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  1. Eviction Notice

    Not able to join anything

    then that begs the question as to why
  2. Eviction Notice

    Not able to join anything

    how did you even manage to age restrict a video showing a menu
  3. Eviction Notice

    PH Community Minecraft server

  4. Eviction Notice

    hello perpheads ask me anything

    where is the bucket now?
  5. Eviction Notice

    22/02/2021 - Community Team Changes

    redemption arc complete congratulations tyla jai
  6. Eviction Notice


  7. Eviction Notice

    Streaming on PERP

    no thanks
  8. Eviction Notice

    Streaming on PERP

    bet as for the rest tldr cba reading
  9. Eviction Notice

    Streaming on PERP

    if you disagree with this statement then you're part of the reason the community went down the shitter in the first place
  10. Eviction Notice

    Streaming on PERP

    why should the whole community change their behavior because some loser wants to stream themselves playing cop to their three viewers?
  11. Eviction Notice


    they not keeping the bobbies well compensated these days?
  12. Eviction Notice

    Giving away a 2015 Doll

    Nicolas Bronson
  13. Eviction Notice

    Community Manager

    the reformed storyarc is complete
  14. Eviction Notice

    Moderators overstepping their bounds and enforcing rules that do not exist (BOOMER THREAD 2.0)

    >stop acting like staff are paid to babysit you we don't want to be babysat, so why are they doing so by using their powers excessively?
  15. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 18/10/2020

    combat knife now top tier?
  16. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    i am mr brightside, hello
  17. Eviction Notice

    Should CM have been voted on?

    The issue is the idea itself, not the outcome we got at this time. Sure, I have no doubt Dom would be a fine community manager, however you can't scoot around the issue by saying "let it go."
  18. Eviction Notice

    Should CM have been voted on?

    Considering my last post was unnecessary for whatever reason, I'll say it again: no.
  19. Eviction Notice

    Should CM have been voted on?

    so why would he go against the community's interest purposefully? seems kind malicious in intention that doesn't it?
  20. Eviction Notice

    Should CM have been voted on?

    If Tiny wanted the community to have a vote, then surely this suggestion should already be accepted?
  21. Eviction Notice

    Should CM have been voted on?

    @Lelios1 what part of it is unnecessary?
  22. Eviction Notice

    Should CM have been voted on?

    Frankly I find it retarded that staff create new ranks to 'engage with the community' only to then decide among themselves who should be our voice, good job Samuel, you've done it again.
  23. Eviction Notice

    the no russian one

    @Collier its fine bro we're pretty used to disappointment
  24. Eviction Notice

    i am once again asking for your financial help

    i am once again asking for your financial help
  25. Eviction Notice


  26. Eviction Notice

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    mustache man back at it again
  27. Eviction Notice

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @obidan66 claiming that some bloke in charge is responsible for every single death due to a virus is pretty fuckin dumb
  28. Eviction Notice

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    Most of the shit on this thread is straight up illegal or disgusting, so i'll just throw in a wholesome story from my short time in London. Went down to some blues bar with two of my uni mates after working at pub all day and got smashed because i'm extremely lightweight to anything that isn't...
  29. Eviction Notice

    Paralake in Unreal Engine

    literally just port all the mechanics over and people will be happy