Search results

  1. Puffy Sandvich

    AR on Jack Bingo/Moon

    You decided to run in and raid Regals 4 after a cop tried to pull you over?
  2. Puffy Sandvich

    AR on Jack Bingo/Moon

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Puffy Sandvich/ Aidan Dunham His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Moon /Jack Bingo His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43436378 Why Should This Player Be Punished: As seen in the demo, I was doing a patrol with @Feras for an OR when I saw bingo do a drift in the regals parking lot. As I...
  3. Puffy Sandvich

    More Dynamic car upgrade system.

    Yeah they're already body groups not just one set so I don't get why we can't pay per part we add to the car when it comes to body kits, I'd also like to see this system added in Addition to the current one, where you have some miscellaneous upgrades as well as speed ones
  4. Puffy Sandvich

    Cheap Car Change Main idea: Change the way upgrades work to make cheap cars more viable Description: Upgrades will have two stages, on a car that cannot go equal to or faster than 65MPH, upgrades will be 150k, and will provide only a very minor...
  5. Puffy Sandvich

    AR on Free6ix9ineHeAntDoNuffin

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Puffy Sandvich/ Aidan Dunham His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Free6ix9ineHeAntDoNuffin /Ricky Rozay His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98821312 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He was going on about my miserable life, saying I get my nuts off or whatever on seriously RPing...
  6. Puffy Sandvich

    Replace Suburbs Park

    Subs needs a gas station. If your light comes on out there, you're pretty much fucked. That might be a good thing to put in there, it'd also add some traffic to those streets as right now they're used for church and hiding from cops
  7. Puffy Sandvich

    Fish Sales NPC Main idea: Add an NPC that will buy fish directly from storage. Description: Either add a new NPC as the docks warehouse(the one that's kinda attached to the courier one), the docks next to a boat, or add the feature to poisson's NPC...
  8. Puffy Sandvich

    Smooth Metallic

    Your in-game name: Aidan Dunham/Puffy Sandvich Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51937904 What do you need refunded: 160k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Smooth metallic paint is broken, and looks nothing like what it does at the NPC. Pretty sure it's using the polish skin by accident which...
  9. Puffy Sandvich

    Refund Request - Smooth Metallic

    this happened to me too
  10. Puffy Sandvich

    do you park your car in a garage?

    We rent our garage out to someone with a '63 Cadillac so we don't have room to park our cars in it
  11. Puffy Sandvich

    4 am banter

    I'm more famous as a flying corpse from a Bugatti than I was when I still played...
  12. Puffy Sandvich

    Steam update

    It's the latest buzz around the community, the new steam update. It changed a lot of subtle things and radically changed others. What's your opinion of it?
  13. Puffy Sandvich

    Paralake Roadcrew, now accepting brains as payment!

    PLPD Also has a new inclusive hiring policy! Here you see the first Zombie Officer chasing a fleeing trespasser inside the police department, who also happens to be a zombie.
  14. Puffy Sandvich

    Org wars in general.

    I feel mollies and carbombs should be reserved for people who are the 'higher ups' of the org, you know, people who really are at the top of the org, examples would be org leader, their right hand man, etc. However, I do feel that within reason you should be able to engage other org members in...
  15. Puffy Sandvich

    Make /LOOC usable while dead - Suggestion thread

    Tbh since staff tend to sit on shootouts from time to time anyway, I don't think this would exactly be riddled with abuse. I mean, let's say someone was sitting on it and someone loocs "THEY'RE INSIDE". Staff grabs their body and drags it away for a sit, meanwhile the dead dude can sit there on...
  16. Puffy Sandvich


    I think camera panning would be the most useful thing we've ever gotten but zoom is a good place to start +support, would really help in some of those harder to see areas.
  17. Puffy Sandvich

    V5 ROUNDABOUT IS OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ouch man, that "foreigners are stupid" really got me in the feels. I was just trying to tell you that we have them here too but ok, i see how it is :( Edit: Why did I watch this whole video, I was fucking there lol
  18. Puffy Sandvich


    ey man good looks
  19. Puffy Sandvich

    Gun under GP

    Nevermind, as I seem to have been mistaken here. I could have sworn that I had the gun pointed well before the jumping and pulling a gun, however that's not what the 3rd person shows. Either I'm mistaken or the viewmodels aren't 100% in sync with the world ones, but this can be closed. Even if I...
  20. Puffy Sandvich

    Gun under GP

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Puffy Sandvich / Aidan Dunham His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @peemnaja hideri/max despacito His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6350380 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Pulled a gun under GP (3.4) (Note: @Ethan is the one who shot me, however, he was fine as he was nowhere...
  21. Puffy Sandvich

    GP of cops

    Fair enough, if I won't be banned for pulling a gun under GP in circumstances where he'd just have to pull the trigger because they shot other cops, I'll go ahead and do that. But that's the kind of thing that is very risky to do.
  22. Puffy Sandvich

    GP of cops

    Then in the sit they go "You didn't have proof I'd shoot you, so it's 3.4"
  23. Puffy Sandvich

    GP of cops

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 2.5 - Excessive Negativity Your version of the rule: Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player...
  24. Puffy Sandvich

    Updates in the Future (Criminal + Neutral Roleplay)

    There's a car mod that I can't remember the name of that makes TDM cars have individual parts that need to be replaced in order to function. They used it on monolith and IMO it'd be great for this.
  25. Puffy Sandvich

    Updates in the Future (Criminal + Neutral Roleplay)

    The newspaper actually used to work, but the website went away for "big changes" that we're likely never going to see.
  26. Puffy Sandvich


    Yeah mate, you seem like a pretty nice guy. Even when you get mad about my tickets :p
  27. Puffy Sandvich

    Police Force Player in Car Keybind/Menu

    This would be great because too many people think that they're allowed to "/me resists the officer" while being arrested. If you were allowed to resist the officer, it wouldn't actually pull your player along when you're being dragged.
  28. Puffy Sandvich

    Tear drop

    I never understood why edit videos like this are even popular. I've tried watching them even for games I do play but the camera flies all over the place so much that it's just straight up disorienting and hard to follow. Sure it's supposed to be 'cool' and whatever, but what's the point of...
  29. Puffy Sandvich

    How to properly deal with a deviant

    You bet he was :p