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  1. Mr. Nice

    You too matey <3

    You too matey <3
  2. Mr. Nice

    A beautiful baby boy

    A beautiful baby boy
  3. Mr. Nice

    Mr. Nice returns for real this time. ;)

    how the hell do I get on the server now? I remember I was perma banned and haven't tried since lol? I don't remember why I was perma banned either but hopefully I am not now xd ooo thats clever, ta very much!
  4. Mr. Nice


  5. Mr. Nice

    Mr. Nice returns for real this time. ;)

    Hi guys, keeping it short and sweet. Was a moderator here about over a year a go, I left and I don't really know why. Hopefully the people I met before still remember me and if not well hey, I am Mr. Nice. See you in game ;)
  6. Mr. Nice

    I doubt it but I will be back now. My PC is fixed

    I doubt it but I will be back now. My PC is fixed
  7. Mr. Nice


    Will be back now that my PC is finally fixed :) Will be back now that my PC is fixed :')
  8. Mr. Nice


    Fixed - moderator
  9. Mr. Nice


    Of course I do. The question is do you remember good ol' Neily Jimboob
  10. Mr. Nice

    Reduced activity

    Good luck brother. I miss you; good luck in uni and study hard :D
  11. Mr. Nice

    Will be on the server abit more now my friends :)

    Will be on the server abit more now my friends :)
  12. Mr. Nice


    Cya Alex. Even though I don't play PH anymore, the times we all had were great. We still speak on Steam so its all good I guess. :)
  13. Mr. Nice

    It's been great!

    DannyD, the sexiest baby sitter alive. Had great fun with you on the server man, wish you the best of luck in your future. You will go far mate! Get a Viper IRL.
  14. Mr. Nice

    Ban Request

    Also 3.3, 3.4, 6.3, 2.5, 2.1. Tut tut, such a naughty boy. He had a gun on his back in public (this is illegal according to PL city laws), did not take NPC into consideration (NPC would hear gunshots and see it on his back), putting his life at risk (mugging you/ shooting you next to PD), killed...
  15. Mr. Nice

    19th January - 12th March, thank you PERP-heads.

    19th January - 12th March, thank you PERP-heads.
  16. Mr. Nice

    Mr Nice's/ Victor Zaiger's Resignation post/ goodbye

    Hello everyone of PERP-heads, this may come as a shock to many of you as I recently assumed my Admin position however, due to increasing amounts of school work and pursuing things in my personal life I have decided to resign from my position as Moderator and sadly, say goodbye to the server for...
  17. Mr. Nice

    Taking a break/leaving

    You're the man Arron Cursed "Arron/Faith: Rip in Arron Cursed the last Cursed family member has died out". Firstly, the family has not died out. You guys will go down in history. You were one of my best friends on PERP-heads, thankfully this is not goodbye. I will be playing/ talking to you alot...
  18. Mr. Nice

    Just some video I found of me in my rule breaking days of VS3 (Neil Jimbob)

    Just scrolling through Youtube and somehow stumbled upon a video of me around 3 years ago on the infamous, VS3 PERP server. Was pretty funny, I got banned for 2 weeks for this little gem. You can even hear my prepubescent voice, so don't h8 m8. p.s. for those who have missed me, I will be back...
  19. Mr. Nice

    What you want to do in future

    Work for Fords. I am planning to get an apprenticeship. I did my work experience recently at Fords. I really love automotive engineering and hope to be a product designer. (80-90k per annum)
  20. Mr. Nice

    Incredibly late but heya <3

    Hey mate, what do you mean you have no friends? I see you all the time (my name is victor zaiger) You're a cool guy. :)
  21. Mr. Nice

    What Would You Do?: Being Raided Edition

    Just dont die, you should be good. Get that low, 400 dpi and one bang everyone who trespasses.
  22. Mr. Nice

    Saving Private Ayjay

    You forgot me fam, I was the guy who threw the damn thing aha.
  23. Mr. Nice

    Vehicle selfie thread

    Lamborghini Diablo SV Cost - $2,300,000 Speed - 120mph Additional notes - It has a top speed of 210mph in real life. It is about the sexiest car I have ever seen, after the Chevrolet Camaro Z28 or Ford Mustang Coupe of course. For anyone who thinks this car is ugly, you clearly have no style...
  24. Mr. Nice

    14-02-2015 Update

    These updates are getting better and better, thanks for your dedication Stephen!
  25. Mr. Nice

    Valentines problems

    Focus and work hard = do well in school = good grades = college = university/ apprenticeship = valuable training = good job = money. Focus on yourself and everything else will fall in place. Worry about girls when you're rich buddy. You get to pick after all.
  26. Mr. Nice

    Mr. Nice's inactivity notice <3

    Firstly, this is not permanent. I have already written an inactivity statement to my fellow administrators. Basically, I have just become more and more bored with perp, I do not feel that I am performing my duties as both an admin and a freind to a satisfactory standard. I shall be taking a one...
  27. Mr. Nice

    Ash recommendation (LT) + Police squad

    Basically, I was a hostage along with 2 others. 99% of the time hostage situations go pear shaped however, @Ash managed to save all 3 hostages and kill all of the hostage takers. At first the takers demanded money which @Ash sent through wire transfer, they let each hostage out one at a time...
  28. Mr. Nice

    Ey homie

    Ey homie
  29. Mr. Nice


    Meth lab?