Main idea:
Idea, we are going to make the Perpheads server Dutch. Already a very big number of the Perpheads community population is Dutch. Therefor this idea should be fairly easy to implement.
Making the server Dutch will have a few major consequences. First of all the Dutch language will be our primary form of communication. Which means every who does not talk Dutch should start to follow language courses as soon as possible. This can be very expensive that's is why the PLPD will have to pay all langue curses for their employees. Since they haven't paid anyone shit in the last years I think this is a fair thing to ask. @ayjay ツ could of course also fund it out of his own pocket.
Now we are talking about the PLPD some more things should be changed as well. We will implement the Dutch ranking system for officers as well as the Dutch officer uniforms. See the picture down below. By doing so we make it even more clear the server from now on will be Dutch.
There will also be a new vehicle added to the police resources. Named the bicycle. The bicycle is not only very good for the climate, it's also a healthy way for officers to transport them self around Paralake instead of just sitting in cars.
Laws should also be changed from now on it's not allowed to carry a gun anymore not even when you are on your own property. Now you might think but how can I defend my drugs against the cops? SIMPLE! Drugs are now legal every one can use and produce them. No more lifting of heavy barricades. Just place them in your backyard where you can enjoy the sun while harvesting your drugs.
And instead of the mayor running the city, we will have Willem Alexander king of the Netherlands aka Willy ruling the city.
I think its fair to ask from our staff members that they speak perfect Dutch els they should not be a staff member. Therefor every staff member gets a period of 2 months to follow Dutch curses. Afterwards, they will have to do a test. If they fail they will be demoted, if they succeed they can place a lion behind there ooc name.
Do you agree with this idea make sure to post #MPDA (#Make Perpheads Dutch Again!) Ow and it will alos be forbidden for @Rogue Matiz Tyres to call everyone who is not English a filthy foreigner.
Rating DUMB is agreeing with the idea.
Main idea:
Idea, we are going to make the Perpheads server Dutch. Already a very big number of the Perpheads community population is Dutch. Therefor this idea should be fairly easy to implement.
Making the server Dutch will have a few major consequences. First of all the Dutch language will be our primary form of communication. Which means every who does not talk Dutch should start to follow language courses as soon as possible. This can be very expensive that's is why the PLPD will have to pay all langue curses for their employees. Since they haven't paid anyone shit in the last years I think this is a fair thing to ask. @ayjay ツ could of course also fund it out of his own pocket.
Now we are talking about the PLPD some more things should be changed as well. We will implement the Dutch ranking system for officers as well as the Dutch officer uniforms. See the picture down below. By doing so we make it even more clear the server from now on will be Dutch.

There will also be a new vehicle added to the police resources. Named the bicycle. The bicycle is not only very good for the climate, it's also a healthy way for officers to transport them self around Paralake instead of just sitting in cars.
Laws should also be changed from now on it's not allowed to carry a gun anymore not even when you are on your own property. Now you might think but how can I defend my drugs against the cops? SIMPLE! Drugs are now legal every one can use and produce them. No more lifting of heavy barricades. Just place them in your backyard where you can enjoy the sun while harvesting your drugs.
And instead of the mayor running the city, we will have Willem Alexander king of the Netherlands aka Willy ruling the city.
I think its fair to ask from our staff members that they speak perfect Dutch els they should not be a staff member. Therefor every staff member gets a period of 2 months to follow Dutch curses. Afterwards, they will have to do a test. If they fail they will be demoted, if they succeed they can place a lion behind there ooc name.

Do you agree with this idea make sure to post #MPDA (#Make Perpheads Dutch Again!) Ow and it will alos be forbidden for @Rogue Matiz Tyres to call everyone who is not English a filthy foreigner.
Rating DUMB is agreeing with the idea.
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