Detective (Concept Map)

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Georgia, United States of America

Concept map for the job of detective as an active investigative role.

Short Explanation:
-listed in document
-active investigations
-sort of roadmap


Now that that is out of the way, I realize that one of the biggest issues for the developers is placing great suggestions into the game in a way that they will have a purpose and be beneficial to game-play.
Detective is here to deal with the cases patrol officers don't have the time, training, or resources to deal with. I think detective will be very useful if added, so forth I thought I would suggest my idea of a concept map for developers to save them time and oh-so-precious brain power.

Detective (Concept Map):


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I personally do not think that detectives should have a weapon really. The whole point is to be undercover - not to blow the heads off criminals.
I personally do not think that detectives should have a weapon really. The whole point is to be undercover - not to blow the heads off criminals.
My point for it is that detectives are the ones who first approach the suspects in crimes or at least are often near the most dangerous and armed suspects. Though their job does not lead them to crimes-in-progress generally, often the suspects cannot be taken into custody without a weapon. In a nutshells, detectives are too close to the most dangerous suspects and cases too often to not have at least SOME form of protection.

I DO NOT want detectives to be undercover in this concept map. I do want them to blend from afar, but in this I plan for detectives to be active in their investigations, not just intelligence gatherers.
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I understand your point entirely about detectives being a job where, for example, you gather evidence in a crime scene. But my point is just that they may be asking questions, tailing suspects, or approaching property of wanted suspects or criminals at the least and they need some sort of protection. I do get your point though. I think the argument for whether or not they should be armed falls on what their official duty is. Passive evidence gathering, or active investigation. I am planning this as an active invetigation.
[DOUBLEPOST=1451516666,1451515522][/DOUBLEPOST]I want an NYPD style detective. For sure I don't want undercover.

But because there is such big debate I'll try and set up and release a time that interested parties can meet in team speak and we can all have a constructive discussion and maybe work out kinks.
This gamemode is a bit to fast paced for a detective tbh. The LT and Sergeant takes care of the detective stuff. I mean like, what more do you need to know about a person other then how they look, what sort of car they drive and where they live? Usually just ends up that the LT scans all the bodies, places the warrants and calls the scene a code 4. Final verdict regarding detectives, it's a bit useless and doesn't need to be implemented.

Now, on the topic of adding some sort of undercover system. It would be a cool addition and I'd love to see it in, but the thing is, what will you do once you're out of orgs to check up on if you know what I mean. Because once you betray this one org, no other org will have you as they know you might do the same to them making it a issue pursuing big orgs. Oh well, some system might be put in place regarding that.

EDIT: By detectives I ment CSI's

But yeah, still detectives are a bit useless as we're so more fast paced in the police department there really isn't much time to get everything in place, we kinda just preform the raid and that's it.
Hello creator of The Detective Files just want to add a few points in. Detectives are basicly standard police officers who specialise mostly in investigation but they are still armed and some involved in raids. Crime Scene Investigators or for short CSI are focused on science and are mostly seen collecting evidence and unlike detectives they tend not to wear uniform.

This has been accepted but it was ages ago and currently not planned I have brought in my idea of evidence bags to preserve evidence so you can use it in prosecution or interrogation. There are still several disputes about detective and there is no guarantee that it will be added and yes I did ask the Chiefs of police and they have no clue.

This may never get added even if it was accepted.

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