Increase jail time

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Czech Republic
Increase jail time

Short explanation (in notes):
-People won't kill entire PD, then get arrested for only 10 minutes.
-People will probably avoid crime MORE, not completely.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Now, you can go with a shotgun inside the PD, shoot every single person there, then probably get rekt by SWAT and you will get only 10 minutes, so it doesnt hurt.. Making targeted chases, if you are gonna be good at it but then you crash, you will get a small amount of years (Minutes) and then you will be free again to do same shit.. (Even it's against the rules) etc.. I'm pretty sure, that everyone did a crime, because if cops catch you, it wont hurt you due of max 10 minutes punnishment.

Max jail time should be at least 30 minutes. So if you ABSOLUTELY fok up something, then good luck.
And there shouldnt be ''Put him in jail for 2 years, 5 years, 20 years'' You should write it on your own.

(If you think, that it is too much, in A3 RP is max jail time 8 hours, and if you leave the server, it wont count at all)

Optional additions:
-Probably rework jails a bit?
-Moving to jails will automaticly delete all items (Not illegal one) - Fence, chairs.. Bal bla bla and bobbypins, after you will serve your time in jail, you will get everything back.
-Your handcuffs should be deleted and will get automaticly food if you lose it, after you leave jail, you will lose food you got.
-Jail time higher then 20 minutes should be accepted from LT/SGT (if there's any)

Okey, if anyone tries to say here: It will be abused! - Of course that can be abused, but then you should report it or make a Ban Request.

Thank you for reading it, hope you like it. If you have any additional comment or question, then leave it below and I will try to answer.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding or grammar mistakes in this.
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Nah, 30 minutes that's way too long for a jail sentence i think 10 minutes is fine as it is. Also you'd get those cops who'd put people in for 30mins for running a red light.
Easiest +Support i've ever given. It's ridiculous how one person can kill the entire police force and only get 10 years. 10 Minutes is nothing. I Suggest adding 30 minutes MAX!!

Jail time higher then 20 minutes should be accepted from LT/SGT (if there's any)

I Think this should also be addet. Or maybe changed so only LT/SGT's could perform this punishment.
Yes this will get abused but so does it with only 10 minutes.
Right now most criminals don't even think about it. They just think "Meh, 10 years isn't that bad" and then they go ahead and challenge the police. This would indeed get some FearRP for being arrested going.

If 30 minutes is too much you COULD decrease it to 20. I Think 10 is too small.
This is a great idea but some people may prefare to die for5 mins than go to jail for 30 mins. Just a big issue I found
+/- Support

Generally speaking, the increase of jail time DOES make people think twice about breaking the law, and won't be ass jackass-y, but the thing people don't think about, is the thought process that some players take:

"10 minute Death Screen, and 5 minute NLR? OR 30 minutes in jail, pfft looks like I'm gonna commit suicide."

People don't think in the way they should, they should preserve their life but they don't. It's a simple fact, I wish they would, but they don't, people would rather wait 15 minutes than 30 minutes, it's a simple fact, and if you'd rather spend 30 minutes waiting rather than 15, then you're an idiot.
Cuffing you and taking you to the PD = 5-10 mins,
acknowledging you to the charges and crimes you've done and searching you = 5 mins,
putting you in jail and waiting the time = 1-10 mins (depending on how long you get put in for.)
Done. Not many needs for this.
Do we really need to wait more then that?
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You know what, there's no real way around this - The current maximum jail time of 10 minutes allows just enough time to make a brew, have a piss and a 60 second wank. That's pretty much it.

In all seriousness, police situations can last up to around 30 minutes; if not longer. It would be really annoying being in a hour long raid, or defense then get taken and questioned (another 15-20 minutes) then jailed for 30 more minutes.

It would, as @Murtsley said make people think twice about breaking the law and have a real responsibility to keep themselves out of prison; however people are just going to intentionally kill themselves just before getting arrested.

10 minutes seems fine to me.
Generally no-one would want to sit in a jail cell for 30-60 minutes.
Cops never give a shit and RP once you're in the jail cell.
'Who would kill the whole PD and get put in jail for 10 minutes.'-This... That is the real world time, in the actual role play scheme 10 minutes is 10 years. It works perfectly fine.
I was a criminal, but no longer. I growed drugs and things, because I know, I just get for 3 minutes in jail. Today I get mugged, when the muggers get arrested, they only get 5-7 minutes. They don't think about it, they just do it. They don't care about the police, since you only get in jail for a low time. This would definitly make criminals to don't care about police. When they get the police, then they're not like: "Pff.. cops? I got shotguns, grenades and pistols, and when I get in jail its only 8 years, so, LETS DO THIS SHIT!" They need to care about it. When they know theyre getting 25 minutes jailtime, they would escape, and not just like doesnt care about them.
We used to raid the PD for Viktor a lot, we'd killed all the cops, medics and SWAT! We then got to the jails and Viktor was out 5 minutes ago. +Support.
I would think preventing some shitty officers to put you in for too long that, only a sergeant/Lt/(optional SWAT (maybe upto 20 min) can put you in longer (so the 11 til 30 min)!

furthmore it seems more realistic, but sometimes 30 min is just too long!
If there was a jail as big as they use in GTA SA:MP RP then it's okay to be in jail for an hour or so since you can do activities in the jail. The map on PERPHeads is too small for a big jail so it's kind of pointless to just sit there in your cell of 1x3m just staring at the other cell or the dirty toilet. So it's a -support
This is serious role play and by that not every feature added should be beneficial to the players. I'm totally for increasing jail time to 15 mins+ as long as there is a small note for all officers that shows them how much time should be spent in jail for every law broken by the criminal.

