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  1. Madda


  2. Madda

    Old fuck Happy birthday

    Old fuck Happy birthday
  3. Madda

    [ATTACH] Oh god

    Oh god
  4. Madda

    Server Suggestion Splint Suggestions

    The way splints used to work was changed back in August, and it's probably best to keep them as they are now. Will however look into the timer not resetting on death @Locksmith/Jack Locks
  5. Madda

    Yes I know ;) My reply was purely sarcastic

    Yes I know ;) My reply was purely sarcastic
  6. Madda

    This does not change my statement

    This does not change my statement
  7. Madda

    Event Suggestion April Fools day MELEES ONLY

    Not sure what you're referring to here, we only make useful, serious updates, even on the 1st of april
  8. Madda

    Better cars

  9. Madda

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    Say you die at projex, you can still go do your job anywhere else as far as NLR goes. By disallowing them from responding to the same shootout they would still be locked out of the same area as an NLR zone, seeing as shootouts span over a lot of area so they should not go near anyways
  10. Madda

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    Increasing NLR time is something I could actually get behind, rather than reducing cop slots. Scaling the timer on cops on duty or something similar might not be a terrible idea, to somewhat maintain the "difficulty" of dealing with cops while they are low in numbers.
  11. Madda

    Server Suggestion reduce the tfu and cop slots

    With the same reasons as previous suggestions for this was denied. This also leans both ways, with low amounts of cops on duty, it is very hard to defend your property alone or with a friend or two. Raiding solo with a full server should be difficult
  12. Madda

    Server Suggestion Paralake News Job

    It's very likely that the primary thing this would be used for in the long run, is people gaining information while being raided.
  13. Madda

    Server Suggestion Allow G36Cs to take STANAG magazines

    As mentioned this would require switching out the entire magwell
  14. Madda

    Server Suggestion Bazzar

    Option 2 is out of the question. For option 1 you will need to create a rule suggestion.
  15. Madda

    Event Suggestion Rat hunt

  16. Madda

    Event Suggestion Red dawn

  17. Madda

    Map Suggestion Map Suggestions
