OrAnGe mAn BaD!

Main idea of perp is roleplay, something cheetos don't do at all. Since the cheetos returned as cheetos after being told not to return as cheetos but staff inconsistency is amazing lately. Didn't you play on that nazi rp server? I went on there because Samuel was playing and besides some kids rdming i seen better and more in dept roleplay in 2 hours then i have seen in the past half a year on perp. Look how many people got unbanned, did the server population go up? You'd think it would if you unban people right?

Perp is to much focused on assets that mean nothing, what is someone going to do with that 3rd sports car? Its a absolute waste of time.
I'm a Super Admin and Game Master (Run all aspects of RP with 2 others), the WW2 server is a lot better with RP and I run multiple factions have done successfully for months, @ShadowJoey / @Mystic / @Samuel can all vouch.

edit: just proof that us 'carrots' can RP to a high standard, Nade was also staff on a FiveM server will a lot more RP around it.

I will ask as you state we do not RP, what do you do in terms of RP that is so special? You are now being labelled as a "Bush camping tfu with an m24" is that accurate?
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If you can actually roleplay as you stated to do so on others servers then actually do so in perp? Why do you try to prove that you CAN rp to a high standard? Stop acting like its only cops and robbers? Start a business, me and @Garret_Pp did so two days ago. You can label me whatever you want and try to advert the issue but in my personal opinion i believe carrots in the current state is as much cancer for the community as it was back in the days.
@Slayerduck I am not labelling you as something, I'm showing you exactly how it looks from our POV. Kenty labelled you as it, not myself yet you see it otherwise? See our point?

Businesses have literally 0 benefit and no one uses them, I remember McYeke making a food shop and just being mugged 24/7 and no one would even use it as Fredy's was 10x easier to get to. Labelling a group as "cancer" derails all arguments as its clear you are unable to hold an actual discussion without resorting to empty insults towards a group of people. Will call this discussion between us over.
@Husky I mean you litterly feed on drama, that's why you make posts like these. You just deflect the issue and ignore everything else? I didn't label your group cancer, i said in my PERSONAL OPINION the current carrots is as much cancer as it was before.

Also Kenty was told off about his actions, i woudn't push it further for his sake but that's up to you.
@Slayerduck I ask for constructive feedback regarding what YOU and other members of the community want from us, you state start a business as your best bit of criticism and resort to insults, whats the point? You still never answered what you do within RP, I've only ever seen you on duty or ERP'ing (each to their own).

Deflecting the issue? If you look at every other reply we have had an actual passive conversation regarding each topic, perhaps its players with your mentality that are the real issue?
@Husky Perhaps it is my mentality that's the issue for you yeah, i'm not easily influenced or manipulated by others unlike some of those around you. I don't know how you do it but I'm quite impressed in the ways you manage to spin certain people on the tip of your finger and i honestly mean that.

In my opinion RP such as businesses, or maybe drug street dealing. Beating, bullying opposing businesses. Petty crime, racial wars. Protesting, being homeless and building a shack behind bank. Fishing, redneck roleplay at hicktown etc etc is something that should be rewarded. I did all of these things and so many more i can't remember. Take the money out of grinding and add money to good roleplay. Although this is not the awnser you wanted because you wanted something regarding the carrot org and not global server issues.
@Slayerduck Weird compliment / insult, I'll just ignore it.

This discussion was regarding ALL Criminal organisations that are labelled as "raiders" hence why I also tagged others, your list of ideas is fine but they aren't rewarded with anything and making money by afk'ing in a property is much easier. You wouldn't actually know but in my own time I reward newer players and assist them with the money I make by running the Org, I don't get them to run to the forums for a recommendation like others but its something that only a few people know - I don't have to blow smoke up my own arse as I'm bored of it.

My intention is not to manipulate you nor is it to influence you to change your ways, you can RP as whatever you like as long as its within the rules and I'll stay quiet about it. Global server issues are brought up everywhere and there's already multiple posts asking for feedback on those issues, if you like I can link you them - send me a DM if you want them =)
OK time for a serious reply.

I don't really do criminal rp anymore and if I do I just steal cars @Madda .
I am usually cop, and yes, it can be annoying dying every 5 minutes by a bright fucking carrot on your screen, but this is the only reason I play PERP nowadays, shootouts.
I mean, today @Sorle and me had a very very awkward traffic stop because his friends literally just started the bank robbery he was in, Sorle started screaming like a monkey on LSD and killed me after running away for a while, I laughed while looking at a black screen because it's funny. I LIKE DYING TO CARROTS BECAUSE THEY HAVE SKILL THAT I CAN COMPETE WITH

Long story short, if you don't want to be raided, die or attacked in general, don't play PERP. Just go play Sims 4 or some shit, there you can quietly do the same thing for weeks.