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  1. Slayerduck

    Be back later, maybe

    After 2 months of not playing my PLPD LOA ended and i decided to join perp yesterday for an hour of RP, i signed up on duty and did some passive RP. This included signing my name on someones ass after they kept following us around and ramming us / minging and asking for an autograph. This...
  2. Slayerduck


    Make an IA and in 2 weeks maybe they'll get a 30 day expiring reprimand, unless ofcourse they execute you while unarmed. Then its a written warning!
  3. Slayerduck

    Changes to Senior Administration

    YOU lost YOUR better senior admin i think is what you mean? :laughcry:
  4. Slayerduck

    Why aren't you playing?

    The highest votes are for "lack of actual roleplay", yet none of the things you mentioned have anything to do with roleplay?
  5. Slayerduck

    How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

    Ugh don't tag me on this shit, no matter how many nerfs TFU gets its never enough. Even if TFU lose the majority of the gunfights they'll just turn it around and say stupid shit like "OH BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR GUN SO ITS K" I rather argue with a wall as in the very least it doesn't...
  6. Slayerduck

    wat do

    wat do
  7. Slayerduck


    He poked me on steam to enter, and i like this video =x
  8. Slayerduck

  9. Slayerduck

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    Teamspeak easier for larger communities? Imagine 4000 people on TS Discord is nice because you can be active and not sit in a voice channel all the time, unlike TS.
  10. Slayerduck

    Please explain

    Can't comment on your lagging, told you the timestamp on TS as request 11. Juni 2019 23:39:52 Reason why you were cuffed is because i told officers to cuff all oranges outside of the PD, because the PD raid was clearly imminent at that point.
  11. Slayerduck

    Please explain

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck / Joe Baggers His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Adrish His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70753923 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Running intersection red light / Metagaming I recently recieved an IA complaint on me and have already submitted my statement, since i...
  12. Slayerduck

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    The only reason why people want cheaters back is because they were/are friends. You woudn't want to see that cheater again that ruined your game even after a year.
  13. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Transparency and consistency has not improved since the mentioning of it at the start of the topic, all these unbans so far proved to be fruitless and community is only further being split apart and the user base continues to drop even with the unbanned players being back on perp. What's the...
  14. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Its funny though, previously community banned people for being toxic or cheating are being unbanned. At the same rate the players who didn't cheat or were banned stopped playing because of various reasons, including diagreeing with these unbans or the fast increasingly toxic community standard...
  15. Slayerduck

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    @Husky Perhaps it is my mentality that's the issue for you yeah, i'm not easily influenced or manipulated by others unlike some of those around you. I don't know how you do it but I'm quite impressed in the ways you manage to spin certain people on the tip of your finger and i honestly mean...
  16. Slayerduck

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    @NeluDaHunter If people were to benifit from good RP, and less so from grinding money by drugs etc and sitting on TS or being AFK it would massively improve the server. Will that ever happen? i don't know
  17. Slayerduck

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    @Husky I mean you litterly feed on drama, that's why you make posts like these. You just deflect the issue and ignore everything else? I didn't label your group cancer, i said in my PERSONAL OPINION the current carrots is as much cancer as it was before. Also Kenty was told off about his...
  18. Slayerduck

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    If you can actually roleplay as you stated to do so on others servers then actually do so in perp? Why do you try to prove that you CAN rp to a high standard? Stop acting like its only cops and robbers? Start a business, me and @Garret_Pp did so two days ago. You can label me whatever you want...
  19. Slayerduck

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    Main idea of perp is roleplay, something cheetos don't do at all. Since the cheetos returned as cheetos after being told not to return as cheetos but staff inconsistency is amazing lately. Didn't you play on that nazi rp server? I went on there because Samuel was playing and besides some kids...
  20. Slayerduck

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    Cops usually don't bag it for their own benefit, you get nothing from it. Flanks for guns itself would also be invalid. I didn't read all of this topic answers cuz tldr; but i can tell you one thing: If i made an AR on every mingegrab i see by civs as a LEO i could have my own AR section and 80%...
  21. Slayerduck

    AR Dai

    Sniping in a different game maybe :D
  22. Slayerduck

    AR Dai

    Not sure if this is common practice or if beach is considered public but here is a clip of yesterday with nade mugging at the same spot with Dai watching over and me getting rekt with 1 single bullet from the mp9 across the beach because TFU is to OP so we got no helmet.
  23. Slayerduck


    Looks pretty scary, but imagine it from his pov. A criminal comming down with phone in one and and a full auto rifle in the other :D
  24. Slayerduck

    Update Log - 26/05/2019

    @Saint Wylde The irony of nearly all staff members being in the same org, and yesterday before this applied are already raiding together with non-org members.
  25. Slayerduck

    Pretty juicy right? Downed 3 from there + combat medic

    Pretty juicy right? Downed 3 from there + combat medic
  26. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    I'd just like to say the AK-101 is currently a absolute lazer, whatever you change do NOT buff this weapon further. Changing m4's or whatever is fine by me.
  27. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Husky That's all fine and dandy, i got no problem with you roaming the server and being not-so-good roleplayers. I'm actually serious here, i don't care. Like i said in previous replies my problem lies with the fact that its unacceptable for staff to be this inconsistent and hypocrite by...
  28. Slayerduck

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Husky I mean its literately already repeating, what good have you done since coming? Also i don't believe that being away for a year makes you more likely to break rules. No rule changes are done since last year so you're legit talking bs. The fact all this staff willingly joins after all the...