2.5: Facts, Myths and how not to break it!

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2.5 Excessive Negativity
Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example intentionally mugging and targeting new players, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable.

Now, when I joined, this was a pretty self-explanatory rule. Nowadays, its bought into reports whenever someone feels remotely hard done by.


-It is NOT Against the rules to mug or raid new players. The rule states Targeting new players is against the rules. If you raid a base with a new guy in it, you aren't breaking 2.5. Breaking 2.5 in this sense would be if you tricked new players and / or use there lack of knowledge of the server to your advantage to gain there funds. For example, if you tell a new player that the drug dealer is in a nearby alleyway, then rob them in that alleyway, you'd be breaking 2.5. Another example would be tricking new players into other compromising scenarios to rob them. If you raid a base, see its got a new player inside, and mug them (Or shoot them if armed) It is allowed as you haven't targeted the new player, you've just raided a place and it just happens to be occupied by new players.

-Gunpointing anyone and killing them after full compliance is a breach of 2.5. For example, if you shoot someone after mugging them for the sake of doing so, you are breaking 2.5, as since you killed them regardless, they may as well have just not complied in the first place.

-Molotov's are 2.5 in a bottle, in most scenarios, use of a Molotov will lead to a report. Acceptable scenarios for use of a molotov are as a revenge attack after being robbed, or use for OUTDOOR Combat as a way to restrict the movement of hostiles, to offer a distraction, and as an intimidation tactic against assailants.

-Killing government employees for witnessing a serious crime (Besides police) is usually not accepted in this day and age. In most cases, if you commit a crime in front of a medic or fireman thats worth killing them for, you probably shouldnt have done it in the first place.

-Being shot and killed in crossfire doesn't make you a victim of 2.5, unless you were intentionally killed before you knew what was happening, 2.5 hasn't been broken.

- You CAN dish revenge out to people who attempted to or did rob you, regardless on how much or little they took, even if they took nothing, its the fact that they threatened your life in the first place.

- Shooting someone for snitching on serious offenses is not a breach of 2.5, E.g: Murder, assault, robbery, major theft, etc.

- Killing people over verbal altercations is usually a breach of 2.5, unless clear, serious threats have been made against you and/or friends.

- Traffic issues, such as ramming cars or people, should only end in a shooting if YOU Are directly affected. You should only shoot these people if they repeatedly ram your vehicle intentionally, run you or a friend over intentionally, or attempt to steal your car. Other traffic related altercations are the reason we have the "Fists" SWEP, Spark out a roadman if he chats shit.

- Shooting someone for assaulting you, even with fists, is acceptable if they make you bleed or cause serious health loss. However, causing altercations just to shoot people is 2.5, and 3.4, as you started an altercation just to shoot someone or get shot without any benefit.

- If someone is really causing you grief or really annoying you with the intent of provoking you (Repeatedly tresspassing, punching your property, or in general being a minge), and you shoot them, in most cases, this is 2.5. However, if you warn them that they will be shot if they don't stop, then it would be justifiable to use lethal force.

This is all from personal experience, here's a helpful (I hope) Scenario guide to following 2.5
Thanks finaly i understand 2.5 a bit now. This is really helpfully thread since i have similar problems with a community member now i understand when i can kill him :D
tl;dr='An eye for an eye' as a general rule of thumb for stuff that involved loss of property, this doesn't apply always though e.g. you were mugged you can just straight up gat him the next time you see it altough make sure it's not too public but that hasn't ever been a problem so far as long as you get out asap and have a plan. Car bombs or fire don't body wreck cars anymore so don't bother. Overall a informative thread.
how to not violate the rule; learn how to state why you did it.

if someone got mugged and you burn their shit for it; fine

if someone crashes into your car and you shoot it up and then kill them; not fine

if you shoot someone up then their car; fine so no one can use the car.

if you randomly shoot up someones car; not fine
I'd say that's fine if you know they have friends around or if you don't want anyone coming and snatching the car who might have keys to it.
Well you can say its fine but due to staff discretion another staff member can ban you for doing it which is pretty shit :)
I’d love for something like this to work, however 2.5 is subjective and full knowledge of it often only comes with experience or heavy revision of previous Action Requests on other players for 2.5.

A rule of thumb is that the level of revenge = the level of damage or loss caused to you.

If someone attempted to murder you or got you raided by police and made you lose 20-30k+, you can, for example, molotov his car to wreck it, but once you've done that you can’t take further action.

If you don’t know whether or not a method of revenge is excessive, it’s best to just avoid it until a staff member allows such actions.
If someone attempted to murder you or got you raided by police and made you lose 20-30k+, you can, for example, molotov his car to wreck it, but once you've done that you can’t take further action.

Exactly, if you molotov someones car before or after killing them, then its completely excessive, since you're going to kill the other player anyways and he wont live to face the damages.
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