Search results

  1. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Add a way to tell if your mic is not outputting.

    Suggestion Title: Add a way to tell if your mic is not outputting. Suggestion Description: Either make the mic icon up top dim and then glow brighter when you talk or the 3 volume lines appear or disappear to show if your mic is outputting audio. Showing level of audio is abit too much work...
  2. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Boost the fire truck by 5mph.

    Suggestion Title: Boost the fire truck by 5mph. Suggestion Description: Boost the top speed of the fire truck to 55 or 5mph boost from its current speed as the speedometer isn't totally accurate. The ambulance and tow truck have a 20-25 mph speed gain on the fire truck and this difference is...
  3. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Allow EMS+FD to right click to join other units.

    Suggestion Title: Allow EMS+FD to right click to join other units. Suggestion Description: Allow EMS+Fire to right click to join other peoples units like the recently accepted PD suggestion. EMS...
  4. TaliaKuznetsova

    A thank you to the community.

    I wanted to give a thank you to the community and the improvements it's made. Yesterday I held a small memorial parade and service for one of my IRL fire department members who passed Friday after a year and a half battle with esophageal cancer. Nobody minged, even civilians showed up, and...
  5. TaliaKuznetsova

    Model Suggestion Rip the deckgun off the fire truck.

    Suggestion Title: Rip the deckgun off the fire truck. Suggestion Description: The deckgun on the fire tuck is an eyesore at best and a hinderance at worst. Remove it from the model (This will not expose new faces that have to be filled in, i decompiled it myself to see) to fix these issues. With...
  6. TaliaKuznetsova

    Model Suggestion Cheap breakable target prop.

    Suggestion Title: Cheap breakable target prop. Suggestion Description: Add a cheap target prop that splinters/breaks like wood when shot once to allow people to train their firearms skill. People could then rent farm or the woods and train their firearms skill, possibly even creating player...
  7. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Add MVA/RTC/ETC to the quick incident menu for all jobs

    Suggestion Title: Add MVA/RTC/ETC to the quick incident menu for all jobs Suggestion Description: The new quick incident menu is great but it lacks one for RTC/MVA calls which are incredibly common on the server. These need to be cleared quickly and this would help to avoid having to make...
  8. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Add a outline to every text box on the new ui.

    Suggestion Title: Add a outline to every text box on the new ui. Suggestion Description: This is a last attempt to get the ui tolerable by me after my last attempted was denied in literally 2 minutes. One of my friends who did gmod coding mentioned this is doable after i told em about this...
  9. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Add a outline to every box.

    Suggestion Title: Add a outline to every box. Suggestion Description: This is a last attempt to get the ui tolerable by me after my last attempted was denied in literally 2 minutes. One of my friends who did gmod coding mentioned this is doable after i told em about this change and whatnot...
  10. TaliaKuznetsova

    Leaving due to UI making server physically uncomfortable.

    Greetings everyone. You know me as John Perkins fire fighter axe murderer and somehow twice firefighter of the year despite my best efforts. With the new UI I get a literal headache and my request for a tick option for accessibility was insta-denied so I unfortunately have to quit the server...
  11. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Accessibility: Option for the old ui.

    Suggestion Title: Accessibility: Option for the old ui. Suggestion Description: Add an option back for the old UI as the new one is gigantic, hard to see, and gives me a literal headache looking at it. The old ui was 400% fine and had order, it was contained in boxes so you could see it better...
  12. TaliaKuznetsova

    Bug Report (CPR not working)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: CPR not working How to reproduce the Bug: Go to body and kneel, Press R and CPR does not work. All other features work with the fists. Can't show via video due to no key logger to show on screen.
  13. TaliaKuznetsova

    Bug Report (Game freezes and controls lock up but voice receive still works. Can't move and see others.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Game freezes and controls lock up but voice receive still works. Can't move and see others. How to reproduce the Bug: Unknown. It happens at random. Errors: Randomly a few minutes after a demo restart i'll freeze and nothing updates, i'm floating, and...
  14. TaliaKuznetsova

    Action Request (YoungHabby | Cudder)

    Your Steam Name: TaliaKuznetsova Your Roleplay Name: John Perkins Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43037774 Player's Steam Name: YoungHabby | Cudder Player's Roleplay Name: Habby Faneto | Riley Brisco. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:122905120 | STEAM_0:0:29849330 Why should this player be...
  15. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Change City gas delivery to Fire gas delivery.

    Suggestion Title: Change City gas delivery to Fire gas delivery. Suggestion Description: The city gas station delivery spot makes 0 sense, the hardware shop is 2ft from it. Meanwhile at slums or as a FF we have to walk or drive all the way over there to get our stuff when other places dont have...
  16. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Add little popups to vehicles for controls for new players.

