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  1. DRift

    Goodbye for the 100th time.

    Bye, this time I ain't coming back,I ain't gonna give no huge ass story, but long story short, I'm leaving Perp because (and we all know it), it's full of raids all the time, which ruins RP, Everyone on the server is in a gang who wants to rape you all day, and half of the staff team is shit...
  2. DRift


    Bye Mr Niko, make sure to KYS and record it for me please, lovely. Gonna be so peaceful without you ;)
  3. DRift

    Oh no, not another terrible staff ;)

    Oh no, not another terrible staff ;)
  4. DRift

    I'm Off

    Fuck sake, now I'll have to take even more POs because you always donated them to me anyway.... see ya later Matt, have a good one.
  5. DRift

    Ryan Henderson For Councillor

    Personally, I'd rather a candidate who can spell "each other" properly.
  6. DRift

    Resignation and goodbye

    Well, where do we start. You did such a great job within the PLPD, I remember the times before you where captain, and when you made that final leap, everyone was so happy, and congratulatory towards you once you achieved captain, you did an outstanding job within the Academy training sessions...
  7. DRift

    Make every gun apart from pistols illegal?

    I completely disagree, however, I see where you coming from and have a somewhat better idea. Maybe, make all guns illegal, unless you have the designated license such as pistol license for pistols, shotgun for shotguns, and so on and so forth.
  8. DRift

    More props/craftables - Suggestion

    Discussion Post: here Main Idea: Add in more food items that can be crafted, and other craftable props. Full description of the idea: So, as explained within the Discussion thread found above, I was explaining as to why we should add more food items (including their "ingredients) and other...
  9. DRift

    The Figueiredos

    In-Game Name: Daniel Rift (Rifty) OOC Name: DRift Why do you want to join the organization: Because Eoin loves me, and the org I'm in ATM its smaller than Asian penis. In-Game Phone Number: 428 - 1345 Firearms Level: 14 Rifle Marksmanship Level: Less than 10 (can't give an exact number)...
  10. DRift


    Good luck, I don't have exams ;)
  11. DRift

    Post your "sex offender shuffle" raps.

    So, if you didn't know, there is a dank rap on the interwebs called the "Sex Offender Shuffle" which can be found here: . This thread is so you can post your rhymes. Or the Rhymes you find around, I don't give a fuck. Go all out fam First names Daniel, Last names Rift Most my friends, call me...
  12. DRift

    What do u do on your spare time outside

    You don't even wanna know.
  13. DRift

    Haha, that's why I am keeping the Corporal rank ;)

    Haha, that's why I am keeping the Corporal rank ;)
  14. DRift

    My return...

    Glad to have you back pal, although I got myself a 4 day ban, I hope I will see you in the server around somewhere. Been dead after 4 months away, and coming back without seeing you, or Costello.
  15. DRift

    I like to kill myself.

    I like to kill myself.
  16. DRift

    What's wrong with it,, ay lmao

    What's wrong with it,, ay lmao
  17. DRift

    You need a mini cooper with golden rims lvl 3 its op

    You need a mini cooper with golden rims lvl 3 its op
  18. DRift

    Add some new Cars!

    Before making a thread here, make sure you have done a couple of things. 1. Follow the template. 2. Post it in the right section, this should be in the "Discussions" Sub thread.
  19. DRift

    Harvey Price is my dad.

    Harvey Price is my dad.
  20. DRift

    Deffo me

    Deffo me
  21. DRift

    are good for catching little childeren, I mean, urmmm, *drives off quickly*

    are good for catching little childeren, I mean, urmmm, *drives off quickly*
  22. DRift


  23. DRift

    Lag spikes, slow driving

    I have sort of the same issue, however mine is related to ping, on Gmod my ping, for some unknown reason sits at 100-200 MS, whereas on other online games, it sits at 10-20 MS. FPS wise, I usually sit on 30-40 FPS nowadays, but it's the ping what kills me.
  24. DRift

    ArmA 3 or PUK's Battlegrounds?

    It depends on what you're into, if you want a huge map in which you can Role-play, play games such as King Of The Hill or you just generally are wanting to play on with your friends, fly planes and mess about with a huge selection of mods, buy Arma 3. If you want to be playing a game, where the...
  25. DRift

    ArmA 3 or PUK's Battlegrounds?

    Arma 3, PUK's battleground is a pile of wank. Arma 3 is top notch.
  26. DRift

    Happy birthday, you now passed go and can collect 200 dollars

    Happy birthday, you now passed go and can collect 200 dollars
  27. DRift

    ETS 2 PH Convoy Meetup!

    I won't be there, I won't be able to get on till around 1/2 hour later.
  28. DRift

    Making a return.

    So, as you may have known, around 4 months ago I left PerpHeads, for another server, to become staff. Where it was a good run, and I made some good friends etc. all the boring stuff, after I got up to Head Staff, the server ended up getting shut down due to slowly loosing players/it's rank as a...
  29. DRift

    My official leave and PLPD resignation.

    @Allen Kennedy Sadly, as of this point, it is a full leave. I will miss the memories of Samuel gatting down them scrubs, but Perpheads isn't administrated to a standard to which I can live with anymore, there are too many sweaters in it now, If I was to come back, it would be summer time next...
  30. DRift

    My official leave and PLPD resignation.

    So after I had made a goodbye post a few weeks back, I then decided to try and come back to the community, which since, hasn't happened for many reasons, one of which being my loss of interest to the server. I would just like to say thanks to @Jordan , @CHADD and @ShadowJoey for giving me the...