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  1. Lelios1

    Update Log 15/07/2022

    Update Log 15/07/2022 A small update will go live later today which will make all of the custom animations (gestures, healing, lockpicking, drawing weapons etc.) have a smooth transition to the player's stance at the start and end of the animation. I had been trying to figure out a way to do...
  2. Lelios1

    Traffic Signs Change?

    Which do you prefer? We would still have mph. Here's an image cause why not
  3. Lelios1

    Map ideas needed

    We are thinking about making a new version of the map. Removing all CS:S textures took the majority of the time for the V5 release. Since this is now done we can focus on more substantial changes. However, we are also hitting all the limits of gmod, so adding anything big might also require...
  4. Lelios1

    Should Apartment Windows Be Breakable

    Should the windows of Regals, Slums, Projex and Suburbs be breakable and if yes, how much of a gameplay changer should it be. I already have one option in mind but what would you guys want.
  5. Lelios1

    Weather and mainly Rain

    Opinions on rain coming back to perp? What did you not like about rain that you would like to be removed or changed if it was to come back? Feel free to discuss/add anything about the weather system in general, the rain is the main focus because it is considered the most annoying. This isn't...
  6. Lelios1

    Update Log - 02/06/2021

    Update Log - 02/06/2021 A map hotfix has gone live today in order to fix a few things from launch. Here are the changes: A couple of props in the hospital are no longer floating. One of the smokestacks' hitbox no longer extends to the interior of Parker. The bank interior is slightly...
  7. Lelios1

    New Monitor

    While looking for a 1440p monitor I stumbled across the Dell S2721DGF 27". It does feel a little too premium as I only have a 1060 but the plan is to keep the monitor for quite a few years since I don't imagine myself needing 4k anytime soon. Has anyone had (or heard) any bad experiences with it...
  8. Lelios1

    Server Suggestion Uncraftable props

    Description of the idea: Make uncraftable props craftable Why should this be added? (pros): More options available for players to decorate their properties with. There are a lot of great props already in the game, just uncraftable (I say a lot but only 3 props come to mind tbh which are the...
  9. Lelios1

    Update the donation page

    Description of the idea: Update the donation page on the forums as it is slightly outdated. More drugs (2 planters max instead of 1) Always get a gov car regardless of limit (except speed enforcement) Custom clothing Why should this be added? (pros): Current one is outdated thus might be...
  10. Lelios1

    Server Suggestion inability to reload while sprinting/jumping

    Description of the idea: When you are sprinting or jumping , you won't be able to reload your gun. You'll still be able to reload a gun if you are running (with shift). Why should this be added? (pros): I find sprinting way too overpowered in shootouts. With no build up required to reach full...
  11. Lelios1

    Reduce normal officers' NLR

    Description of the idea: Reduce a normal officer's (NOT tfu) NLR after they respawn to 3-4 minutes (could also scale it with how many officers are on duty, the less the more the reduce). Why should this be added? (pros): Gives people more of a reason to get away from an area after a shootout...
  12. Lelios1

    The only sensible way to answer the door

    Just wanted to ask for a lift
  13. Lelios1

    Change less stuff in v5

    Main Idea: Change less stuff for Paralake v5, so it being finished is a realistic scenario. Full description of the idea: I have no idea what is already been done and what not for v5 but I understand that, since there were a lot of things in mind to be changed, the development of the map has...
  14. Lelios1

    Just something I was thinking about

    I don't like how some people act when they think someone is breaking a rule. I'll give a small example: Firstly let me clarify that not everyone does this, but I have seen quite a lot of situations like this going down and in my opinion it is a very bad thing to do. This ruins the enjoyment...
  15. Lelios1

    Show off topic threads on "whats new"

    Description of the idea: Have off topic threads show on the whats new tab. Why should this be added? (pros): If you are checking whats new, you want to see all the new threads, whats the point of not having off topic on it. What negatives could this have? (cons): None
  16. Lelios1

