A Guide to the Types of People in Perpheads

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A Guide to the Types of People in Perpheads
If you're reading this, chances are that you've probably met a whole ton of different people while playing on the server. If not, or if you're just lazy and have nothing else to read, I have comprised a list of the eight different people you will meet on PerpHeads.
The Sweatervest
The most common, and classic stereotype in Paralake. These newbies originated their name from back in Evocity/Paralake v1, as new players were greeted with a colourful sweater vest over their shirt. Nowadays, these new players are recognised by their classic light grey sweater.
Danger Level: 3/5 These people can be extremely aggressive and tend not to read the rules or roleplay. If they get their hands on a bat or a machete, you can guarantee that they are going to go looking for someone to hit.
Roleplay Level: 1/5 Sweaters will rarely know how to roleplay properly on PerpHeads, which leads to so many sweaters being banned for infringements of the rules. Expect them to not comply with /me commands, and fail to co-operate under gunpoint.
"Wanna ride in my mini cooper?"

The PassiveRPer
A rare species of player, as most fail to bother to even try PassiveRP. PassiveRP is the act of roleplaying calmly and slowly, using /me commands to your advantage. PassiveRP players have good intentions, but their efforts are commonly destroyed by administrators on the server (@MrLewis no ban plox)

Danger Level: 2/5 PassiveRPers generally have no bad intentions, unless you mess up their RP. The only exception is if the PassiveRP is ERP.
Roleplay Level: 5/5 These guys always find a way to make any stall, from pasta to security selling, their roleplay is outstanding, most of the time.
"Welcome to Tra Panini Paninis"

The Rich Kid
Cruising around in their Lamborghini, these are the ones you need to be afraid of. They have lots of big dosh, and usually have a vehicle which looks good, travels fast and is going to beat your Mini Cooper. They have at least $2M in their bank account, and will generally base at the Regals or the Suburb Houses 1-3. They have access to hundreds of weapons in their storage trunks, making them the vehicles you really don't want to take your road rage out on.
Danger Level: 4/5 No doubt about it, these people are rich as fuck. They are minted with a supply of all types of weapons to make your life harder, so steer clear, and think twice before raiding.
Roleplay Level: 3/5 Rich kids generally have been on the server for a while to get that much money, so they will know how to roleplay properly. Don't expect them to come up and do some PassiveRP though, as they have their focus more towards ActiveRP, which is raiding, mugging and making money.
"You wanna race lad?"
~Rich Kid

The Sweatercop
A mutation of the Sweatervest breed, these Sweatercops usually take the form of police officers, never with stripes on their arms for obvious reasons. They will end up breaking the laws, driving around recklessly and getting demoted or arrested by a supervisor. This is a less common breed of Sweatervest, as they usually don't pass the test. Don't be fooled at the word "Sweatercop" being used. It is commonly used as a derogatory term against LEOs - regardless of their competence.

Danger Level: 3/5 Akin to the Sweatervest, these people can be extremely aggressive and tend not to read the rules or roleplay. They already have access to a Beretta M9, and may use it in anxious situations where they are getting arrested/demoted/reprimanded.
Roleplay Level: 2/5 Sweatercops will commonly be told simple things when they make mistakes, and will usually get to understand some of the rules.
"I'm a sweatercop I can do what I want"
~Nasul Winchester/Sweatercop

The Sweatermedic
Another additional breed of the Sweatervest, although these are found more commonly than the Sweatercop. Sweatermedics have little to no knowledge of the laws, rules and/or the Paralake City map, so be prepared. Their main purpose is to drive around without their headlights running red lights, failing to know where business is and running into people. They will end up breaking the laws, driving around recklessly and getting demoted or arrested by a supervisor, the same fate as the Sweatercop. If you see a Sweatermedic, try and help them with their job. Send them a link to the Paralake City map, notify them about the rules and laws then send them on their way. We all started like the Sweatermedic, and we were all taught how to get around by someone or other.
Danger Level: 2/5 Sweatermedics don't have any weapons, but tend to be atrocious at driving and this can lead to bad accidents on the highway.
Roleplay Level: 1/5 Sweatermedics will tend to just get on with their jobs, or at least try to with officers screaming down their mics "MEDIC RESPOND TO REGALS!!!" and "FOUR CHARGES NOT TWO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING DO YOUR JOB OR GET ARRRESSSTEDDD!!!!!!" Poor Medics.
"Where's Parker?"