    Suggestion Title: Add little popups to vehicles for controls for new players. Suggestion Description: Add a popup in the corner context menu type (like when it says you cant get in with the wrong keys) that new players get everytime they get into a vehicle until their new player tag vanishes...
  17. TaliaKuznetsova

    Paralake Fire Department at its finest

    I have some weird footage bugs of non game screens showing up so if you see flickering thats why. But heres some clips i've been collecting of our fun on the PLFD. Axe clip is from Creepis.
  18. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Allow Specialist+ FF/Medic equivalent to demote

    Suggestion Title: Allow Specialist+ FF/Medic equivalent to demote Suggestion Description: Allow Specialist FF+ and the medic equivalent to demote people in their respective jobs below their rank. Having them able to manage their departments allows for better job assurance and you wont get a...
  19. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Add a small chance for fire alarms to be false.

    Suggestion Title: Add a small chance for fire alarms to be false. Suggestion Description: Add a chance for there to be false alarms for the fire department. This can either be locations that normally do not burn or any location as of right now that can trigger alarms can trigger a false one. We...
  20. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion increase the timer for car part auto deletion

    Suggestion Title: increase the timer for car part auto deletion Suggestion Description: As of right now the roadcrew car part removal tool is useless. The car parts despawn before the fire can get put out or right as the roadcrew appears. Doubling it would fit a good area of lag vs actually...
  21. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Investigation tool for FD

    Suggestion Title: Investigation tool for FD Suggestion Description: Add the ability for higher ranking FD (senior and up or specialist and up?) to investigate near fires for stuff to find the cause of the fire. It would wear off after awhile say 5-10 minutes after ignition? This isnt advanced...
  22. TaliaKuznetsova

    Map Suggestion Speed up the FD doors.

    Suggestion Title: Speed up the FD doors. Suggestion Description: The FD doors suck and i always ram into them as they dont open fast enough. They should be sped up to prevent this. Why should this be added?: - No more slamming into the door trying to respond and having to wait. What...
  23. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Re-Add Stall on HEAVY collision

    Suggestion Title: Re-Add Stall on HEAVY collision Suggestion Description: Back in the day you would stall on heavy collision, i mean screen goes red and the car would bounce back kind. This was removed at some point and it feels lacking. The server used to lag so bad you'd get random 200 ping...
  24. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Remove FF dieing penalty.

    Suggestion Title: Remove FF dieing penalty. Suggestion Description: After being shot at for no reason trying to escape a shootout and dieing I found this dumb penalty exists. It should be immedietly removed as it has no reason to exist and doesnt make sense. Dieing should not be a punishment...
  25. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion A possible solution to FF ladders request

    Suggestion Title: A possible solution to FF ladders request Suggestion Description: So physical ladders are met with screaming BUT ABUSE so i decided to skip the ladder entirely. We need them as FF we have constant roof fires and if we dont have staff on we're essentially forced to wait. All...
  26. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion FF share vehicle keys.

    Suggestion Title: FF share vehicle keys. Suggestion Description: As it stands right now unlike PD, FF do not share keys when in the same squadron together. This should be fixed so if someone goes afk because they have massive gut issues or grabbing a soda you don't have to spawn another truck...
  27. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Craftable Splint.

    Suggestion Title: Craftable Splint. Suggestion Description: We can make bandages, We can make stimpacks, why not splints? Potential recipie: Bandage (the wrap), metal pipe (the long one, for immobilizing limb), glue (for adhesive). Why should this be added?: - Adds another medical item...
  28. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion Fire Fighters don't burn when dead.

    Suggestion Title: Fire Fighters don't burn when dead. Suggestion Description: We don't burn when alive, why should we burn when dead? Ingame fire fighters are immune to burning but not damage, indeed IRL our equipment is flame resistant and self extinguishing but heat soak and heat bleeding...
  29. TaliaKuznetsova

    Server Suggestion EMS and FD tooters (Or job tooters as a whole)

    Suggestion Title: EMS and FD tooters (Or job tooters as a whole) Suggestion Description: EMS and FD should have a job specific tooter that anyone in the job (or specific ranks. FF and Paramedic (one past junior) should do) that they can use to talk to the community or hiring posts or more...
  30. TaliaKuznetsova

    Lua Bug Report (Fire Fighter Leach immunity broken.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Fire Fighter Leach immunity broken. How to reproduce the Bug: Swim in the lake as FF and you will get attacked by leaches. This occurs even when your head is far above water. We're supposed to be immune to them and it did work before but suddenly broke.