6.0 Firearm Laws

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What law do you wish to Edit/Add: General Firearm Laws

Your version of the law:
6.0 Firearm Laws

The use, possession and sale of firearms with smaller than 9mm and bigger than 10mm ammunition or buckshot use and/or with the ability to shoot the firearm automatically is not in permitted. The use and possession of suppressors is also not permitted.

6.1 Storage
A firearm shouldn't be stored in a public place where people of the public have access to them.

6.2 Transport
Firearms are allowed to be transported everywhere except in governmental buildings. But you must make local LEO's know that you are carrying a firearm.

-Remove 6.3-

Why do you believe this law should be Added/Edited: (Be extensive and descriptive)

Currently nearly all responds has something to do with firearms. 90 % of crimes (traffic laws excluded) have to do with firearms. Usually heavy firearms. The possession of heavy and automatic firearms are usually not for self-defense. They are being used for crimes. Pistols are most likely used as self-defense. This have to stop. Subs Area, looks like a normal residential area. But is inside a dangerous ghetto area. Only because of firearms. If this city would exist in Reallife, it would hold the record for the most criminal organizations. Including highest crime rate. Police and sometimes SWAT is in responds 24/7. To stop the danger of the citizens of Paralake and their possessions, I would recommend to make automatic rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns and small machine guns illegal. But there for the pistols legal on all places including the public.
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Your versions of these laws leave holes in them. I believe that the current versions are much better and functional than yours and needs no changes. E.g. your versions doesn't say anything about displaying a weapon from your own property. This gamemode is to emulate real life to the extent where it's fun, not as realistic as possible, so don't use that as an arguement. Also;
"- automatic rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns and small machine guns illegal." Shotguns and sniper rifles can both be used for something other than defending, e.g hunting. Aswell as having a select few weapon genres be illegal is rubbish.
I believe the best thing would be to make automatic weapons illegal I have noticed this in every single raid. As a dispatcher I watched 10 officers 4 SWAT and two paramedics die constantly when they got close to the regals it was so salty it crashed my game.

I remember back in evocity everyone was really kind and freindly which is how the private transport co flourished. Back then our 6 active members would be taxi drivers yeah okay we would still get mugged but the gunpoint rule did not apply so we all had a gun ready to fire. These days all it takes is an excuse to shoot you.

I believe we need this maybe it will help everyone after all this is based in america not syria its a city for goodness sake.

I will gladly support this.
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Interesting proposal, but I believe it needs some adjustments, I'll add your alterations to the current laws we have (plus make the necessary changes so the laws work):

6.0 Firearm Laws

6.1 Firearms in a Public Setting

The legal possession and use of firearms in public is limited to handguns of the following calibres: .357 (9mm) (Beretta M9), .40 (10mm) (Glock 20) and .45 (11.43mm) (Colt M1911A1). The usage of firearm mufflers (suppressors) is prohibited. (Desert Eagles would be illegal, as the ones In-Game most likely receive .50 Action Express rounds, which are far too powerful)

6.2 Firearms in Private Property

The legal possession and use of firearms for defense of private property is limited to firearms that receive 12 Gauge 00 Buckshot (Remington 870 and Benelli M3) and/or any of the previously mentioned handgun calibres. Firearms that can be shot in fully-automatic and/or burst fire settings or that have selective fire capabilities are exclusive to Law-Enforcement, civilian use of such weapons is prohibited. Firearms that receive the following cartridge types are prohibited from civilian use: 5.56x45mm NATO (FAMAS, G36C, M16A2, M4A1, SG550), 7.62x51mm NATO (M14, G3A3, M24, SR-25), 7.62x39mm (AK-47 and Sako 95), .50 BMG (M82A2).

(6.1) 6.3 Storage:
Firearms shouldn't be stored in places that allow for unrestricted access from Public Areas; eg: In the front garden, next to an open window, etc.
However firearms that are labeled as 'for sale' in a property that is considered by the XQ Bank as a 'Shop' are exempt from this law.

(6.2) 6.4 Transport:
Citizens are allowed to carry a concealed handgun (of the legal calibres specified) in both public settings and private property, however, if stopped for a search by Law-Enforcement Personnel, one must warn the officer(s) about their carried firearm. (Could overlap with the current 6.3 (Display))

I might make further changes to this, but overall, I believe this is what would work best according to your suggestion. If anyone wants to add to my version of the laws, feel free to comment or reply.

EDIT: Updated Law 6.2 with all illegal ammo types (cartridges).
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Interesting proposal, but I believe it needs some adjustments I'll add your alterations to the current laws we have (plus make the necessary changes so the laws work):

6.0 Firearm Laws

6.1 Firearms in a Public Setting

The legal possession and use of firearms in public is limited to handguns of the following calibres: .357 (9mm) (Beretta M9 and OTs-33 Pernach), .40 (10mm) (Glock 20) and .45 (11.43mm) (Colt M1911A1). The usage of firearm mufflers (suppressors) is prohibited. (Desert Eagles would be illegal, as the ones In-Game most likely receive .50 Action Express rounds, which are far too powerful)

6.2 Firearms in Private Property

The legal possession and use of firearms for defense of private property is limited to firearms that receive 12 Gauge 00 Buckshot (Remington 870 and Benelli M3) and/or any of the previously mentioned handgun calibres. Firearms that can be shot in fully-automatic and/or burst fire settings or that have selective fire capabilities are exclusive to Law-Enforcement, civilian use of such weapons is prohibited. All unspecified firearm calibres are also forbidden from civilian use.

(6.1) 6.3 Storage:
Firearms shouldn't be stored in places that allow for unrestricted access from Public Areas; eg: In the front garden, next to an open window, etc.
However firearms that are labeled as 'for sale' in a property that is considered by the XQ Bank as a 'Shop' are exempt from this law.

(6.2) 6.4 Transport:
Citizens are allowed to carry a concealed handgun (of the legal calibres specified) in both public settings and private property, however, if stopped for a search by Law-Enforcement Personnel, one must warn the officer(s) about their carried firearm. (Could overlap with the current 6.3 (Display))

I might make further changes to this, but overall, I believe this is what would work best according to your suggestion. If anyone wants to add to my version of the laws, feel free to comment or reply.
You missed out hunting rifles like the M14 which are semi automatic. I have never fired the OTs but I thought It was automatic pistol.

Carrying guns around in public dates back to old evocity mostly because the cars back then didnt have storage. I believe weapons if they are going to be legal in public should only be in certain areas.
Denied, this would conflict with the rights of civilians in counties and cities neighbouring Paralake meaning we are out of touch with the rest of our region.
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