Streaming on PERP

If you asked me this back in 2019 I would of said sure why not it's rp. I think that was me clinging on to the old perp but these days, the community and people have changed a lot, especially with everything regarding black lives matter, The n word should be able to be used within a group of friends who won't get offended by it but i believe saying it in an offensive way to anyone else just shouldn't be allowed, it causes too much problems and people get genuinely offended by what people say over the internet, it's a sad reality but it is what it is
It's roleplay, we've always literally ALWAYS said that it's okay to do it in-game since it's a roleplaying server, if you don't like it then it isn't the server.

We've also always banned people permanently if they ever brought it to OOC.
yeah, I think it should stay like that, it's just people are a lot more snowflakey in 2021 and get offended by words that aren't even directed at them, then they say the community is toxic over this.
This statement is idiotic. "Some loser" is just a statement to try and bring people on your side, you can't call someone a loser for enjoying making entertainment for 3 viewers, it doesn't matter how many views they have it's still a harmless way that they are trying to have fun, bring on new players and possibly grow as a streamer. On the streams it could start off as 3 viewers but then grow, like in @thehomelessdude stream the other day he had new people joining asking what the server was about how to play ect. It is merely the communities responsibility to conduct themselves as a way that we accept new players.
I streamed a few times on PERP and had overall good experience doing it, people didn't streamsnipe or act obnoxcious at all. And if I have to be fully honest, I haven't heard almost anyone use racial slurs except in very heated situations or when they get angry. So I just think that when someone starts a stream they themselves should think about who they surround themselves with when they RP, it would be stupid to tell people not to do something that has been allowed for years on the server just because someone is streaming it on Twitch.
What a dog shit take, sorry Daymon I love you but this is TRASH.

I don't think streamers (can only speak for myself and likely @thehomelessdude ) mind people saying "nigger" at all, if it's IC I really don't care. But if the players intent is to get you banned or even worse, a staff member specifically in TeamSpeak screaming it over and over then punishment should be given.

Wasn't this clear in the rules? excessive racism without IC reasoning is bannable now or am I missing something?
I am going to go ahead and say that not tolerating racism with the intent to cause someone harm isn’t the reason the community “went down the shitter”. I am willing to have my mind changed about many things but this isn’t one of them. If you truly disagree with that sentiment then please reconsider your place within this community.

If people are aware of somebody streaming and purposely go out of their way to find the user and scream/type the N-word, They will be punished.
It's clearly a malicious and petty attempt to have streamers banned just so others can have the satisfaction of knowing they got somebody banned.

Some of you are correct, It is technically the streams responsibility to know what content is being broadcasted. Look back to when @CensoredExe and I used to stream PERP, There wasn't anybody saying it nearby him or others, So why now?

I am sure it's not hard to not say the N-word?
This is such an easy fix... Don't allow racism in game or atleast don't allow overt racism. Then the rule is fair for everyone. I have literally never had a single interaction in game when someone "role playing" as a racist was fun, entertaining or even not cringe worthy. The rule in its current form seems to just allow small children to run around calling everyone nigger just because they think it is funny. It isn't even used to role play as a racist as the people who are doing it are using racial slurs regardless of the "race" of the target character.

If the rule remains unchanged then I don't think the community should be punished just because someone decides to stream. It is nearly impossible to determine if someone is actually stream sniping or happens to come across the streamer naturally. Leaving this kind of detail to an admins discretion will create a vast difference in the punishments give to different players by different members of staff. This is obviously bad because the community via the survey has asked for punishments to be more equal across the board, more procedural, and less by "admin discretion."
you can always make it against 1.2 to yell the n word in a effort to get people banned from twitch