Police Suggestion Acog for TFU m24

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Add the ability to use an ACOG scope with the m24 as TFU

Why should this be added? (pros): The current scopes for TFU are for extremely long range, along with this it has the same scopes as the l115 which now adays makes it a less viable option than it (Due to the power and damage. This should be added as it will allow for the m24 to be utalised again in the PD for a bigger range of different situations. It is also very simple to add and I am unsure of why its not already added
as each scope TFU currently have for the snipers are all near enough the same
What negatives could this have? (cons): Cant really think of any, if you have one let me know!

*Other additions: -

These are the current scopes and they all are near enough exactly the same
ACOG sucks donkey sausage with magnification+visibility and having a back up sight would encourage the TFU to not utilize their pistol and instead rely on a slow firing bolt action rifle which isn't even 1 tap potential to the chest.
I have personally never botherred with the ACOG back when I was TFU, but I am going to be honest here, I could understand why someone would want the ACOG on the M24, I infact wanted it myself aswell, I also don't think it's a really OP addition aswell, so why not add it
It is a sniper rifle for a reason, it is meant for long range encounters. ACOGs are used for close to medium range encounters so this would be a bit stupid, just use an ACOG on a SCAR or any other rifle that is meant to get used with an ACOG.

The only times I would pull out a sniper rifle myself is when there is a hostage situation being RPd in Farm for example. The only thing this would do is make the PvP with Police harder and more unrealistic when the focus should be realism.
Sadly there is the current lack of Roleplay problem now so this is a bit hard to achieve. Adding this would only promote PvP.
Tbh it would encourage more close range combat with the sniper and i don’t believe this is in best interests, switching to your pistol is simply the much better option
Pug you made this while staking me out at CH with an m24 like
I can 1000% see some TFOs using this to use the sniper at closer range than it should be. If there were a way to have an even shorter range magnification without the quick switch to close range iron sights, it give it a 10/10
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