Description of the idea: Add the ability to use an ACOG scope with the m24 as TFU
Why should this be added? (pros): The current scopes for TFU are for extremely long range, along with this it has the same scopes as the l115 which now adays makes it a less viable option than it (Due to the power and damage. This should be added as it will allow for the m24 to be utalised again in the PD for a bigger range of different situations. It is also very simple to add and I am unsure of why its not already added
as each scope TFU currently have for the snipers are all near enough the same
What negatives could this have? (cons): Cant really think of any, if you have one let me know!
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These are the current scopes and they all are near enough exactly the same
Why should this be added? (pros): The current scopes for TFU are for extremely long range, along with this it has the same scopes as the l115 which now adays makes it a less viable option than it (Due to the power and damage. This should be added as it will allow for the m24 to be utalised again in the PD for a bigger range of different situations. It is also very simple to add and I am unsure of why its not already added
as each scope TFU currently have for the snipers are all near enough the same
What negatives could this have? (cons): Cant really think of any, if you have one let me know!
*Other additions: -