Search results

  1. LEWIS 088

    The Fall Of The Third Reich | 1945 (This is a goodbye post)

    The Formal Surrender Of German Forces - 1945 - Colourized Man where do I even start? I'm not one for writing loads of stuff so I'll keep this all as short as possible. For those of you who didn't know, I joined this community in 2013 (I know it doesn't feel real after 8 years that it's...
  2. LEWIS 088

    Paralake Residents Association

    Ingame Name: Steam Name: Playtime:
  3. LEWIS 088

    Paralake Residents Association

    Introduction Being a new player here in Paralake can be difficult, that’s why I’ve decided to create the “Paralake Residents Association” our goal is to make the city a welcoming place to any newcomers who are struggling to fit in or figure out how everything works around here. OOC Disclaimer...
  4. LEWIS 088


    I'll start off by stating that I do not post recommendations on players very often (because I hate you all) but @Efan definitely deserves to be noticed for his hard work in the last few weeks. It's no secret that I publicly displayed my disproval of Ethan getting the role of Community Manager...
  5. LEWIS 088

    How to become enraged!

    Honestly this probably has to be the most annoying thing on the server!
  6. LEWIS 088

    13/07/2020 - Rule Changes

    13/07/2020 - Rule Changes Hey everyone, You may have recently saw that some rule suggestions have been accepted, this post will clarify what was changed or added. You will notice these changes go live in the next few days, for now follow the current rule list. Rule Amendments 4.4 Roadcrew...
  7. LEWIS 088


    I am sorry for saying that you're the type of person who would play DarkRP and Hellzone. I should have thought about what I said, I am sorry. please forgive me @Madda
  8. LEWIS 088

    Increase the paycheck for all jobs (excluding officer)

    Description of the idea: Increase the paychecks for each job to a much higher amount, To get a basic idea I made a list below. Paramedic - Raise to at least $450 per minute ($787 per minute as VIP) Firefighter - Raise to at least $350 per minute ($612 per minute as VIP) Roadcrew - Raise to at...
  9. LEWIS 088

    Server Suggestion Category Sorting: The ability to sort the weaponry list by firearms level

    Description of the idea: Add the ability to sort the mixture categories by things such as "crafting level" Firearms level" "Alphabetical Order (What is currently is) "Raw price" So highest level would be at the bottom and the lowest at the top etc, this makes it easier for people to see what...
  10. LEWIS 088

    WEAPON ATTACHMENTS: List them as a specific group in the inventory storage.

    Main idea: List all weapon attachments into one group in the inventory storage (Not crafting components) Description: Currently items like suppressors, stocks etc are all classed in the category "other" this makes finding items a little tedious especially if you have a massive inventory, I...
  11. LEWIS 088

    GENES: Raise the limit to 20

    Main idea: Raise the Gene limit to 20 instead of 15 (Or raise it higher to 25) Description: Pretty self explanatory Pros: Something extra for players to work towards maxing out, also allows more players to craft more stuff by letting them add more genes. Cons: I can't think of any so discuss.
  12. LEWIS 088

    Perpheads Maps: Evocity Map - Basic locations added

    I'll update it later with full locations.
  13. LEWIS 088

    My return to the community

    Hello all, I'm sure pretty much all of you will not know who I am since I left over 14 months ago, so let me go ahead and introduce myself again for you all. I'm Lewis, or as I'm commonly known as Nazi Fuhrer LEWIS 088 I joined this community in 2013 (I know that long ago) and signed up to...
  14. LEWIS 088

    LEWIS 088 - The time has finally come, thank you to everyone.

    So as you can probably see, I no longer have the rank of Administrator for this wonderful community, to provide a quick insight into what happened. My activity started to fall around the end of the 2016 period (November) this was down to me getting a full time job and other life commitments, i...
  15. LEWIS 088

    Revert Rule 5.4 to Previous state.

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.4 City Employees Under most circumstance paramedics may not be killed. The only exception to this rule is where the medic has failed to follow reasonable orders given under gunpoint (i.e. a medic must be given orders to leave before shooting)), furthermore...
  16. LEWIS 088

    [Award] Sergeant Emilia Matheson (Wewai)

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT AWARDS Forum Name: @Wewai Awarded: Police Meritorious Achievement @Wewai Recently undergone one to one training with myself and quickly proved why he is part of the Division as he almost immediately received a commendation from @Medulla For his excellent...
  17. LEWIS 088

  18. LEWIS 088

    Xquality, Stephen and Fredy

    I think we can all agree that the level of commitment they have given to this community is amazing, they just keep improving the community every day and I think they deserve some recognition for there hard work. Thanks @Fredy @Xquality @StephenPuffs This update is dank.
  19. LEWIS 088

    [Promotion] Senior Officer Gavin Crawford

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PROMOTION Forum Name: @Deezy Rank: Officer Promoted Rank: Senior Officer
  20. LEWIS 088

    [Promotion] Lieutenant Jack Morman

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PROMOTION Forum Name: @Super_ Rank: Sergeant Promoted Rank: Lieutenant Note: Promoted due to his dedication to the department and to fulfill his new duties as a Lieutenant in Dispatch Command.
  21. LEWIS 088

    My time on Perpheads

    Perpheads is awesome. Was finding a cool screenshot for @Fasool and remembered all the cool stuff. My first ever picture from Perpheads on Evocity around January 2014 Sweater @arron/faith and Giant @StephenPuffs @Xquality decided to make himself tiny. I was the third person to own...
  22. LEWIS 088

    Action request

    Please adjust your Action Request accordingly; Remove all references to MrLewis and focus on the user, Regarding MrLewis's actions please make a staff complaint if you feel he has violated any server rules.
  23. LEWIS 088

    Joe Baggers - Slayerduck

    I don't feel players like Joe get enough credit for there outstanding contributions to role play. This was Joe's house on the server, no drugs or nothing purely done to enhance role play. @Slayerduck Keep up the good work Joe! (And thanks for helping me the other night when I made a...
  24. LEWIS 088

    [Promotion] Lieutenant Walker

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION PROMOTION Forum Name: @Walker Rank: Sergeant Promoted Rank: Lieutenant Note: Has been promoted to fulfill his role as Lieutenant of Dispatch Division.
  25. LEWIS 088

    Dispatcher: Pay Rise

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: To raise the pay of the Dispatcher. Full description of the idea: Raise the pay of Dispatcher by a minimum of 100% (So if we earn $150 a minute it would raise to $300 a minute) At the moment Captains...
  26. LEWIS 088

    Updated Idea | Remove Dumb Rating & Bad Spelling Ratings.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Remove Dumb Rating and Bad Spelling Options. This idea is not to remove the other ratings! Full description of the idea: Remove the option of rating a post as "Dumb" or "Bad...
  27. LEWIS 088

    Steam 2016 Summer Sale 23rd June 2016

    Who is hyped! What games are you guys going to be buying? I'm looking to buy; GTA V Game Dev Tycoon Hearts Of Iron IV Day Z What about you guys? and what is your budget, I've put aside £720 for this shit :D
  28. LEWIS 088

    Lizard this is you

  29. LEWIS 088

    Gang Beasts - Code Giveaway

    Name: Why you want the game: Do you like Germany: I have two codes to give away.
  30. LEWIS 088

    [TT-NL] Gewad - Gewad Coleman

    This user made a great role play situation just now, he was acting suicidal and role played it out perfectly! He reminded me of what it is like to see great situation on the server, this is someone who is very good at role play from what I've just seen! He got the police to bring his friend...