The Sovereign Citizen
You can tell from the name that these people don't like the law. They are commonly arrested for valid reasons, but still hurl harrasment and threats against the LEO detaining them. This can be quite more intimidating to the new officers (see: sweatercop) and can result in violent outbursts.
Danger Level: 1/5 These pesky citizens won't stop hurling abuse, and when they've been defeated they will commonly get a longer jail sentence. However, the only real danger is hurting your feelings. Deal with these citizens by not responding to their harrasment and don't give them a reaction.
Roleplay Level: 2/5 Their roleplay level can vary. Most sovereign citizens are fairly new to the server, and do everything in their power to prove the officer wrong. Don't expect sovereign citizens to comply with /me commands (e.g. /me forces suspect inside vehicle), so call an administrator if they fail to comply with /mes.
"I want a supervisor. Right now. No? I want the Cheif of Department."
~Sovereign Citizen

The Helpless Mayor
The Helpless Mayor is formed when a breed of sweatervest comes across someone shouting "Run for mayor at the city hall". The sweatervest instinctively does it for the police slots (see: sweatercop) and get voted for mayor. Sadly, the poor sod has no idea what he is doing so he generally either cranks up the slots and gets arrested for 4.4, or cranks down the slots and gets arrested for 4.4.
Danger Level: 3/5 The Helpless Mayor has up to three SS agents at his disposal, and if confronted by the cops will usually order the SS to shoot at the police.

Roleplay Level: 2/5 He tries his best, but usually fails miserably and this results in an administrative situation.
"[Broadcast] Low slots and max taxes, people!"
~Helpless Mayor

The Robot
The Robot is a typical staff member who is not allowed to share their opinions on a rule break and allways has to act according to the textbook. These 'robots' generally ruin PassiveRP, or ban rule breakers properly and keep up a good record.
Danger Level: 5/5 These people know their shit. They are almost never wrong and you just can't get around them. They can dish out bans, warnings and blacklists with the smash of a hammer.
Roleplay Level: 4/5 Most staff have access to special props, and they can use these to their RP advantage. They also have a proper physgun, meaning that they can snap things to axis and make something look alot neater. However, some staff members seem to enjoy destroying PassiveRP (@MrLewis plox no warn).
"Feel free to upload an Action Request if you feel necessary"
~Staff Member

Have any suggestions or additions? Leave them in the comments or reply using this format:

Yes I was bored ok?
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Name : The sovereign citizen
Description: They will use the law to there advantage. This can include getting out of tickets, parking on the side of the road etc. They are a great danger to new cops since they use big words and threats to scare them .
Danger level : 2 (If normal citizen) 4 (If cop)
Roleplay level : 3
Name: Sweater SWAT
Description: Very dangerious as he responds to anything and thinks he's G.I. Joe, tries to roleplay hostage negotiations.
Danger Level: [4/5] Since he'll probably discharge his weapon on a regular basis, any medic call, hostage situation or mug will go straight down the stairs when this guy arrives.
Roleplay Level: [2/5] ^
Name: Sweater Mayor
Descripton: Typically a person (sweatervest) who runs for mayor and gets the position. His intent isn't malicious in any way, he just ran for mayor because he wanted to get low taxes, however people voted for him. Since he has never been mayor before, he doesn't know how to gain city funds or how to manipulate taxes, so he cranks up the slots and puts the taxes to zero thus damaging the economy in a very bad way.
Danger Level [2/5] He cant put you in danger really.
Roleplay Level [3/5] He does his best, but doesn't know what he's doing sadly.
Whats that? You want zero taxes?
Why did you kill me? The taxes were low and the jobs were high!
The Staff Member
The "trusted" lads in the city have been granted a rank in the staff team due to their ability to uphold the rules on the server but also get special powers to help(abuse) players.

Danger Level: 5/5 These people tend to know their shit, get in their way and they'll gat you down (yeah if you beat them, they'll find a way to ban you and get their stuff back)
Roleplay Level: 5/5 Staff members are generally good role-playing, whether it be a good cop or a villainous citizen, they know the rules and will, much like mansplaining, staffsplain them to you.
"On your knees - I SAID ON YOUR KNEES, DO IT NOW!"
~ A high ranking staff member

