Server Suggestion Light horn/High beam

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Description of the idea: Implement a button to enable a high beam or a way to flash your lights (light horn) whenever you press the designated button down. The only way for this to currently do is to spam F (looks shit) which takes a while to disable and enable your headlights. Currently, the brake lights light up more brightly when you're braking which looks like this:


The high beams would work the same way if they're implemented. Depending on how the Developers think how it's best, it would increase the headlight range for about 500 units when enabled like this F1 option we currently have.
(Edit: Am I understanding this feature wrong? It's probably the render distance at which the headlights will start rendering, I have no clue)

If this is too much of a FPS killer I'd rather have a simple implementation that fixes the delay between turning on and off the headlights so we can do it faster, a light horn is a pretty simple way of communication with other vehicles. But then again I've been playing with r_shadows 0 since 2016 so it doesn't impact me.

Why should this be added? (pros): Useful for those traffic situations where you just need to calmy blind the drivers eyes at 3AM, signaling them to go first.
Also useful for officers giving way or flashing their lights indicating to yield or to pull over.

What negatives could this have? (cons): FPS killer if the range extender is added (If this is a reason to not implement this idea then please go with the other option)

Hud implementation:
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Flashing your headlights is actually very common in the UK, although you're not really supposed to. It's used to say thanks, let people go, warn others of upcoming danger etc.

I'd see myself using this quite a bit. I often found myself holding down space just so that my rear lights were visible.
Pls though give us a cool down timer/max about of time you can hold down a horn if this is implemented.
I can relate with the last part for some reason, I've been holding down spacebar at lights just so people would maybe notice my brighter brake lights and not fuck up
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