Action Request for breaking 2.5

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ![A] Travis/Travis Trump
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sorle/Acacio Ross and Abdelghani Thomas
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:2249610 (Sorle)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: These two guys followed me around as explained in the evidence video and simply made my experience excessively negative by not allowing me to take my own props from a bazaar shop I lost due to disconnecting. They punched me to death and took my desert eagle for no reason (RDM) , they also caused my Remington to be lost after following me around to ensure I lose it. Overall being toxic and annoying and targetting me for an extended period of time and ruining my night.
Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
I don't really see my wrongdoing here? Sure, I was being a bit of a prick at the time by joining in, but what I did broke no rules, whilst on the other hand you are pictured breaking various rules:

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - When I attempted to mug you and I gunpointed you, you took it upon yourself to pull out a Remington 870 under direct gunpoint. There's no hope for winning this when you're facing someone with a Mac11 already pointed at you, which can easily shred you in a fraction of a second due to its incredible rate of fire. There's no argument that I'm attempting to kill you as I'd already held you at direct gunpoint for a few seconds prior; if I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead by then. I have already created an AR for this.

3.7 Properties - You obstructed one entrance of the bazaar shop, leaving only one unobstructed, when the rule states that two entrances must be left unobstructed at all times.

3.9 Placing Props - You are only to place props on properties that you own unless you have received permission from the owner of the property or from a staff member. You placed a board on a property owned by someone else to block them, and as such broke this rule.

3.24 Staying In-Character (Not shown due to muted mic) - You repeatedly blurted out over voice chat that you were calling an admin, that we were going to get banned, and that we were breaking 2.5, repeatedly breaking character. Could also come under 1.3 Slander.

You also broke 1.1, however I see no reason to include the screenshot for that, as the situation is understandably annoying.

For a little bit of justification: We'd told you to stay out of the shop at the time, and we'd pushed you out on numerous occasions, so when you attempt to go in again it shouldn't come as any surprise that we'd escalate our actions as a result of you repeating your actions. Bit annoying, sure, however you could simply make a report to have your stuff returned to storage. Additionally, you repeatedly spouted insults at Weazel which was what caused me to join in, however this isn't included within the video due to your mic being muted. Probably shouldn't have joined in from a moral point of view, however the point stands that neither of us broke any rules.
Alright let's go through the points you mentioned

1. Yes it was very annoying and I'm happy you acknowledge that because being annoying for an extended period of time is literally 2.5

3.4- You never mentioned you were going to mug me you just followed me and I took my gun out because I didn't know what you were going to do, and my intention was to keep it out to protect myself and store it safely. I didn't put my life at risk at all rather was attempting to protect myself. As seen when I had my gun out before I entered the store. You still thought it would be funny to continue to follow me around and wait until I open my door. If you really wanted to mug me that gun should have been out inside the store because in this case, you started that mugging in a public setting ( outside the store)

3.7 - You cannot talk about properties here as my props were ALL there and I didn't ask for "permission" to place them. They were there and placing that prop was so you can stop harassing me and allow me to get my props back. You ask why I didn't call an admin? Well maybe if you watched the video closely I CLEARLY made an F6 report and for over an hour in real time NO ADMIN OR MODERATOR responded and I couldn't just stand there and be harassed and leave my props placed. I might have left soon and I would have lost ALL my props thanks to you. You can also see that once I had the chance to come back and remove that prop when it didn't assist in the situation I DID.

3.9- See this is funny as ALL MY PROPS ARE IN YOUR STORE. As I said I didn't ask for "permission" in that case. Maybe if you didn't block ME from my props I wouldn't have needed to block you. I was very friendly when asking for the store back and then the props after you refused to give it back.

3.24- You must be oblivious to the fact that there is no LOOC voice chat. This wasn't me breaking character I was talking to you out of character regarding my props and you know that GOOD AND WELL. So don't make that invalid argument. 1.3- This is not slander in any way as I wasn't publicly broadcasting a blaming rather telling you that this would be my course of action if you didn't cooperate.

1.1 - I don't see in ANY way how that wasn't respectful, in no way did I swear at you nor did I insult you directly. Calling your actions "retarded" was simply pointing out the truth and isn't disrespectful at all. Calling you "monks" was a metaphor for being annoying. This doesn't have any connotations of a monk himself rather just expressing how I feel towards your actions in another manner. Still not disrespectful. You acknowledge you were being annoying and it's not of any positivity to be in a situation like that and be faced by such actions.

Your justification: You must understand that we were at a situation where I called for an admin or mod for over an HOUR and no one responded. I will of course attempt to go back to the store to retrieve my items I won't risk losing them by disconnecting for any reason. The action of placing that prop was a harmless way to attempt to get my OWN ITEMS back without causing any havoc which i SHORTLY took after I realized it did no benefit to the situation. You chose to deal with that situation while UNDERSTANDING AND KNOWING that I can't get my items by laughing at me, making a mockery of my words, punching me and causing me to red screen, taking my Desert Eagle, refuse to allow me to get my items to continue on with my game while still being hypocritical and intentionally taking the piss, following me around to ensure the loss of items I try to retrieve (for example the shotgun), shooting me down there too after continuously harassing me which is literally targetting me and finally acting like the victim and saying I broke 3.4 and that I caused your friend to get 10k 10y and you losing you gun. But let us be logical here and not just throw out anything to protect ourselves, you were intending to mug me and there were A LOT of cops outside. You put your life at risk by holding that gun out before we entered the store and NOT EVEN telling me you want to mug me. I would have got out and told the cops and they would protect me you would have lost your gun ANYWAYS (telling the cops while they're on scene isn't putting my life at risk as I can hide and they can deal with you. You PROBABLY would have killed me anyways because I would tell the cops so that would also be a reason for you to get caught in gunfire and lose against the TFU present. Most importantly, you never shut the door, while continuing to GP, why? You were asking to be seen by cops passing by. That OBVIOUSLY wasn't an intended, proper mugging.

Finally, you're wrong we both might have broken rules. You broke 2.5 and I might have broken the prop rules by placing that board down, but given the circumstance, I had NO option without a mod but to do this to attempt to get my rightful items back. Your claims of these rule breaks are a far cry and do not make sense at all. If by that logic I am breaking those rules by losing my connection and you buying the store with my props in it. Also, do not try to even this out here by saying none of us broke rules. If I have done wrong in an enforcer's opinion so be it. But you KNOW you were targetting me and I don't like that. It's called being toxic. Avoid that.
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my actions have been entirely justified, and I'm not going to continue arguing, but I purposefully didn't include the props that were already placed as that's petty.
my actions have been entirely justified, and I'm not going to continue arguing, but I purposefully didn't include the props that were already placed as that's petty.
Great, now it is up to the enforcer.
i skip through the video first thing i hear is "I bet you have a boyfriend and I bet he doesnt kiss ya"
Now that ruined my night.
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