Action Request - IZ

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Faroe Islands
Your Steam/In-game Name: FARSTAD/ William Cunningham
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IZ / Carl Johnsten and Madje / Mauricio
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56013197 and STEAM_0:0:154185791
Why Should This Player Be Punished: These player should be punished for 6.2 and RDM times 2.

At the bazaar we killed Natalie when no one of them was around the surrounding area, a few minutes go by, and Carl and Tyrone show up, acting all suspicious. I was talking to a cop, and then I saw Carl move onto my friend, and started opening fire on us, killing us for absolutely no reason what so ever. He did not even witness, nor did anyone tell him that we had executed Natalie at bazaar. Their friend Madje was inside bazaar shop 3, and yes he might have heard the shots, but he wouldn't have know it my gun that killed her as Blicky shot her body with his M4A1. Even if killing me was a-okey, it still does not give them reason to kill Lucifer who was friends with Natalie, and on their side. Lucifer was not involved in the situation at all. Madje even admitted to metagaming, relaying the information to them, which indicates that both of them broke rules.

When we came back, after NLR was up, I saw Madje go into his store, so I followed him, and tried to mug him, where he decided to pull a gun, causing me to kill him. Carl then went on to kill Lucifer and Peter, who had no affiliation with what I was doing. His reasoning for killing them was that he knew we were friends. Peter and Lucifer was in no way affiliated with what I was doing at all.

Evidence (Demo Required):

First video shows me killing Natalie, and that Madje did not witness it happen.

Second video is me talking to a cop a few minutes after it had happened, it was safe to do so as he had just got on duty I believe, and did not have any powers to identify who killed Natalie. Carl then decided to kill me and Lucifer for an unknown reason, and let the cop live.

This screenshot is Madje admitting to metagaming

*involved in all 3 situations, but not involved in the AR*

That screenshot "proving" that madje is metagaming, is litterly a joke. Maybe the joke went above your head, but no player who were metagaming woud say that in OOC, it's so obvious he is joking.

#2 video. What do you expect? If you shoot a gang member you get dealt with aswell. People talk, can't help it. C.J is litterly friends with all of the people included in the scene, and if he asks who shot me, he gets honest answer.

BTW your reason for killing me is invalid. You also apologized on steam afterwards, which I've accepted your apology.
*involved in all 3 situations, but not involved in the AR*

That screenshot "proving" that madje is metagaming, is litterly a joke. Maybe the joke went above your head, but no player who were metagaming woud say that in OOC, it's so obvious he is joking.

#2 video. What do you expect? If you shoot a gang member you get dealt with aswell. People talk, can't help it. C.J is litterly friends with all of the people included in the scene, and if he asks who shot me, he gets honest answer.

BTW your reason for killing me is invalid. You also apologized on steam afterwards, which I've accepted your apology.
You were only involved in the first situation, where you got shot by me. CJ was not friends with everyone at the incident. Only person I could think of to be his friend in the incident, is Sam. And I highly doubt he would of snitched.
That video is not the same situation.
the only thing wrong was the third situation, where I accidentally killed lucifer in a crossfire. me and lucifer talked and i returned his weapon and he was fine with it as it was a misunderstanding. Farstad was killed because he was literally involved, I saw his gun out at bazaar 4. even tho he was involved, I still returned his gun.

You also killed me without even knowing who killed me, im sure you didn't see me or im just blind that I haven't seen you see me.
the only thing wrong was the third situation, where I accidentally killed lucifer in a crossfire. me and lucifer talked and i returned his weapon and he was fine with it as it was a misunderstanding. Farstad was killed because he was literally involved, I saw his gun out at bazaar 4. even tho he was involved, I still returned his gun.

You also killed me without even knowing who killed me, im sure you didn't see me or im just blind that I haven't seen you see me.
This text is confusing me so hard. I killed you because I didnt know who killed you? Doesnt make sense.

I acted upon information given by individuals who were alive and witness you kill me/my friends. They reported that they had seen you murder some of my org members(twins/me). I recieved this information after NLR was over, and I had arrived at Bazaar. I also killed you when you had killed Peter and Lucifer after I had killed Madje in his shop due to the fact that I both heard and saw you guys. When Peter walked out, I was behind him, but returned into the store and hid in the corner. I then waited a little for it to cool down. I then exicted the shop when I heard you open the door, and then shot you once I had indentified you.
This text is confusing me so hard. I killed you because I didnt know who killed you? Doesnt make sense.

I acted upon information given by individuals who were alive and witness you kill me/my friends. They reported that they had seen you murder some of my org members(twins/me). I recieved this information after NLR was over, and I had arrived at Bazaar. I also killed you when you had killed Peter and Lucifer after I had killed Madje in his shop due to the fact that I both heard and saw you guys. When Peter walked out, I was behind him, but returned into the store and hid in the corner. I then waited a little for it to cool down. I then exicted the shop when I heard you open the door, and then shot you once I had indentified you.
who gave you the information?
who gave you the information?
As you saw in the video above, I clearly had a good reason to kill you and Lucifer. You killed Madje, so I waited and killed you both. The only people that were at the scene, was Sam Ireland(SamSN), Paulie(Mido), Tyrone Tyrese Shawnty(Devipe) and then Eljah (Bollond) pulled up to the scene. Peter (farstad) was a mile away at the other bazaar parking lot, the smaller one. he wouldn't be able to see me kill you both. So you're just literally admitting to metagaming.

The second time, where peter and lucifer were killed. Minutes before that Madje comes to tell us that something is going to go down, they're taking out their guns. We go to our storage and to grab our guns, I open the door I see You (William) and Peter( Farstad) at Bazaar shop 4, I heard gun shots go off. So I went back in the store grabbed my M4, went out the back to flank. Shot Lucifer and killed him, then saw Peter and shot him. I went around to look for you william and didn't find you. I'm not sure as to how you knew I killed both Lucifer and Peter. because no one was at bazaar except me, paulie, tyrone. Marcus was AFK at the gas station and sam was at the car dealership

It was my bad on killing Lucifer, I have returned his SAKO and apologized to him. He was cool with it and we talked over it, as it was a misunderstanding.
That video is not the same situation.
the video cj uploaded was after you killed marcus I pulled my gun and started shooting all of you , cj arrived saw you killing me you get killed why is this ar even up still

The thread is starting to spam the shoutbox quite a bit. For now, the thread will be locked until it is dealt with by a member of staff. If we need anymore information about the situation, we will contact the appropriate people.​

@Liam Holder - The fact that you killed FARSTAD was not an issue for us here, as you had witnessed them kill Madje (shown in the video above, which was the same situation). Our issue is that you did it right in front of a police officer when said officer was not showing any intention of arresting. You may argue that you FARSTAD and Lucifer needed to die, but considering it had been almost 10 minutes since Madje had died, in which you were hanging around the area - it clearly wasn't a priority.

You will be receiving a 2 day ban for your actions, in combination with this action request.

Reviewed with @blobvis 2.0.
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