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  1. MegaFro

    Perpheads and Mental Health: A conversation

    This but criminal mains, not just criminal mains but like competitive tryhard 4:3 not letting you passive RP in an apartment mug you, kill your dog steal your car and kill 20 cops from your balcony for 250 dollars and 2 paper towels all while you're in zipties staring at a wall and yawning
  2. MegaFro

    Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

    Fucking love the new apartment interiors, they have a more realistic feel like people would actually live there, I always felt slums and projex were boring.
  3. MegaFro


  4. MegaFro

    What to do when bored in airport

    I had like a 10 hour layover in Dubai once and I just walked around the terminal for the entire duration and used the free wifi to read some stuff, passed pretty quickly, get a coffee and chill yo
  5. MegaFro

    What side do you lay on when you sleep?

    I often times hear that sleeping on the left somehow has benefits, and often times it just felt the most comfortable but now I sometimes sleep on my back in some scoliosis position just to fall asleep
  6. MegaFro

    Help me find new games to play

    rimworld made me fucking addicted
  7. MegaFro

    Org Drug yield should be removed

    I think the opposite way tbh, powerful orgs have ruined criminal RP for me and many others so idc if they lose money when they've got 12 people in their base. But the leaderboard is somthing I don't like because when there are statistics like this people will try to compete for it and especially...
  8. MegaFro

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Not having doors in Business shops seems really annoying, I wouldn't want people to get into the shop before I'm done building it
  9. MegaFro

    Do you enjoy 128 slots?

    I don't PvP so I enjoy the high slots, it makes the city feel alive very alive, so I love it. The only negative aspect for me is driving on city bridge, it is almost always blocked by RC or ambulances due to an accident and then speeding idiots crash into those vehicles causing an even bigger...
  10. MegaFro

    I need actors

    yeah sure i can participate.. but will there be coffee?
  11. MegaFro

    The Best Airline

    Emirates because even on an economy flight they had such a big and comfortable plane to Dubai with good meals on each flight, also their customer support was really good when their site wouldn't change my flight date they quickly responded to me on twitter and got me sorted.
  12. MegaFro


    You were always chill and nice to be around, hope to see you on again :)
  13. MegaFro

    Should taxi really be a premium job?

    Yo, I've been questioning whether taxi should be a premium job or not because I think it's a bit unfair that a passive job costs money to play. I'd like to see what other people think and maybe there's an obvious reason that I'm not seeing.
  14. MegaFro

    12.3 Edit - Right Turn On Red (RTOR)

    I think that cars blocking the pd gate is a real issue but the right turn on red is probably a no for me because of the amount of accidents it will cause, perp drivers aren't known to drive at reasonable speeds when passing the intersection so it'll slow the traffic down even more with the...
  15. MegaFro


    I feel like I'm havng a fever dream
  16. MegaFro

    Show off your Minecraft world!

    Lmao that's a nice way to give tribute to pets, I usually just make a grave with a small memorial. Yeahh that's what impresses me the most, especially buidling that hot air balloon, I would probably fall to my death multiple times trying to buid that, or any of the detailed roofs.
  17. MegaFro

    Show off your Minecraft world!

    Bro I don't understand how you build such things in Hardcore, I struggle enough making that in creative, well done. I play modded and have a decent world but all screenshots are pretty shite so won't send now.
  18. MegaFro

    Meow or wuff

    dogs are fun but cat more low maintance, so meow or wait u mean nya kawaii or woof like furry? yeah nya kawaii
  19. MegaFro

    Who strikes fear into you and why?

    Dom_, because he will use more bombs and throw more grenades than all the guns and drugs inside my property are worth
  20. MegaFro

    Rule of the Month Introduction

    This always annoyed me tbh, people with ADHD ramming a car iout of parking instead of just turning around and parking somewhere else
  21. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Directional Sound Improvement

    Yeah the gunshots are really problematic, the amount of times I've multiple people on PD radio who can't decide whether the shots came from Slums, Regals, or somewhere in the city is way too much, needing us to check every location.
  22. MegaFro

    Model Suggestion Add cat decal

    Nya :3
  23. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Ban Growing in bazaar

    Idkkk I feel like it's really odd banning growing in a specific type of property, and it may cause confusion to new players. This suggestion kinda feels like "I can't raid bazaar and it bothers me that people can grow in peace"
  24. MegaFro

    Was this bleeding or do melee's damage passengers like bullets do?

    People always hit my police car with bats and I don't take damage, so I doubt it was melee because that would be weird
  25. MegaFro

    Model Suggestion Monobloc Chair

    Memes aside, this could be nice to use on the beach for example, and generally I think we need more variety to chairs we can use
  26. MegaFro

    Show Off Your Advertisements!

    This thread went from showcasing advertisements to a heated debate about the RTU wtf, this topic is more sensitive than the Israel-Palestine conflict
  27. MegaFro

    Tomo go sky

    I haven't seen him much but just from the video alone I can tell this guy is fatherless, god bless Fredy
  28. MegaFro

    rxsm montage 9

    Yo good kills and I liked the editing
  29. MegaFro

    ty yo

    ty yo
  30. MegaFro

    Thanks boss

    Thanks boss