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  1. WalkEmDown


    Main idea: Be able to add GIF's on forums as a profile picture Description: Simply, the ability to add GIF's pics on forums profile picture Pros: Expressing more Cons: Nothing really, it's simple. Just a forum idea please DO criticize. @Fredy Would've tagged Tanges but... :/
  2. WalkEmDown

    cardstarvipe, the kid.

    THEY EXECUTED ME RIGHT AFTER. WHITELIST S.W.A.T @cardstarvipe @JarredInator
  3. WalkEmDown

    AR on AmerRox

    Your Steam/In-game Name: DarkShadow/Carl James His/Her Steam/In-game Name: AmerRox His/Her SteamID: Ok. Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: @Blicky
  4. WalkEmDown

    AR on our lovely Alex.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: DarkShadow/Nah His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Alex/RIP-Banned. His/Her SteamID:Nah Why Should This Player Be Punished: Malicious user - User is causing problems to this community's forum, user is slandering other users, creating unnecessary problems, negative to other...
  5. WalkEmDown


    @Venomine is a very good player and very polite to me, he knows the rules and laws to full extend, and not a reggin, but a bad shooter. He showed very good roleplay today and situation handling as a LEO, good job Venomine.
  6. WalkEmDown

    Basic understanding of Powergaming

    Well hello, So alot of times I have seen powergaming and such, and most of you - Not all of you - does not understand the basic of Powergaming. So... Powergaming: Forcing an action on another player Example: ** Hugh procced to drag the man out of the car That is NOT allowed as it's...
  7. WalkEmDown


    So like always, was fucking around with YouTube with the tag. "PERP-Heads" And after minutes of watching vids, I came across a cringy-worthy vid. Enjoy. And please, Spaghetti.. Don't die on us. By the way. It's not my vid.
  8. WalkEmDown


    Gee me indeed. Cant play till thursday due to my motherboard and keyboard bitching around, just a quick notice for you all Oh and by the way, can someone do me a favor and kick @Rogue Car Tyres in the arse for me? Thanks.
  9. WalkEmDown

    Help with my keyboard

    Hi, recently some of my keyboard keys stopped working such as: LEFT CTRL, ENTER, N, B, J, K, L, ;, Z, SPACE. All of them stopped working, and sometime after a brief time it returns, but not this time, Tagging indian Tech. Support @Alex_:D @hi im ayjay - On phone I forgot...
  10. WalkEmDown


    Hi, for some reason i am unable to talk/type even hear other players within in-game, i'm not the only one who's having this issue, and I've done lots of things but still didn't work, any fix? Thanks xoxox E: Tagging @JordonBrooker
  11. WalkEmDown

    AR on 2

    Your Steam/In-game Name: DarkShadow/Carl James His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Toni Rigatoni/ STEAM_0:1:44627859 |||| MidoTheCigar/idk His/Her SteamID: idk Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5: So i knock on there door and gave them a burger, they gunpointed me and told me to get in...
  12. WalkEmDown


    Your in-game name: Carl James Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:73315798 What do you need refunded: 5 Full AK mags Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My AK mags just literally disappeared from my storage, @Minilarro checked logs but he couldn't find anything Evidence: Tick: @MoronPipllyd @Bolli
  13. WalkEmDown

    Character History/Biography

    This is a small IC section, For better PassiveRP and to increase it, Follow the example underneath, (-TOTALLY NOT STOLEN-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character name: Aliases Nationality: (What nationalities does your...
  14. WalkEmDown

    Bye Yo!.

    Hi there, You Probably don't know me.... But i Joined: Jan 28, 2015! First time i was playing on the server it was amazing.. I was lost due to the huge map!... Then some guys helped me pass the police officer test, Then i started liking the server more and more until i was addictive to it, I...
  15. WalkEmDown

    Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: DarkShadow / Carl James His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @[PH]Synatec \ Efua Luxion His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71523592 Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player broke 3.4, 3.3, So i saw her parking illegaly (infront the PD's vehicle exit) Then asked her "Is this...
  16. WalkEmDown

    Welcome to the underground club, How tough are ya?

    Post "How tough are you" down below!. I'm so tough that I ate the lowest spicy sauce at Nandos
  17. WalkEmDown

    Chris + Sgt.James

    Today I've roleplayed with Chris and Sgt.james, their roleplaying is amazing! They take it very seriously, They are very calm and confident, Without them the police force would be aids, Thank you Chris and james for the amazing roleplay! @Chris \ @Sgt.James
  18. WalkEmDown

    Daymon the Moderator.

    I dont know how to start and where to start from, But... Daymon is great, active, Friendly, Handful Moderator who always helps people, I was asking myself "Why He is not promoted yet?" I kept asking myself this question everytime i see him helps people Improving himself day-after-day I really...
  19. WalkEmDown

    Refund Request M4A1 Fully loaded.

    Your in-game name: William Snow Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:73315798 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Fully M4 Weapon Evidence: "If one of the staff members had a look in the BR, would please confirm me Refund...
  20. WalkEmDown

    Ban Request Lucas [Panzer kommandant] + Refund.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Shadow/ William Snow His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lucas [Panzer kommandant]/Lucas Westerlund His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:66530096 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was in my apartment, he was an officer, when i first opened the door of my apartment, he shot me in...
  21. WalkEmDown

    Whisperers Application.

    Out Of Character Information! : SteamID : How old are you? : Where do you live? In Character Information! IN-GAME Name? : How old are you? Race (Black, White, Yellow?) : What car do you have? Firearms Level? : Why do you want to join "Whisperers"? :
  22. WalkEmDown


    Whisperers is a Secret org. We give Free weapons for the New Members . A Worthy and Trusty org that Work's for Respect and Revenge. Leader W.S Co-Leader A.M Major C.B ALLIES WITH :None ENEMIES WITH :None "Judge those who do injustice to me, fight with those who fight with me!"
  23. WalkEmDown

    Homer For Moderator.

    I really recommend Homer to Moderator, Why? He is Helpful He is active He really helped me so much He is funny :D ------ He should be a moderator, He is active all day, although so much players on the server, He really helps alot, Roleplay funny XD, I think he is worthy and deserves to be a...