    Add a Hmmmm forum rating

    Description of the idea: Add a HMMMMMM rating Why should this be added? (pros): More ratings to show how we feel about a post or reply or comment or something that is ratable Hmmm rating covers a range of emotions someone might have and could be relevant everywhere like doubting something. Le...
  17. Lelios1

    Forums | Replying to replies

    Description of the idea: Have the ability to reply (comment) on replies on all forum sections, without being forced to quote them instead. Why should this be added? (pros): There can be a small discussion on a certain point that was brought up by a player who just made a reply without having to...
  18. Lelios1

    Add some soundscapes

    Main Idea: Add some soundscapes on a few places. Full description of the idea: Remember the soundscapes on Evocity? Imagine something like this but instead of constant sirens and shots being fired we have some rather quiet sounds of birds, air, the sea etc on places that they fit. The noise...
  19. Lelios1

    Shoutbox and the getting tagged colour

    Description of the idea: Change the colour to make the text readable. Why should this be added? (pros): Very hard to read a message if the person who wrote it tagged you. What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects] *Images: Note that the text in this particular...
  20. Lelios1

    Make the PH graffiti a hint for DD locations

    Main Idea: Put the PH graffiti to all DD spots and make them easier to spot from public spots (like roads, players should still be looking out for them to spot them though, don't make them too obvious). Full description of the idea: Main idea ^, also the current spots where the graffities are...
  21. Lelios1

    Allow helpers to add polls

    Description of the idea: allow helpers to add polls Why should this be added? (pros): more people have the ability to add polls to suggestions where the maker forgot to add one = could have faster poll addition times, probably less suggestions will be left without a poll. What negatives could...
  22. Lelios1


    Type of bug: map Description of the bug: There is a hole at the scrapyard How to reproduce the bug: Go to this location at scrapyard *Media:
  23. Lelios1

    Shoutbox thread notifications

    Type of bug: website Description of the bug: when you reply or create a thread at the development section of the forums there won't be a chatbox announcement on the shoutbox :( How to reproduce the bug: create a thread or reply to one on the development section Time stamp(s): :3
  24. Lelios1

    Scrapyard (and mainly that ladder area)

    I was thinking of a good way to replace the ladder cause it feels a bit clunky. I thought about using that green train which reminded me of that final fantasy 7 place and I liked it a lot so I did! Feedback would be great! This doesn't necessarily need to be a map suggestion so if you want to...
  25. Lelios1

    Map Suggestion Add the hicktown trailer with the broken door

    Main Idea: Add the hicktown trailer with the broken door Full description of the idea: Add the hicktown trailer with the broken door Why should it be added?: More properties, gives the hicktown area more walls. Pros: More properties More stuff at the forest Wont feel as empty Cons: Might...
  26. Lelios1

    Update logs and changes

    Description of the idea: This is entirely on the devs (and SA+ when they make changes) and if they can be bothered with it but: The idea is basically to log all changes that are made and are noticable to the normal player and make them into update logs. Examples of changes that were not on an...
  27. Lelios1

    Changing this specific "death" tip

    Description of the idea: Change this tip about weapon attachments to something better like "If you want more controllable recoil, or to just make your weapon look cooler, think about investing in some weapon attachments!" or just "Some weapon attachments help with recoil control" or even "Some...
  28. Lelios1

    Muffin's cwb dispute

    Appealing for: Community Wide Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Fredy Your Steam Name: Muffin Your In-game Name: Brian Husky Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:61970518 Why were you banned?: I guess for "jumping on the bandwagon" on the shoutbox. Why do you feel...
  29. Lelios1

    Add a "what?" rating

    Description of the idea: Add a forum rating named "what?". It will act as a neutral rating. Why should this be added? (pros): More ratings to express someone's feelings. It can be used to posts that make no sense, are controversial or are silly. What negatives could this have? (cons): Might be...
  30. Lelios1

    Change the senior moderator colour to something else

    Description of the idea: Something else, anything, other than the one now. It's so dark and unpleasant to the eyes. Please, anything else :C Why should this be added? (pros): Less eye poisoning What negatives could this have? (cons): Need to think of another colour Need to remake the forum tag...