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  1. Chris_

    Action Request (Chris)

    Hi, I repeately told the fireman not to put it out, he kept trying to put it out even after I warned him. He tried to put it out again so I killed him
  2. Chris_

    Action Request (Chris)

    Looks like a life alert to me
  3. Chris_

    Action Request (Chris)

    Literally didn't but ok! I'm waiting for a mods response now take care!
  4. Chris_

    Action Request (Chris) The clip you're on about. I snd_restarted so my sound on my game was fucked for the recording.
  5. Chris_

    Action Request (Chris)

    I'm not? I'll wait for staff to reply i'm not entertaining you. I was well within my right to destroy your store. You scammed me for 80k, I got sweet sweet revenge
  6. Chris_

    Action Request (Chris)

    I never died, I was revived and I took the actions that seemed nessesary you scammed me. I took revenge whilst making sure not to effect other players.
  7. Chris_

    funny and alpha purp muntage

    It's on its way back dw
  8. Chris_

    Omar's Leave

    Cya man wish you the best!
  9. Chris_

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  10. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server

    AFAIK it's hosted in London through OVH don't quote me on that though
  11. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Organization activity tab

    This would be such a good QOL improvement! +support
  12. Chris_

    O ( Shootage )

    W shootage from voyd again
  13. Chris_

    Action Request (Liam)

    User has been banned for 1D for 3.4. -Reviewed with @Collier
  14. Chris_

    Action Request (Oscar The Shark Slayer)

    The original video posted had sound on the situation, can you post the original video without Eminem? @Master Kief
  15. Chris_

    Action Request (Liam)

    @Liam can you explain your actions in this situation.
  16. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Job Milestones

    Amazing suggestion, can see this bringing more fun to the people who grind gov jobs.
  17. Chris_

    My goodbye

    Valentine for honorary
  18. Chris_

    My goodbye

    Take care man, sad to see a familiar face go!
  19. Chris_


    Some cool ideas, but as said by fielding idk it it would fit In perpheads
  20. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Remove ability to cancel reload anim before new round is fed

    That's true, holding an ak and a phone whilst firing isn't realistic in the slightest.
  21. Chris_

    Server Suggestion Remove ability to cancel reload anim before new round is fed

    Definitely need some way to combat this, been killed many times due to this.
  22. Chris_


    Yeah sounds about right.
  23. Chris_


    Hm yes fish.
  24. Chris_

    Map Suggestion Prison area change, expansion, and jailing feature overhaul

    Love this suggestion, when bring sentenced to jail it feels a bit dry nothing to do there no one to rp with +1 from me.
  25. Chris_


    What a lovely cinema, pretty well put together for a femboy
  26. Chris_


    Yeah that's actually our flanking theme tune mate
  27. Chris_


    I appreciate the genuine questions / replies instead of the standard flaming.
  28. Chris_


    That is the plan Bnej, it was set into motion yesterday.
  29. Chris_


    To start with as an organisation we lost alot of raids / defenses due to disorganisation and not paying attention recently that's started to turn around. Percentage wise I wouldn't know as I'm not on 24/7
  30. Chris_


    You forget we also have allies such as imperium romanum, I doubt there was 19 of us inside glassco max we've had basing at once from just our org was around 13 and that was office.