5.6 mugging

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United Kingdom, Southampton
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.6
Your version of the rule: It states 'Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed.' I think it should be more specific in the way this rule should be enforced. A recent AR made has brought my attention to it. Surely if someone mugs you, you're allowed to kidnap them and mug them back? It's reasonable.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: To be more reasonable, i'm not saying anybody should be kidnapped and mugged however in certain situation i think it should be allowed.

If someone mugs you, you should be able to kidnap them and mug them back imo.

The rule doesn't even need to change though, right? It says that you can't kidnap players for the sole reason of mugging, but if you're mugging them back you have another reason: revenge.
This'd then cause an endless stream of the same thing; over and over again. Sure, go ahead and do it. If they take any amount of items, they should know who they're fucking with before getting salty about you doing shit to them.
The way it is right now is fine, I think the definition needs more... "definition" to you don't need to take much to be able to seek "revenge"
A while ago I was banned for around a week for carbombing someone after they mugged me; this was disputed and denied. A senior staff membe then reviewed the situation and resolved it. You are allowed to seek revenge regardless of how much they take - a bit off topic but it'll just help have some clarification for any future reference.
The rule doesn't even need to change though, right? It says that you can't kidnap players for the sole reason of mugging, but if you're mugging them back you have another reason: revenge.


The rule is in place so you can't just pick up sweaters, take them to forest against their will and mug them. You need an alterior motive i.e revenge.
Who even mugs these days?
The rules have been restricted so much that you can't even take a piece of metal without staff getting pooper peeved

But then again, as stated before, if you have other reasons for the kidnapping, mugging after you kidnapped them is completely fine
You are permitted to force them to give back what was yours, that is not mugging as it falls under forced withdrawals as well.
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