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  1. Fredy

    Content Bug Report (The return button to go back to other clothing vanishes on ring menu)

    Fixed. You can also back out with right click by the way.
  2. Fredy

    April Fool's

    Today, we are pleased to announce Perpheads' legacy beyond Garry's Mod. As many of you are already aware, some of our developers were given access to s&box in mid 2021 and we have been developing in secret since then. We have decided to start with the best part of the Perpheads gamemode: The...
  3. Fredy

    rxsm for helper

    rxsm for helper
  4. Fredy

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    Some new Variations for familiar Faces Today's update will add a total of 10 entirely new face variations for two models without any variations yet, brought to you by @Jyrgen. These variations are mainly for some of the models that were already being used a lot but had no variations. In the...
  5. Fredy

    How much time is an in-game hour?

    One Perpheads day is 3.5 hours, which means time is passing ~6.857 times faster on Perpheads than in real-life. This means that a Perpheads minute is roughly ~8.75 real seconds and a Perpheads hour is similarly ~8.75 real minutes.
  6. Fredy

    Update log - 15/01/2023

    Today's update includes mostly much needed bug fixes but also some cool new features from @Jyrgen and @_Muffin. Two new police barricade models Added ability to refill fire extinguishers at FD for $250 per extinguisher Removed option to adjust items on sale Items on sale now always display...
  7. Fredy

    Lua Bug Report (Game freezing when buying large quantities of items from NPC)

    This is not an issue anymore
  8. Fredy

    Lua Bug Report (Can't talk in local voice while seated as a dispatcher)

    I just tried it and talking in local chat does work for me as dispatcher, same with 911 calls. Do you maybe use a different key for local chat?
  9. Fredy

    !RIOTING! Storm the intersection they can't stop us all

    I will add a mini gun just for this occasion.
  10. Fredy

    Model Bug Report (Emote animation in corner disappears)

    This is now fixed
  11. Fredy

    Update Log - 11/01/2023

    Today's update is the continuation of an update I worked on months ago, attempting to reduce server lag at high player counts. Back then, we added "packs" of drugs rather than having individual items to reduce server load. Unfortunately, this also caused several issues such as them not...
  12. Fredy

    Update Log - 08/01/2023

    A small update to the update: Added Land Rover defender to be purchasable Reduced distance items on sales will start rendering their text Made text of sales items render in front of everything (might render through props!) Items on sale you are looking at will now have a halo Fixed mayor...
  13. Fredy

    Update Log - 08/01/2023

    Today's update includes a few minor changes, but I also want to take the opportunity to welcome 2 new developers into our development team. @Jyrgen, who already made, and will be making textures and models for us, as well as @It's ANGRY MUFFIN time!!! who will do some Lua coding and who is...
  14. Fredy

    Ban Dispute (console?)

  15. Fredy

    Sindarin's Confession

    Comparatively, you have probably been banned longer for how long you cheated compared to the months that Tyla cheated, so it's a fair comparison. As such, I will accept this ban appeal.
  16. Fredy

    Sindarin's Confession

    Link your original bans I'm assuming you just want to quit and this is your way to leave, but I mean we have a current community manager who actively cheated for months...
  17. Fredy

    Ban Dispute (Console)

  18. Fredy

    Happy Birthday Mikey

    Happy Birthday Mikey
  19. Fredy

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    20th December Today's update are new models for fireworks. Just like the updated bomb models, they were made by @Jyrgen. Massive thanks to him for yet again providing us with high quality models and textures, of which more are to come soon as well! For those of you who do not know yet...
  20. Fredy

    Server Suggestion Cancelling animations by pressing something

    The first part of this is done. Emotes can now be cancelled by pressing C again while emoting (except for surrendering due to gameplay implications). The other part, cancelling picking up weapons, might be added in a future update.
  21. Fredy

    Ban Dispute (@Dank)
