How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

should we bring back the old PD?

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@Adrish I don’t think it’s really OP considering police officers in many counties and departments carry an issued M4 or other rifle. Obviously we’re not going to remove the ability to patrol because than the idea of being TFU is dull as you’re just sitting there waiting for a shootout and any kind of banter wouldn’t be acceptable at this time unlike in 2015. It’s better that we have TFU in light gear patrolling than heavy gear patrolling so thats really that. Thanks for clearing things up.
That’s quite hard when you have ideas but can’t code them yourself :(
Ugh don't tag me on this shit, no matter how many nerfs TFU gets its never enough. Even if TFU lose the majority of the gunfights they'll just turn it around and say stupid shit like "OH BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR GUN SO ITS K"
I rather argue with a wall as in the very least it doesn't come back with more and more moronic shit.
Yeah lmao PD is just not fun, you gotta be so serious that it feels like you're a robot that just has to follow every law/rule very strictly, obviously I don't mean you can't break the rules and it's bad but a lot of cops just are too serious idk.
Okay so i ain't played in a long time but still TFU is op especially when you are only 2 or 3 people, shit tones of them barge your door down and just spray into your house, they constantly all join spraying trying to wallbang aswell. smh. I propose we bring a gun into the game called the TFU Tapper which is just a minigun you use everytime the TFU pull up and your 10 toes.
It absolutely is, find active, respected officers within the high command and promote them to CoD and DCoD. I find it wild that the high command have yet to find people with the drive of Chrissy, Chris and Jordan in the last 3 years.
The "Old" PD Provided an all inclusive gameplay experience where anyone with VIP Could enjoy taking command or joining a SWAT Team. As fun as it was, since then the PD has undergone many changes to try and ensure that everyone can achieve whatever they want on the grounds that they are able to prove to themselves and the commanders that they are worthy of the role.

The old SWAT System was quite fun and I wouldn't mind seeing it back (Considering I petitioned for it with @Tilin) but now that I've had more time to think about it, as well as acquiring a decent rank in the PD With access to TFU, And seeing how TFU operate, its better to have TFU over SWAT as it reserves roles, such as negotiating with hostage takers and criminals and organising a thoroughly planned raid, to people with the experience to handle them. Whilst SWAT was just sit at PD Til time for Rooty Tooty pointy shooty, TFU Will actively patrol.

Used to agree with the whole "Inactive staff" thing on in the PD, but since I started spending more time in Teamspeak and the administrative areas of PLPD online, I can tell you that the "Inactivity" only exists on the actual server, they're working hard on and other platforms to ensure the PD is running smoothly.

Overall, this just looks like the exact same thread posted this time last year to be honest, and you're probably getting the same replies.