Add fully automatic pistols to the SWAT arsenal

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Main Idea: Give SWAT access to the two machine pistols.

Full description of the idea:
Give SWAT officers the ability to choose G18C/OTs-33 Pernach as a sidearm in the armory. Atleast one of them.

Why should it be added?: The SWAT team does not have access to any automatic sidearms, not even the OTs-33 Pernach which is used in a counter terrorism role. More weapons mean that SWAT can better prepare for the exact situation. For example, a SWAT sniper could bring a Glock 18C for a CQB backup.

  • Giving the SWAT a bigger arsenal will make it possible for them to prepare for the exact situation they are called out for.
  • A good backup for those who don't need accuracy, but a close range weapon.

Cons: Can't think of any, and none were brought up in the discussion thread.

*Other additions: If not both are added, I think atleast one of them would be suitable.
To be honest, i don't think that automatic pistols would be too good, this would be due to the amount of recoil they have and the fact that it wouldn't be as realistic, at the moment the SWAT get a machine gun and a pistol which is what you think of when you think of SWAT. This however is just in my opinion.
I think that automatic pistols are impractical, childish, and dangerous. Shooting a fully automatic pistol in a SWAT situation (in which accuracy should be hailed not spray-and-prays) we cannot increase the risk of collateral from 0-60 in the time it takes to pull out a pistol. This would turn out very badly, very quickly.
Currently the FBI's SWAT use the sidearms :
  • Glock pistol .40 S&W, 10mm
  • M1911A1 Springfield Professional Custom .45 ACP pistol.
Im not sure what SWAT team you've seen using the Ots to counter act terrorism.
The Sniper should only be used in situtations where its needed so really you shouldnt be in close enough quarters to need an automatic pistol. In what Situations would you then use your sidearm over your primary weapon?

// Phone can't comment

@TheFrozenMonkeyKing Containment should be able to deal with an ambush if done correctly and If you're the last SWAT left i dont see much a difference an automatic pistol would do to the outcombe.
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These weapons are well known for being inaccurate why would the SWAT use a weapon which could put hostages at risk. The SWAT already has an armoury with a weapon for every situation these automatic pistols will be unreliable in a situation where one miss can make the difference. Pistols with SWAT are more of a backup weapon I do see why you wanted it added but I do not believe it is necessary as pistols are rarely used by swat.

I will however remain neutral the swat should be feared like the police not killed like its a duck hunt, yet people are used to your average shoot anyone that gets in your way.
Both guns were designed for counter-terrorists, sure, but I don't think they make much sense with SWAT.
However, the OTS was DESIGNED to replace the APS in use with special police units, so it makes partial sense.
Practicality....yeah, until someone adds a shoulder stock to any of those guns, I don't see the SWAT making use of the full-auto capability.
Has anyone here used an OTs ingame at all? It's not like a Mac-11. It is not at all that bad, and the intense G18C recoil was a bug. If the SWAT for some reason brings this instead of any rifle during a hostage situation, that is the SWAT's fault. What if I told you guys that the Famas is a weapon that can easily spray? That the Benelli is not super accurate? People pick the weapon that suits the job, and the "inaccurate" arguments are rather pointless.
Automatic pistols aren't really tactical weapons.
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