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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Deathcorn112
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sam
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97474497
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Every time i see them they are very disrespectful against my sexuality and bring that into RP to offend me and when i left as i was getting really pissed off at them they followed me and kept hitting me with their car till they killed me and then said i jumped out or i walked in front of them when they moved to hit me
Evidence (Demo Required):!GddhSRLI!Ob-HCmyOrfD47BlJ4pAGV36CQOZDTVCGtU7kc5BH0PA

[DOUBLEPOST=1452970533,1452960430][/DOUBLEPOST]sam, you and seg always do it and i know for a fact that seg is a homophobic
I pretended to call you as papa johns and offer you a deal on a cock pizza and you said you would love to shove it down you're throat so you clearly weren't that offended.
i can take a joke but not when you and your homophobic friend say it all the time in a disrespectful way which offends people
It's kinda sad how we can just hide behind our character and say that "It's just my character" but let's all be honest our characters behavior is mostly based on our own. But yeah, if they wanna toss shit they can if they want but it doesn't make you anymore of a man. A man would be someone who respects everyone and can accept anyone, now that's a real man.

Action request wise, there isn't anything that can really be done unless it was done out of character which for me it doesn't seem like it did.

EDIT: I didn't read the rest lmao. I would say it's 2.5, later
I'm going to be honest, if it's to the extent where the users keep harassing you everytime they're around you then I would happily punish them for it as after all it's excessive negativity, but if you can't bring any evidence other than this Deathcorn then I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do about it. Also I would like to say that it's better to not care about then other than making reports about it as you make yourself an offer by "crying" about it, just make a report then don't mind them

About the running you over part I really don't know anything about it so that's nothing I can comment.
Well this AR is childish as fuck, so you are a male, 14 y/o, that plays video games.
You get called gay.

Why and please tell me why, would you care. I have no idea if you are actually gay or not, but sexuality ain't the word for it :facepalm:
So two options, leave the community calling us all racists, or you deal with it, a man named Alex once said:
"If you can't take insults on the internet you won't succeed in life"
So if you actually got offended, don't ever play games that have other people in them. Aka multiplayer.
as a gay guy i can indeed conclude that you are being a little bitch. take it on the chin, take a deep breath then molotov their house.

no need for an ar really
I'm straight, and I don't feel insulted for being called straight, so why do you feel insulted by being called gay? This is just ridiculous.

-video removed, people got salty-
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If they're being mean to you everyday by doing the same thing, then they should stop. If this aint the case, then idk why you made this.
In this case i think that the 2 persons in question should stop, if that is not making Deathcorn112 comfortable, this is 21st century so you cant just follow that person, even tho he should have called pollice and explain tha situation, then if they kept doing that in RP they should be punished...

(Only my opinion and i know that i am newbie)
In this case i think that the 2 persons in question should stop, if that is not making Deathcorn112 comfortable, this is 21st century so you cant just follow that person, even tho he should have called pollice and explain tha situation, then if they kept doing that in RP they should be punished...
And i agree with the previous comments if you are really gay you should not be mad just because someone called you gay...

(Only my opinion and i know that i am newbie)
Chrissy stole my idea. I would also like to raise my homo card and say that as a fully confirmed cock addict that you need to buck up and thicken up your skin bud.

My advice would be if they're being rude little men, find out when they've got going and throw that at them. Because after all everyone knows A quick wit and this thick dick makes a bitch get slick.


(Also if you can't take people using you being gay as a pathetic insult then you've got a rough few years on the way son)

The user will be banned for a week because of their actions. They broke 3.4 as they risked their life/imprisonment trying to run you over when they could have simply gone the other way around the RC truck, causing them to drive on the sidewalk in front of the PD. They also ran you over for no reason, while you were a government employee in front of a camera. They won't be banned for 1.1.​
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