as an example; as an officer I have a small note in F1 detailing this:

Minor laws broken = 2 mins
Evading cops = 4 mins
Physical harm = 6 mins
Illegal item = 5 mins
Killing someone = 12 mins

and so on ... (keep in mind this is just an example)
This was long ago in 2013 when I first joined the server but they removed it afterwards.
Increase jail time

Short explanation (in notes):
-People wont kill whole PD, then get arrested for only 10 minutes
-People will probably avoid crime MORE, not completely.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Now, you can go with shotgun to PD, shoot every single person there, then probably get rekt by SWAT and you will get only 10 minutes, so it doesnt hurt.. Making targeted chases, if you gonna be good at it, but then crash, you will get a small amount of years (Minutes) and you will be free again and can do same shit.. (Even it's against the rules) etc.. I'm pretty sure, that everyone did a crime, because if cops catch you, it wont hurt you, because max is 10 right.

Max jail time would be at least 30 minutes. So if you will ABSOLUTELY fok up something, then good luck.
And there shouldnt be ''Put him in jail for 2 years, 5 years, 20 years'' You should write it on your own.

(If you think, that it too much, in A3 RP is max jail time 8 hours, and if you leave, it wont count)

Optional additions:
-Probably a bit rework jails?
-Moving to jails will automaticly delete all items (Not illegal one) - Fence, chairs.. Bal bla bla. and bobbypins, after you will serve your time in jail, you will get everything black.
-Your handcuffs will deleted and will get automaticly food if you loose it, after you leave jail, you will loose food you got.
-Jail time higher then 20 minutes should be accepted from LT/SGT (if there's any)

Okey, if anyone will tell here: It will be abused! - Of course that can be abused, but then you should report it or make a Ban Request.

Thank you for reading it, hope you like it. If you have any additional comment or question, then leave it below, I will try to answer.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding or grammar mistakes in this.

In my opinion, there is no need for changing the prison system, if we make more complex we will breack it. The main objective its to incentive players to follow laws so 30min waiting is fine. However increasing the jail time will help the main porpuse and people will avoid get caught. A suggestion when insering the prisoneer jail time also insere the reason and hava a new official tab with the jail time per crime.

Thx, good night and srry for mistakes, this reply was done in my phone.
Guys, If I remember, I didnt say, that 30 minutes is the only number.. Nothing like: You passed red light - 30 minutes, you verbal abused me - 30 minutes, and I said, by accept of SGT/LT, so if there's noone like that, you're save. O.o And people, who think, that it's better to die, instead of carry on normal RP and accept honorable your punnishment for being criminal, you shouldn't play RolePlay games/mods. But I agree with people, that say ''30 minutes staring at the wall is stupid and boring'' yea, I do accept that, saldy, map will probably dont grow up. Hopefully you agree with me or changed your mind a bit. :)

If you make increased jail time, then make fucking death times longer. Because police raids are just so cancer how they can pretty much never end as long as one government employee lives to tell the tale.
Old af thread but I wouldn't love to see an increased jail time. Not that I am saying that this wouldn't benefit our dear criminals but it will just end up in people just AFKing and do jack shit and make it more easily abusable (When didn't you see a new officer arrest someone for wreckless driving for 10 years? Imagine sitting out 30, this could however be changed with the current rank system how Sergeants and above can issue longer jail times). Atleast this is how things went on in GTA SA:MP RP servers where you had to hang around in jail for 30 minutes or longer, tab in and make an /afkcheck sometimes if you were not kicked for AFK and alt tab out again and do what you were doing before, literally a no fun allowed zone.

Also, we should really consider this:
If you make increased jail time, then make fucking death times longer. Because police raids are just so cancer how they can pretty much never end as long as one government employee lives to tell the tale.
I've seen servers who have done this kind of thing, and it really does work! When I go on said servers, almost nobody commits a crime. The only people who commit crimes are the people who are stupid enough to try and bust their mates out of jail- Who were also put in jail for trying to bust their mates out of jail. That is, unless they were caught growing by the cops.
I know a lot of you think that this is WAY too long, but look at this- Most servers which have jail times that make people scared of committing crimes will put people in for up to 3 hours as a punishment, which is nuts.

The only problem is, there'd be nothing to do while in jail, and due to the fact that you're in handcuffs you wouldn't be able to eat. For this system to work properly, they'd have to add some actual things to RP with in a jail- By this I mean a cafeteria, cellmates, etc. so people don't just leave out of boredom.
But if this gets accepted, then I'll back them up all the way as long as they at least PLAN to add some sort of RP in Jail, instead of just sitting inside a cell, bored and handcuffed, starving.
Increasing Jail times would not necessary decrease the amount of people committing crimes... As mentioned before, people would just tab out and do something else in the meanwhile. While I do agree that there should be greater punishments for those who commit crimes non-stop, i do not necessarily agree with increasing the jail times.



I've taken other RP servers into consideration, and from my personal experience, I can tell you that it does not indeed matter that much. Crimes are still being committed, regardless if they would get 10 minutes or 30 minutes. Matter of fact, people would do anything within the powers to avoid being arrested which usually means that more police officers would die just because someone is not willing to sit 30 minutes in a cage due to the actions they have taken. It would promote more killing then it would make people think twice about committing a crime.
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