Action Request - Bertie Bennett

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United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: Blackdown / Ethan Limsley
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bertie *TRADING* / Bertie Bennett
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39724163
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was currently residing in the Suburbs, I set up my Orange Juice Stand outside my house and was growing drugs inside. I was planning on leaving shortly after picking up all my props and drugs and then storing them, selling the house and selling my drugs. However, whilst I was picking up my drugs they were slightly off time and I had to wait a bit, so I continued to gather my props and such. I heard Bertie's vehicle pull up out front and I knew my doors were open, so I rushed to go close them, in the case that it was an Officer. Bertie approached myself and after restraining me he opened the door and questioned what it was. I told him it was my, "Flowers," and he further more came back to me after directly viewing the drugs and restraining myself, asked me, "Do you want to see a Magic trick?" He then unrestrained me and furthermore disconnected. While he did somewhat do me a favour? His actions still were improper and he disconnected during a Role-play situation. I have a screenshot of everything in my Inventory at the time (Including the drugs I picked up after he Disconnected) that would have been confiscated by himself if he were to properly role-play. I will transfer these items to an administrator in-game. After he disconnected he messaged me on Steam stating, "I was going to get off and I couldn't be aresed with another role-play situation." He had no fair reason to disconnect such as an emergency and if he intended to leave soon, he shouldn't instigate himself in a position that could set up for entering a role-play situation. Such as becoming a Police Officer. This user ruined my role-play and justification should be met with his actions and a penalization onset.

Please keep in mind, this wasn't, "Banter." The situation wasn't banter before as we were both properly role-playing.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Myself being restrained then unrestrained.

All items on my person and any drugs that would have been confiscated by the Officer.

Bertie; Messaging myself regarding his reasoning for disconnecting.
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In my opinion, it all looked like a bit of "banter". Furthermore the way you message him saying "nighty lad :*". This kinda shows me you weren't really bothered.

However, if you feel your rp has been ruined by this, then Bertie broke 6.5 by disconnecting. I know for a fact that he has a lot of bans for this rule.

In all honesty I know Bertie likes to mess arounb a bit, especially when he is tired and if you think that this ruined your rp, then go ahead.

But to me it looked like a bit of good old "banter"
I honestly don't see the point in this AR, you were in-game near 6AM, which is usually the banter time. If you wanted him to stop fucking around, tell him in Looc.
Furthermore the server was restarting in 40 minutes according to your console, therefore proceeding with any long-term roleplay would have been gone to a waste if your connection was dropped because of that.
After I posted my comment above, I read the chat logs of your console and even though you were roleplaying as an old man you have to understand that many people are tired during this time and really can't think straight. Seems to have been the case here, after he disconnected you proceeded to message him in a friendly manner.
Someone here is ignoring the fact that you usually are tired when the time reaches it's peak at 4-5AM.
I wouldn't say this is necessary, but I think you have made a salty AR simply to take revenge for something he did in the past.
I neither + or - support, considering they're pretty much useless, It's up to the staff team to decide not supports.
I don't believe you guys understand that role-play is expected to be performed and withheld properly at all times regardless of the amount of players, time, or situation. (excluding server events). If this was, "late night banter," which I know plenty about, he wouldn't have been patrolling as an Officer in the first place, and further more arrived at my door. If he wanted to disconnect, he should have asked me first.
Okay, I didn't want to be put in a RP situation as it was very late at night, obviously if I were to arrest you, I'd have
Search you and jail you, like you said, they were flowers. Honestly I think this is all a big over reaction as I thought we were friends... anyways I know I shouldn't of disconnected and just drove on. However it was around 4 am for me, and I literally was just bantering around and was not thinking about the consequences, I hope this does not effect our friendship in any way shape or form :). If this AR gets accepted, I will make an apology and I hope you can see it in your heart to forgive me.

I'm sorry for breaking your role play situation and I hope this whole thing gets past us, I still hope we can be friends.

--Just to make this clear, I wasn't "bantering around" as I was actually doing my duties and I know if I had seen the drugs I shouldn't of entered and restrained him and should've just drove around the corner and then disconnected, my actions were impeded as it was very late at night and I was practically falling asleep whilst playing so I wasn't quite sure what I should have done at the time, I would not have done this if it was in the daytime (doesn't matter how many people on)--

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- support You talk about this matter like he is the one in the wrong but the way you post this then proceed in the evidence to open all the doors to your drug room and let any old fool like myself walk in and steal your drugs . Another point I noticed is the fact you aren't rp'ing either as if it was during the day time when there are players on you would be called a fool if you let your front door open with drugs at the other side in clear view of everyone to see .regardless of the fact that you're about to log off your supposed to be rp'ing all the time henceforth the reason the officer saw your drugs.

Excusing the fact that you feel I wasn't role-playing what-so-ever simply because I left my door open for a matter of 30 seconds: Bertie still disconnected during a Role-Play situation. Regardless the fact that he started or I started, he was involved and his disconnecting caused a dramatic change in my characters future. His actions are inexcusable regardless of the time, amount of players on, and even if he didn't want to be included in that situation, he was. Those reasons don't justify him being able to leave because he was tired. This is no, "grudge," as one has mentioned before as I rarely interact with Bertie in-character. I enjoy Bertie and find him amusing. Nor was this banter as we were both properly role-playing. This is based on the fact that he disconnected.

I acknowledge that Bertie is in the wrong, I won't be handing out a punishment for something very minor, I will however be speaking to him to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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