2 years of being a community Member

Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624
Yesterday, I've reached 2 years of being a community member.

This won't be a flame post, more like an opinion post what has happened in these 2 years.

How I came here; Basically I was playing on a german DarkRP server. On the workshop, I took a look on some RP Maps, until I've found a map called "rp_paralakecity_v2". I've asked the owner to take that map. He said that he will switch to that map when we have a high player amount on the server. When there was actually a high amount of players on the server, I've decided to ask him if he could change the map to that one. When on the map, someone was telling me that the map is from something called "PERP". I was wondering what that is and he told me that it is a Serious-Roleplay Server. Some days later I've decided to take a look at the server. However I was not able to come on the server due to me crashing all the time when trying to get on the server. So I've signed up on the perpheads forums on the 4th of October 2014.

My first post was posted in the support section where I asked for help since I was not able to get into the server without crashing. Lots of people tried to help me, even @StephenPuffs tried to help me out. One day later, which is from this day on 2 years ago, I've made an Introduction of my self which I see from now on a bit childish (my introduction post). I've received 8 friendly answers coming from a lot of community members, such as @MrLewis who was a moderator at that time (as far as I know) and @Cole who was willing to help me out along with @Mannerwaffel. After a while, I've convinced my brother to change the family computers (which was the only computer I could or was allowed to use) system from 32-bit to 64-bit, which made me able to join the server. I was really glad that I could do so. One of the first things I remember was that I crossed the intersection, until a friendly enforcer pulled me off it to the sidewalk and told me that I should use the Over- or Underpass instead of the intersection to get on the other side. I apologized over text chat (since I was not as confident in english than I am now, however I was pretty good in english in school) and he told me that it happens often, that people, especially newer ones cross the intersection in order to get to the other side. After a while, I've decided to try and take a job. My first attempt was to become a police officer. I went to the Police Department (as it is not the first time that I've played a PERP gamemode server and recognized the gamemode of the PERPHeads server) and attempted to become a police officer. Surprisingly for me a window popped up with a few questions. I've tried to use common sense and answered them. However I've failed. So I decided to go over to the hospital (there happened the situation regarding walking on the intersection) and try it there. Answered the exams, failed. Went over to the fire station, this time using the overpass, answered the exams, failed. Went over to the roadcrew station, answered the exams, failed. I've written in the OOC chat how hard it is to answer the exams correctly. One gave me the hint to check the laws and rules regarding the specific job. I did that, however 2 hours after failing the exams, I still failed. I've checked it again, tried it again, failed. However, trying it at the firestation, I've made it. I once remember how I had to drive the fire truck to the city bridge. Me being completely confused, asking where to go, he told me to take a left, turn right at the intersection, and then suddenly my Garry's Mod window close, telling me that I don't have enough memory (however I believe that was with 32-bit after the system computer was reinstalled before). After a while playing, I was amazed, but had a lot of suggestions for the server. So I've started suggesting an unmarked police car, a news camera man job, a cinematic camera (only suggestion which was accepted, along with an additional job in my early times) and to make it harder to get guns.

As a police officer in Paralake before the Supervisor system was implemented, I've witnessed a lot of incompetent police officers, which were (e.g.) shooting after a vehicle, posing no threat because they are resisting. However, I've witnessed some officers who actually had a brain (most of them became supervisor). Before the supervisor system, there was only one directing person job in the PLPD, which was Lieutenant. But everyone who had Premium was able to become a Lieutenant, ending up, having loudly screaming officers knowing most of the laws incorrectly leading the PLPD while on duty. When I've heard about the new system, I was glad about it. So Chrissy, Chris and Jordan there for established the better organized Paralake Police Department. I've applied once and received an answer in the 4th of July saying that I was unsuccessful in the application phase. In total I've tried 4 times to become a supervisor, unsuccessfully. I gave up. Playing as an officer is or was fun, and I finally was playing in a more competent department, where officers were thought about how to do something better by Supervisors. Jordan had the idea once to whitelist the whole PLPD, they even started recruiting the first senior officers. I've applied and have been accepted in Stage 1. I was happy about it. Few hours after reading my successful application confirmation, I've went on the TeamSpeak server and did the interview. I was really excited, however a bit too excited making me not being able to speak really well. I've failed Stage 2. However the PLPD lead came up with another idea to have a partial whitelist after apparently being tired to prepare the full whitelist. On the update, the will to become a police officer was so high, that there were lines of at least 4 people waiting to get a job. On my first join, there was also Fredy as a police officer. His rank was "Master Lieutenant General", which made him be able to use all weapons in the game and drive a lamborghini as squad car. I've also seen several sergeants and corporals having shotguns, which gave me the will to apply once again. On the first raid (which was in regals) I was with upon release of the Police Rank Update, the criminals were not able to defend due to our Master Lieutenant General, which was shooting them up. When he died, we were still able to raid them successfully with our shotguns, berettas and glocks. It was an amazing experience, I was expecting that all raids would go like this, however they weren't after a few raids in regals (the staircase, was a complete nightmare until we were used it it).
At April 2016, which was shortly before the weapons update, I've applied to become a Senior Officer as I was told that it is easier to become a SO than to become a Supervisor as it used to be. I've applied, got accepted, did Stage 2 after a long waiting time with Jordan, he thought it was done and he gave me the rank IG and on TeamSpeak, until he realized that there is a Stage 2. He removed my TS3 rank however forgot to remove my IG rank. A day after I did Stage 3 with Jordan, it was a pretty good patrol. After the patrol he told me that he is going to tell my verdict after a few hours. However I had to go. A day after, I've attempted to contact him about it, however no response. 2 weeks after I've attempted to contact Tyla, as he is a person who is part of the Police Academy, even there, no response from Jordan. 4 weeks after the patrol I gave it up and decided to redo the Stage 3 with @Walker . Few minutes after the patrol has begun, he realized that I am a Senior Officer already. I told him that I've asked Jordan about giving me my rank on the forums, ts3 and access to plpd.online however he didn't respond. He gave me plpd.online access and contacted a staff member in order to give me my TS3 rank and told someone to give me my Forum rank. There we go. At the 26th of August I finally made it to become a Corporal.

I've learnt so many friends from different countries, thanks to this community.

Regarding the community, there have been a lot of ups and downs, and pretty recent a mass ban wave (see community ban wave of several long-standing members), promotions, demotions, resignations. We lose members, but we also gain members. A member which was a fresh sweater, became few years later a Senior Administrator. Potentially this guy could be the next Head Administrator in 2-3 years, nobody knows what is going to happen, but we always hope for the best.

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Hope you enjoyed your time so far xD; glad to know that I could help you xD
Been a lot of fun over the years ha? Long live perpheads. Hope it never ends.
I remember when I joined and was selling burgers with you, we got raided for some reason.