Search results

  1. xhantium

    AR Ian Dalum

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium / Xhantium Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ian Dalum / Enviroment ( or something like that ) His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95763860 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 3.4 and 3.6 I was mugging this player as he left his apartment, and as...
  2. xhantium

    Gustavo Ortega

    Can't comment on phone I'm not trying to divert this AR and he's not asked me to do anything. Just because I'm pointing out your mistakes doesn't mean I'm diverting it nor am i trying to defend Robin I can only agree that he broke 3.4 by running from that gunpoint
  3. xhantium

    Gustavo Ortega

    I get you paniced and all but I still agree with gustavo about you being punished for the two rdm''s especially the last one seems mingy... Also imo you seem to be breaking 2.5 when arriving to regal apartments in your car, instead of using the distance to break you straight on smash your car...
  4. xhantium

    RR For fully loaded famas

    Your in-game name: Xhantium Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21957724 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because rules were broken to take it away from me Evidence: @GraveDinosaur dealt with it Tick:
  5. xhantium

    The Harpers Applications.

    Here you can apply for The Harper organization. Simply fill out the template and post your apply. IG Name / Steam Name: Age: Total Playtime: Combat Experience 1-10: (1 = Aim like hung chow 10= Aim like Walker) Driving skills 1-10: Current money: Cars owned: Preferred Weapon: What can you offer...
  6. xhantium

    The Harpers

    |Loyality|Honor|Respect| History. Is being written. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Members. Leader: Mr X, Also known as Xhantium Harper Right Hand: Spadille Harper Honored Member(s): Tom boi, Also known as Tom Harper...
  7. xhantium

    RR For Xhantium

    Your in-game name: Xhantium Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21957724 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because rules were broken to take it away from me, I spoke to @AyJay about it and he said to make a refund request. I lost 4 fully grown drugs (2 cocaine and 2 weed) then someone who was...
  8. xhantium

    Joe's Refund Request

    Well IRL you can run and point your gun at the same time and even shoot, specially when up close like i was.
  9. xhantium

    The thread everyone was waiting for.

    Im very sad to hear that your leaving Frank. I hope that you will return and not be gone for good, hope we still can talk sometimes. And good luck with whatever you do next
  10. xhantium

    RR Xhantium

    Your in-game name: Xhantium Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21957724 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: AK-47 With 1 full mag. Evidence: Tick: @AyJay
  11. xhantium

    AR on Chopper

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [] Xhantium / Xhantium Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Chopper / Mark Chopper-Read. His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51827207 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 3.3 and 2.5 Evidence (Demo Required)...
  12. xhantium


    Thanks alot aaron, I will promise to do my best to keep it like this :)
  13. xhantium


    Alright, on request of other people I've decided to add a picture of me here.
  14. xhantium

    BR On Xhantium-2.1, 3.4

    Right so here we go. I fleed from the ticket due to the reason I was low on cash due to me just buying new car aswell as i was carrying ammo and mags for guns, that i previusly had killed 2 people with (it was some days ago IRL but I still IC could have been wanted for the murders where i also...
  15. xhantium

    Ban request obidan66

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium / Narek Torossian His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Obidan66 / Eddie Grey His/Her SteamID: 0:0:21957724 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 3.4 and 2.1 Evidence (Demo Required)...
  16. xhantium

    Ban request nickjedl

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sam, don’t remember last name steamname Nickjedl His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58678274 Why Should This Player Be Punished: - Breaking 2.1/2.5/3.3/3.4/3.15/4.1/4.2/4.3/4.5 Evidence (Demo Required): -...
  17. xhantium

    Im sorry my bugatti accidently jumped

    Rest in bugatti
  18. xhantium

    Going too far

    Get back here! you aint leaving
  19. xhantium

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  20. xhantium


    Bye William, I'm sad to see your gone, I hope that sometime in the future you can be unbanned and again join us.
  21. xhantium

    Dem chins everywhere )))))))(((((((((

    Dem chins everywhere )))))))(((((((((
  22. xhantium

    Thanks mate

    Thanks mate
  23. xhantium

    Best RP gamemode besides PERP

    Clockwork HL2RP
  24. xhantium

    The Armenian Mafia

    Welcome to our most recent members!
  25. xhantium

    Ban request - Xhantium

    Well done, Breaking 2.5 (By shooting kevin with his weapon in passive, where you could just have cuffed him) And as I understood you metagamed tyrones name (6.2) (6.1 I think aswell) As for the shooting situation, I was not sure what to do so I just stood still, I didnt notice nathaniel...
  26. xhantium

    What do you do?

    Besides of playing PERP I play GTA V (Add Xhantium on SC if you wanna play). Also Im currently studying web development and im going to university next year. Soon I will spend my time on moving apartment aswell (and it will be a pain because people are so slow and un-reliable in spain..)
  27. xhantium

    Solo raiding/How to Gunpoint Ft. Xhantium

    You forgot to mention how i didnt know about you shotgun as you had it glitched on your back (So it was not visible)