Server Suggestion Ability to cuff yourself + disarming real cuffed cops.

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Suggestion Title: Ability to cuff yourself + disarming real cuffed cops.
Suggestion Description: Add the ability to, whilst holding zipties or handcuffs, to cuff yourself. This would be an ideal alternative to having to put your own gun away to ziptie someone.

This should function with both handcuffs and zipties. The C menu should be used for this whilst holding cuffs or zipties, with a confirmation box.

Generally, this would speed up the process of muggings by having individuals tie themselves under gunpoint making solo muggings slightly more effective. Currently mugging solo already comes with the risk of getting caught whilst stealing items from another player.

Streamlining processes, especially where noncompliance is a rulebreak is more ideal than not.

For cuffed officers, maybe having certain shop NPCs capable of uncuffing them by asking “Can you take my cuff keys and uncuff me? Don’t ask how…” or something idk, so a surviving cop who cuffed themselves from projex can run to a gas station afterwards and be freed.

The ability to disarm an officer should also apply to one who is cuffed, as you can with zipties, should be added too as to make this process easier and more effective.

Why should this be added?:
- Streamlining such situations putting the aggressor at less unnecessary risk, making a portion of such an activity doable for more players.
- Pretty realistic, I don’t see why I would be zip tying a cop carrying steel handcuffs when I could just use their own handcuffs and take whatever lifebuckle key they have on their belt or whatever.
- In terms of mugging alone, you can just drop the ties and make them cuff themselves.

What negatives could this have?:
- some absolute Genius of a cop or SS agent somehow cuffing themselves. (Skill issue)
- Government employees won’t be able to pick up zipties to cuff themselves with (Fixable)
- Cops unable to uncuff themselves if they’re last alive during such a situation. Could be circumvented

What problem would this suggestion solve?: - Having cops cuff themselves to effectively disarm them quickly rather than having to jump through consent hoop mumbo jumbo bullshit.
- Having mugged players during solo muggings restrain themselves, rather than pulling out zipties making them think they are no longer under gunpoint.
- Carrying zipties limits how many other tools you can carry, an officer should be able to restrain themselves.
Urgently needed feature

Best case scenario, the process of removing a single cops equipment takes about a minute to do. Most often, they take a while to process, then they decide to talk shit or delay so their backup saves them. Thats IF they comply in the first place.

Lowering the standard from full ziptie compliance down to simply surrendering will definitely save all staff more time and all crims more reporting.
+1 on the idea of this.
Great way for zipties to work, toss them down, tell them to tie themselves up.
This would actually be pretty cool; only downside I would see is if someone has their hands up you need to wait for them to lower them before they can even pick the ties up.