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  1. Philip


  2. Philip

    PerpHeads App (IOS ONLY)

    Well, I'm learning xCode and Swift so when I was making a webview app I didn't know what website to use so I just used perpheads. Download HERE And here is a video on how to put it on your iDevice. (Just follow the steps he makes but instead of youtube++ use the perpheads.ipa file. (you will...
  3. Philip


    Hello, as my may have read on the title I'm resigning, that means I will leave my position as retarded cunt, and I will go back to being a nice swedish cunt, I will also be inactive for a while, bye bye.
  4. Philip

    grannys basement pc

    found this in my grannys basement, i have no idea why i took it home i also have no idea why im posting this here for the retards out there, im not being fucking serious
  5. Philip

    well shit

    I've been permabanned for mass rdm, I won't even try to explain myself as there is no explanation to it, except that im a retard, sorry guys, and sorry to the guy in chat that lost his pistol, i hope he recovered.
  6. Philip


    I would like to know how to make an image link, aswell as making the text be in the middle of the screen. (html)
  7. Philip

    It's time for a change.

    Well, after being banned from the forums a lot of times I finally realised something, I'm a fucking asshole, I don't know why, I'm just an asshole. So I thought it was time for a change, I'm going to start being a normal 14 y/o kid that isn't butthurt all the time, I also want to thank @John...
  8. Philip


    I have no time to play anymore as I focus on school and friends, thanks everyone for the good times, bye.
  9. Philip

    2 years! (and 17 days)

    Well as you can see on the title this is a post about me being a member for 2 years, and I just wanted to thank everyone. Almost everyone knows how my time on perp started,I joined with my friends @Fryes @Alexander Smith @swetamtam gurraba and Rijsal, we had a lot of fun, my name was bajamaja...
  10. Philip

    Red Dead Redemption 2 announced!

    Well, Red Dead Redemption 2 has been announced, trailer drops 20 october and the game will be released fall 2017, so what are your opinions?
  11. Philip

    Building another pc.

    I want to have a pc both at my moms and dads house, this pc is on a budget of 300$ GPU and HDD already bought, but I need some recommendations for other parts.
  12. Philip

    League of legends issues.

    Okay, so my pc has recently broken down on me and I'm playing on a potato, so I was going to play some league, but it said that I needed to change my password when I tried to log in, so I logged in online and it instantly took me to the change password tab in settings, so I put in my old...
  13. Philip

    Mafia 3 discussion thread.

    We'll the title kind of tells us what this thread is about. So my question is do you think that some of the mafia 2 characters will be in it, if so, which ones?
  14. Philip


    So after being being on a boat for about 2 weeks my addiction for perp is gone, and I need to take a break. I also love to go outside, so I'm probably not going to play a lot anymore. I know I've made a lot of these, but I'm serious this time. I will most likely be on the forums but I wont play...
  15. Philip

    Won't be on as much as before

    So if you can read you see that I won't be playing much on the server anymore, and there are 3 reasons for that: 1. Every time I live anywhere I get raided and killed. 2. It's aids. 3. It's boring. So I guess I'll see y'all later, thanks everyone, bye.
  16. Philip


    So yesterday I installed realtek audio drivers, and when I restarted my pc all my sound devices were gone except for my pc screen as it uses nvidia sound drivers, but my microphone was gone, my headphones were gone etc, and I haven't found any solution anywhere on the web as everyone says...
  17. Philip

    Monorail app.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: An app for the monorail Full description of the idea: You can see in the app where the monorail is, where the monorails next stop is and when the monorail will be there. Why should it be added?: Because...
  18. Philip

    Monorail app discussion

    I made another suggestion for this, but as all the other ones, it was denied. OLD THREAD Main idea: Monorail app Description: Time when the monorail arrives (RANDOM OR EXACT) Where it is. Next stop. Pros: You wouldn't have to miss the monorail as often, and you could see where it is all the...
  19. Philip

    i5 gets up to 70 degrees C

    ^ is it normal?
  20. Philip


    Hi, I'm not Philip Wood, so stop thinking that I'm Philip Wood, Philip Wood is @cardstarvipe, I'm not, stop thinking I'm @cardstarvipe I'm Ahmed Balcan.
  21. Philip


    will this work?
  22. Philip

    Can't play perp anymore.

    My game lags up every time I see cops, rip money, bye until I've bought my new graphics card and stuff.
  23. Philip


    Hi, I suck at this so I'm not gonna make some long text, I'm just saying goodbye for a while as I'm losing interest in perp and I'm addicted to arma 3. Cya everyone.
  24. Philip

    Being able to use the crowbar as a weapon.

    Topic: ^^ Short explanation (in notes): - Being able to use the crowbar as a weapon. - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Because why not? How many times hasn't a crowbar been used as a weapon and not just as a break-in tool?
  25. Philip


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Philip His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Skudist His/Her SteamID: Dunno Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.22 drove on the wrong side of the highway. Evidence: @Skudist @Fryes (witness)
  26. Philip

    Getting punched

    Topic: ^^^ Short explanation (in notes): - You start bleeding sometimes when getting hit, and you die from it. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): So, when you get hit with someones fists and start bleeding, and you die from it if you don't have a bandage, I think this...
  27. Philip


    So these past days I've been getting to know @Alabin, and he's a very friendly, happy and professional individual. As we all know I'm not very good at making long texts, so I just wanted to recommend him.
  28. Philip

    AR | Tyler Bounce - by Philip

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Ahmed Balcan / 1Philip2Philip His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tyler Bounce / Tyler Bounce His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - Refused to cooperate while under gunpoint. 1.1 - Said "fuck you" in LOOC I also think he broke 3.18 as he heard us...
  29. Philip

    Medics reviving.

    Topic: Medics reviving people Short explanation (in notes): When medics revive people they get stuck in eachother. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Because it's annoying, you have to wait for a long time and sometimes you accidentally arrest the medic instead (if you're...
  30. Philip

    6.3 NPCs

    So, in february @MrLewis made a thread about NPCs and that if you shoot them it's not considered dealing with them anymore. What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 6.3 Your version of the rule: 6.3 NPCs- When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (Non-Player Characters, for example, the NPC that...