Features that you miss (or hate)

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Peeps' thread reminded me of an idea that I had..and forgot to post.

Any map or gameplay feature you miss (even the ones you hated) can go here for a nice nostalgia trip. And hopefully make us realize how good we have it now.
If you want you can also list current features but try to think of some older ones too. Maybe your whining could help change something :wink:
Just don't mention the new TFU update.

I can think of some and these are:

Stoves catching on fire, even a brand new one just for crafting a piece of refined metal.
Stressful crafting experience (back then you had to manually click each ingredient in a random order with a chance of your stove catching on fire)
Stamina taking years to regenerate
Demo restarts without warning
Old radio
Weapon durability system (never really noticed it though)

No more turtles hidden around the map.
No more fishes in the Bazaar water feature (they even had AI and would swim away)
McUwes (player ownable property for fast food based RP or growing)
Vending machine of death on roof
City shops
Glass Co. ladder and roof access
Evocity custom map we only got to play for 2-3 weeks after being stuck on stock Evocity for quite a while
Old HL2 models and some clothing items (hoodie, reading glasses)
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Evo revert Event was great, especially with the 2019 edition that balanced out the properties.

I do not miss marksmanship, and watching just how evened out the whole game became upon its removal with immediate results, went to show how grind to win was the idea over skill based gameplay.

V5 patched out all the fun Easter eggs sadly and I hope v6 has them.
I miss McQuwes, Or even there being a property there to begin with. A huge benefit to the business sector was the lack of a burger place there meant that you could sell them from a location you own / set up from the business sector as it was more convenient than going across the map to buy burgers and the likes. Having the burger place added to the Business sector now means that food is available in all 3 corners of the map, Limiting players potential to sell food items except stuff they physically cant get without crafting, such as a stove.

Imagine this, You have an idyllic location in front of the casino where people can buy burgers. Players would benefit from an honest living selling burgers in that location, However, as there is now an NPC Business selling food, Players selling it for a profit wouldn't see as much customers as they could before.

It was always something that kinda stuck with me on V5 launch, Player businesses in the business sector that make profit mostly only sell craftable items, such as weapons, ammo and furniture.

There's always benefits to additions made, I just see it glass half full, another example of this was advanced planters no longer being eaten entirely when confiscated. On one hand, it was difficult for players to recooperate losses from the planters being taken, But on the other hand, it kept an expensive commodity for those who could craft them to keep having more and more customers. Now, we no longer have this benefit, as planters aren't permanent items. On one hand, it solved a committment issue with planters, but on the other hand, It took that business away.
I miss McQuwes, Or even there being a property there to begin with. A huge benefit to the business sector was the lack of a burger place there meant that you could sell them from a location you own / set up from the business sector as it was more convenient than going across the map to buy burgers and the likes. Having the burger place added to the Business sector now means that food is available in all 3 corners of the map, Limiting players potential to sell food items except stuff they physically cant get without crafting, such as a stove.

Imagine this, You have an idyllic location in front of the casino where people can buy burgers. Players would benefit from an honest living selling burgers in that location, However, as there is now an NPC Business selling food, Players selling it for a profit wouldn't see as much customers as they could before.

It was always something that kinda stuck with me on V5 launch, Player businesses in the business sector that make profit mostly only sell craftable items, such as weapons, ammo and furniture.

There's always benefits to additions made, I just see it glass half full, another example of this was advanced planters no longer being eaten entirely when confiscated. On one hand, it was difficult for players to recooperate losses from the planters being taken, But on the other hand, it kept an expensive commodity for those who could craft them to keep having more and more customers. Now, we no longer have this benefit, as planters aren't permanent items. On one hand, it solved a committment issue with planters, but on the other hand, It took that business away.
I just wish that the current building would be purchasable. Just remove the NPC (or have a option to keep it which can get you money maybe even) when it's owned and expand the rooms that are currently not functional or present.
I fully miss the OG roadcrew truck which could be thrown across the map using the rear hook thingy

Here is a random video prior to the vehicle overhaul from 2015! :
Vehicles not being able to damage by flying, you would be able to jump of ramps, hit objects and bounce, hit speedbumps with high speeds, just made vehicles so much more fun to mess around with.

Now if you blow at the vehicle it nocollides with another getting you stuck together, if in a chase you have about a 30% chance to phase through the vehicle still making an escape which is honestly so shitty.

Also the time it was rare to see a luxurious vehicle, where having a bugatti was a challenge and a rare sight. You would earn about 36k an hour if you were not being raided and it took you ages to get a super car (also love to the old pots) or weaponry due to being actually expensive to lose and u would see 1-2 aks in a base rest all pistols due to the high cost. Now you see every sweater driving in millions worth without losing their new player tags, shooting up everyting with rifles like its pocket change.

It's sometimes weird to realise how many old friends don't play at all anymore and don't have knowledge of old features at all, how different perp was. Compared to the 1-2 years within perp most players have lived now and they find the changes big already. They will never understand the struggle of 36k an hour or your stove burning, meth HAVING to explode for it to cook in high quantities with wooden boards structured so they wouldnt fly through your base with a chance of random explosions everywhere. Panicing cause one got free and was rolling sideways through your base.

Now u get raided multiple times an hour by zerg a,b and c trying to kill you, while back in the day you were only very scared when the carrots (Olsen Banden) showed up, you would literally run.

10/10 for builder ranks and prop extension though, we need more rp.

Perp has come a long way and has changed for the better, but damn definitely missing old perp days. Sadly it just has gotten a bit too e-sporty (aka cops vs robbers) and its just blackscreensimulator. (Also FUCK 10 min NLR, it sucks hard)
Vehicles stalling after hitting a sign at 5mph.
grass/corn field at the farm along with the side hut and shooting range
V1 subs( never experienced it on V1), looks cool and all the houses were ownable
Luxury Road @Feng
Hicktown Trailer with no closing front door
Bazaar Music, trying to hear people was impossible
The old 911 text alert was red
AI crane driver squishing people with the container
Admin room
v2 regals without the staircase of death
Using the Box on the back of the old RC truck( bought back with new truck)
Mcquews Ghost
Hills at docks/flobbers street, you thought subs was bad enough
Old meth models that showed danger, meth effect was also good
Sweater vests with actual sweaters
Vehicles not getting damaged at the slightest of taps
Old sirens
McUwes. I still catch myself calling it McUwes today and and every time it happens I want to cry.
I miss the city garage near the spawn. But now you have more movements in the city which is also positive for more interactions with players.