4.10 Intentionally causing stress (Working title)

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England, Norfolk
Title can be changed could not think of a good name. Another noissuese if the template is wrong my copying on my tablet can mess up.

Your version of the rule: Players should not intentionally troll, stall, discriminate or mess around in serious situations or should be kept to a minimum. Additionally players should not intentionally create stressful or difficult situations for government employees with some of the examples aboth. Players should also cooperate with Law Enforcement officers unless it falls into self preservation from an arrest or their own life.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: (Be extensive and descriptive)

You know when you are a LEO arriving on a scene and you begin to question people on the scene and they just don't treat you seriously. Yes this is what im talking about actually bothering to be cooperative want to know why you should well here you go.

During a situation with @Chris there was several people in the building not taking a Corporal seriously because he is not a full supervisor. Now just because im not a full supervisor does that give you the permission to not take a LEO who may I remind you at that time was an Acting Lieutenant being the highest rank of 11 officers. I would like to thank Chris for bothering to cooperate however his friends in his apartment was still going and I was stressed anyway due to having to manage the police force.

As Chris clearly saw the damage was done and I was completely stressed unknowingly taking it out on the 4 other officers then realising I was too stressed to continue forcing myself to leave both the situation and the server to calm down.

Now we are trained in alot as a LEO but we all have a life and it can get to us. But all these situations can stress people alot even the staff who has to deal with countless reports and not all of them valid. This rule will benefit everyone in general because we should not be getting stressed because someone is not taking a serious rp server seriously.

I would like to apologise to @Chris and anyone else from there previous situations and life Issues were getting to me and that situation was to much at that time.
Already covered by 2.1 imo, if it's excessive then it's not necessarily realistic

As Chrissy said, the extent of this rule is already covered by rules such as 2.1, 2.5 and 3.19.
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