Action Request (D3ADALIES)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Mindaugas
Your Roleplay Name: Giovanni Rodriguez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:762147751

Player's Steam Name: D3ADALIES
Player's Roleplay Name: Deago Doe
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:745914229

Why should this player be punished?: I was raiding regals at the balcony, and meanwhile this guy came without seeing me, saying ingame he wanted to help the people i was raiding, but he didnt see me, since i was at the stairs, and i came up to gunpoint him, and told him to comply, after he took his gun out and just shot and killed me, i believe he he broke 3.4 since its not realistic what he did, and he should comply when he hes under gunpoint, and not pull his gun at me, when i literally aimed at him. I believe this guy should be punished for it

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His gun was in passive stance, as long as you have a weapon in your hand passive or in an attack stance you do not have to comply with orders under gunpoint.
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