get only 10 minutes, so it doesnt hurt.. Making targeted chases, if you are gonna be good at it but then you crash, you will get a small amount of years (Minutes) and then you will be free again to do same shit.. (Even it's against the rules) etc.. I'm pretty sure, that everyone did a crime, because if cops catch you, it wont hurt you due of max 10 minutes punnishment.

Max jail time should be at least 30 minutes. So if you ABSOLUTELY fok up something, then good luck.
And there shouldnt be ''Put him in jail for 2 years, 5 years, 20 years'' You should write it on your own.

(If you think, that it is too much, in A3 RP is max jail time 8 hours, and if you leave the server, it wont count at all)

Optional additions:
-Probably rework jails a bit?
-Moving to jails will automaticly delete all items (Not illegal one) - Fence, chairs.. Bal bla bla and bobbypins, after you will serve your time in jail, you will get everything back.
-Your handcuffs should be deleted and will get automaticly food if you lose it, after you leave jail, you will lose food you got.
-Jail time higher then 20 minutes should be accepted from LT/SGT (if there's any)

Okey, if anyone tries to say here: It will be abused! - Of course that can be abused, but then you should report it or make a Ban Request.

Thank you for reading it, hope you like it. If you have any additional comment or question, then leave it below and I will try to answer.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding or grammar mistakes in this.
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Only problem with this (apart from it getting abused) is that, who wants to be in jail for an hour+. Personally I think it would spoil most people's RP experience. This would also probably mean a map change as I'm sure most people would disagree with the fact of being stuck in a tiny room for an hour. -support
The only good thing with this would be the fact that we would get more passiverp however that does not always mean good things, if we now say we get longer jail times we need to get cops to stop raiding so much; Also this would make it so that people would raid the PD inorder to get their friends out of there so the reasons why it would be added are so minimal and I would like to see more than those that are listed: 10 min is alot

If you need to sit the whole half hour, it's just 1 slot occupied by a player who can't do nothing because he's in jail.
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Criminals are commenting :P
[DOUBLEPOST=1431256378,1431256321][/DOUBLEPOST]*The jail time has been edited to 30 minutes*
+SUPPORT He's right about the "People wont kill whole PD, then get arrested for only 10 minutes"

i Suggest add like 20 min and so
I feel the same as Daymon, if the time is possibly longer maybe it will stop people from doing dumb stuff because there's more jail time.
I can see why people would like and dislike this.
It would make more tactical jail breaks if there could be a cycle of like, cell time, break time, etc because people could plan to break someone out during "break time" where the security would be more vulnerable to get into.
I know @The-Devils-Son will like this idea as he's arma lad. And I do too, I think for serious crimes. 30 minutes. This would stop people baiting the cops and think more about the crimes they make.
However, isn't there a problem with this? Some people go afk in the cells to watch youtube whilst waiting to be released, people with a jail sentence over 15 mins will be kicked from the server due to the anti-afk system...
Speaking as one of the 'Criminals' who ends up getting 10years a lot of the time.

Anything above 10 minutes would not change the majority of the criminals behaviour, and just magically make them want to 'Passive RP'.

I personally, would just tab out and masturbate if it was anything longer than 10 minutes.

Also, the people talking about how ArmA3 has a prison system, that is true. The ArmA3 roleplay servers have interaction and freedom of movement in the jails. You can do jobs, talk to all the dirty trolls or mess around with the guards for 20 minutes, which is why it is fine. However, in PERP, you're stuck in a 3meter cell unable to move or talk to anyone, etc etc.

But I do agree with you, something is needed to make people passive RP and such, this is just not it.
As many other people have mentioned there are too many flaws in this. One of them being the fact that Fredy/Stephen will have to implement a food system in. Also the Afk timer too. Not just that, I am not having some silly little 13 year old put me in prison for 18 minutes for doing a red light. -Support
I know @The-Devils-Son will like this idea as he's arma lad. And I do too, I think for serious crimes. 30 minutes. This would stop people baiting the cops and think more about the crimes they make.
Yes but you have to see it in the way of the map and also our roleplay system; An arma roleplay situation can be going on for a looooong time while in perp it usually is just do thecrime then gtfo which is a fun way however with the jail times it would not work out; as in arma you can do the biggest rp sit where the officers time being wasted would be compensated with you sitting in jail for a long time. Also with the map atm; this would cause the spawn area to be a mayham the PD would be raided every 2 min as people would be stuck into those cells for 30 min and who would like that? No one. We have no wardens so no rp would be ongoing you would just sit AFK go eat something which is stupid as this after all is a roleplay server and you should not be AFK for such a long time. Also just adding up; if you now want to stop copbaiting how will this help? By putting baiters in for 30 min? This is what people dont understand; THERE IS NO SET JAIL TIMES! You're an officer you got the authority to arrest someone now it's your decision to decide the time under a realistic manner. Now if you're going to pit someone on for speeding; put them in for 2.
Yea this is a good idea but not that from 1h + make it that there is an option to select you own time and SWAT/ADMIN can make it up to 30 min
so then there will be hopfully less bans (I AM BANNED D:)
+Support More RP. The only problem is about the AFK timer
I like the jail systems in Arma 3 life and etc but really this wouldnt work out since people tend to have a problem with just 10 mins.
  • I really do not understand this. If all PD is dead who is going to go and arrest them?''People wont kill whole PD, then get arrested for only 10 minutes"
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