6.11 Rights of the Accused

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Georgia, United States of America
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: NEW

What law do you wish to change/add:
6.11 Rights of the Accused
Any person(s) taken into custody by LEOs have the following rights if Police decide to jail the aforementioned person(s): The right to self provided and self subsidized legal counsel for representation in interrogation, the right to an interrogation if legal counsel has been obtained, the right to refuse to answer questions without threat of prosecution or indictment, the right to fair and equal treatment under the law.

Why should this change/addition be made:
This law will further role play and also help when prevent the miscarriage of justice.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
To help control situations in which police improperly preform their duties,
to ensure newer players are not taken advantage of due to their lack of law knowledge.

Additional Information:
Quote-ish from
Cpt. Samuel "Detained people don't need to hear there rights, because they don't have them."
I feel these changes will only impede roleplay rather than contribute to it.
Having the right to a lawyer basically means little Johnny Powergrower will just call one of his friends from his organisation to in essence just come and throw law numbers without any other purpose than to just annoy the police officer.
I do not feel the right to remain silent is a good idea as well, considering as with the lawyer case, people will do it just because they can and because and just to annoy the police officers.
Also, if you want that implemented you're going to have to edit or completely remove some laws as there are laws already in place that criminalizes that right.
Rather pessimistic of me but that's just my point of view.
I like the idea of the suggestion however I do see slight issues such as: the things you are suggesting are normally used in real life for court and sadly we don't have a system like that.
I can see goods and bads to this but I do like the idea of it.
People in prison already have the right to a supervisor, an official and more experienced second opinion. Why would we then want random citizens who are friends with the accused to try and defend them?

Just call a supervisor.
Even though it may add roleplay, I've seen enough times that these "lawyers" are criminals helping out their friend getting out of cuffs. Also giving the possibility to have a lawyer, would just add more unnecessary time to take care of a criminal because most likely everyone is going to say that "I WANT A LAWYER! GIVE ME LAWYER OR I CALL SUPERVISOR" even when there is solid evidence, most of those suspects would call their friends (what they would call lawyer) anyway. I think it is fine that it is up to the officers discretion whether a suspect in custody is allowed to call a lawyer. Making it a must to allow a lawyer is unnecessary and just costs too much time and annoying for the officer taking care of the suspect.
I have been in many interrogations and I know that many just use this excuse to stall long enough so their so called additional lawyers to raid and break them out. I do not believe it should be added but I have allowed this before and its true they do call out laws and use any excuse to get their client out of jail. My advice is stick to the facts and make them know that you are in control not them.

Its best to allow them just a phone call as they would be entitled to and search anyone who is not a government exployee entering the PD. You should not spend to long waiting as it just stalls the situation then the PD would probably be raided.

In my opinion the system has worked well without this law and adding it would just create a loophole to stall situations.
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