1.8 Physical Assault Expansion

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change (Adding new sections to 1.8)

What law do you wish to change/add:
1.8 Physical Assault

The act of intentionally physically assaulting (making aggressive contact with) an individual with the intent to cause bodily, mental and/or emotional harm.

Why should this change/addition be made:
Right basically I learned this in cadets and I reckon this will be a decent idea to add into PERPHEADS
  • Common Assault - The act of inflicting or threatening violence upon someone where no damage has been caused to the person.
  • ABH (Aggravated Bodily Harm) - The act of inflicting or threatening violence upon someone where temporary damage (light bruising, light pain) has been caused to the person.
  • GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm) - The act of inflicting or threatening violence upon someone where long-term or permanent damage (piercing of the skin, broken bones) has been caused to the person.
  • Battery could be added aswell.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
To generally expand on what physical assault is.

Additional Information: Just a general idea, it could be added as a separate law or just edited into 1.8 I don't know.
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