-lets be honest this is satirical and staff members have a range of, so called, "danger"
Name: Ermak
Description: This species is on the Paralake Red List. It has a strange ability to smell weed and its laugh is very weird. Many have reported that staying near it for prolonged periods of time can cause you to uncontrollably scream "Just like tyla" or give you AIDS/Cancer.
Danger Level: [1/5] It would never harm you unless you harm it.
RP Level: [4/5] It is often seen running PassiveRP food shops before getting raided/mugged.
I Smell Weed! -Ermak
[NAME] The Doggo
[DESCRIPTION] A doggo, he likes helping people and making friends, but doesn't like optimistic ratings.
[DANGER LEVEL 1/5] A rare breed of player, the doggo doesn't care about how much money he makes and will rarely attack unless provoked.
[ROLEPLAY LEVEL 4/5] A doggo is usually a fan of RP, and will attempt to make people's time on the server as amusing as possible
The friendly experienced officer
An experienced officer in the PLPD usually has a higher rank (mostly Sergeant+) and has been in the PLPD for a very long time. He is usually giving you tips during your duties and helps you out and does not tend to directly punish you.
Danger Level [1/5] and [4/5] When you are an officer on duty, he isn't a danger to you. However, when you are a criminal, you may expect him to "destroy" your tactics when it comes to raiding. They made a lot of experience with raiding and know what people usually do when they raid.
Roleplay Level [4/5] Usually they attempt their best to roleplay as realistic as possible.
I'll help ya out mate
- A friendly experienced officer

The unfriendly experienced officer
Also an experienced officer in the PLPD who also usually has a higher rank. However, these individuals usually tempt to use an angrier language as the friendly experienced officer. However, as long as you also have a good law knowledge and are policing correctly, he shouldn't hurt you. Don't worry, this species is becoming rare.
Danger Level [4/5] They have the ability to suspend and demote individuals, and these experienced officers do use it.
Roleplay Level [4/5] Even though, they are mean, they still usually have the same roleplay ability as the friendly experienced officers.
Fuck off, I'll deal with it later!
- An unfriendly experienced officer
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[NAME] John Daymon @John Daymon
[DESCRIPTION] He's an admin that is mentally challenged and is cool
[DANGER LEVEL [1/5] He's a bad shot so dw about him killing you
[ROLEPLAY LEVEL[1 /5] Claims that passive RP is dead and doens't do it himself because swedish people are like that
[NAME] John Daymon @John Daymon
[DESCRIPTION] He's an admin that is mentally challenged and is cool
[DANGER LEVEL [1/5] He's a bad shot so dw about him killing you
[ROLEPLAY LEVEL[1 /5] Claims that passive RP is dead and doens't do it himself because swedish people are like that
And I do RP with Peoples Party, I'm working on three documents atm
Name: The ERPer
Subject Class: Keter
The ERPer should be avoided at all times due to his extreme charismatic abilities. Any personel who get into touch with The ERPer should report it to their local Law Enforcement Officer.
Description: The ERPer is a humanoid sentient being who roleplays sexualy explicit situations and enjoys doing so. Situations may vary, but actions such as rape, sex, oral sex, gaping etc. are considered normal activities for The ERPer. He knows how to roleplay and is very friendly, however, such acts can fool a simple human. The ERPer gains your trust by being very nice and helping you out a lot, but then makes his move by calling you into his appartment and, as the victims quote: "Rape the shit out of you, cuff you onto the bed and make you 'hump that pussy' all day". The first ERPer was reported by James [REDACTED] when he found a human dragging a dead body at [DATA EXPUNGED]. Local law enforcement personel have successfully arrested and contained the creature.
Danger: [5/5] No doubt that you should always be on the lookout for this guy and never trust him. (No offense to slayerduck I luv you bb)
Roleplay: [5/5] Even though he is an ass for forcing sex onto you, he uses /me's and /desc's in very high detail. Overall if you ignore the sex rapey part of him, he is a great roleplayer.

/me runs his fingers through [insert name here]'s hair.
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Holy Jesus 100% of that was perfectly well written. Good job dude lol I lost it at robots.
[NAME] Philip Matthews
[DESCRIPTION] A retard from sweden
[DANGER LEVEL 5/5] A complete fucking hothead that loves hitting people and shooting guns.
[ROLEPLAY LEVEL 1/5] is very bad at killing people
[NAME] Matt Grand
[DESCRIPTION] Some random American who screams a lot.
[DANGER LEVEL 1/5] While Matt Grand constantly gets in shootouts he seems to never make it out alive and is always the first person to die. If anything his danger is negative cause he will give you a free gun.
[ROLEPLAY LEVEL 0/5] Define what RP is?