Increase jail time

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Czech Republic
Increase jail time

Short explanation (in notes):
-People won't kill entire PD, then get arrested for only 10 minutes.
-People will probably avoid crime MORE, not completely.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Now, you can go with a shotgun inside the PD, shoot every single person there, then probably get rekt by SWAT and you will get only 10 minutes, so it doesnt hurt.. Making targeted chases, if you are gonna be good at it but then you crash, you will get a small amount of years (Minutes) and then you will be free again to do same shit.. (Even it's against the rules) etc.. I'm pretty sure, that everyone did a crime, because if cops catch you, it wont hurt you due of max 10 minutes punnishment.

Max jail time should be at least 30 minutes. So if you ABSOLUTELY fok up something, then good luck.
And there shouldnt be ''Put him in jail for 2 years, 5 years, 20 years'' You should write it on your own.

(If you think, that it is too much, in A3 RP is max jail time 8 hours, and if you leave the server, it wont count at all)

Optional additions:
-Probably rework jails a bit?
-Moving to jails will automaticly delete all items (Not illegal one) - Fence, chairs.. Bal bla bla and bobbypins, after you will serve your time in jail, you will get everything back.
-Your handcuffs should be deleted and will get automaticly food if you lose it, after you leave jail, you will lose food you got.
-Jail time higher then 20 minutes should be accepted from LT/SGT (if there's any)

Okey, if anyone tries to say here: It will be abused! - Of course that can be abused, but then you should report it or make a Ban Request.

Thank you for reading it, hope you like it. If you have any additional comment or question, then leave it below and I will try to answer.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding or grammar mistakes in this.
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Well that defidently sounds fun being in jail for 8 hours. Might aswell change from perp to prisonrp, honestly This would be bad impression to beginners
This idea is depressing honestly, ten minutes is long enough nobody deserves nor wants to be trapped in a room for 30 minutes for breaking into someones house and killing them etc. -Support
I think itll be good for jailbreaks as you have longer time to do so. It would also work if any serious crimes were committed, for example treason (killing the mayor) or acts of terrorism (carbombing/molotovs). Generally though I just dont think it would be a very good system.
+support Lol people are fucking around sometimes and breaking several laws/rules, in that case 3.4 aaaand i suggest 30 mins, not 1 hour ;))
+ support if you get the ability to escape e.g. saw the window and climb out of it, lockpick the door with items you could buy from an npc in jail
also, if your crime length is high enough, you could attempt suicide with a "belt" item, but it should take you time and make noise (allowing for a prison guard job).
or you could spoil other organization members and they could try poisoning you in jail like the Mafia does in real life e.g. go to the cafeteria npc, when dinner comes you get poisoned and you have to call paramedics
I once rped in a prison sit in a small room, for 3 hours..
do you want to give this experience to everyone else?
I kinda like the idea of increasing jail time. And really, it's not as bad as people think. Having played Arma a lot, I got sentences up to 3 whole hours, and I was ok with it. And it makes jail breaking more fun, lel.
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