3.31 Renting Out Properties

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What rule do you wish to Add: 3.31 Renting Out Properties

Your version of the rule: Players are prohibited from purchasing a property or multiple properties for the sole intention to rent them out for profit.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: When people buy loads of bazaar shops or bbusiness shops and charge '5000$ an hour' it literally kills off the environment of that place. I don't know how they can make a profit off of it its stupid



I think this is a work-around for a bigger issue that's just people buying properties and not using them. We should make a rule to fix that, not make a rule to fix a smaller part of the larger problem.

I think this is a work-around for a bigger issue that's just people buying properties and not using them. We should make a rule to fix that, not make a rule to fix a smaller part of the larger problem.
Maybe only be allowed to own 2-3 properties to avoid a fuckin landlord monopoly?
Yes. I'm surprised no one has logged in and bought literally all properties in the server, that'd be very fun.
Just tried to make a bit of $$$. Sorry I'll sell them :(
This certainly is something worth discussing.

I don't really love the idea of people buying properties to 'rent' them out. You're technically renting them to begin with, as you no longer own them upon disconnecting. This can prove to be extremely annoying, especially with the Bazaar Shops. Properties are low(ish) in price to begin with, allowing new players to spend a small amount of money to do whatever in their property.

We'll talk about this more in the next admin meeting.
When I buy a property such a subs 2, i might use it, but then I don't use it for a while. Afterwards I use it as a getaway from cops most likely.
Kinda shit when the only good spot is slums and projex and some dickboy buys all of them. No sweaty kids can base there...
Cute how staff ignore this ic but on the forums they are all nice to us lol dont ban me!
Mango calls it "Business" , i call it "being a dickhead"

Cut it out, He is just trying to make some sort of landlord type buisness and theres nothing bad about it, I don't think @Mango intended to be a 'Dickhead' he was just trying to think of something.

No, i don't support the bazaar shops, I support renting out Suburbs, Industrial area's and apartments.
I agree I think it should be perfectly fine to rent out only properties found in the "residents" section of the bank menu.
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how about we impliment a limit on how many bazaar shops a player can buy? Shouldn't be too hard to code.

The whole point of real estate is simple: supply and demand. In order for this to be remotely profitable, there needs to be a demand for said properties. By buying out the entire bazaar, @Mango effectively is cornering the market for bazaar shops by owning them all, meaning any competitors will need to go to him to buy a property, it's flawless!

... Or is it? What if people don't want to buy a shop at his prices? Then they can't own a shop. Quite often on perp, when it comes to money, people don't play around, and will actively refuse to pay for something at an inflated price in favour of any and all alternatives.

Many people try this, and it rarely works. It more or less just ruins many peoples RP experience. People shouldn't own more than 1 bazaar shop in my opinion and thus, I feel it fair that the limit for the amount of shops 1 player can own should be capped at 2.

On an unrelated note, puffer mart is still cheaper than a bazaar shop, why people don't use puffer more often is beyond me.
I believe there should be a limit on how many shops you can own as I’ve also seen many people buy multiple and then use one.. This helps to slowly kill bazaar. I think residential properties aren’t as bad especially when an org buys the whole building out that makes sense but the shop part doesn’t really
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