What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: no one can use plpd windows or jail door
Your version of the rule: no one is allowed to use pd windows to shot people who are out side or camp down at jail door tell v5
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: about the windows its 1 way
and the jail door is to OP if you tried to crowbar it you will get shot as it small room
first photo show how hard to crowbar the door without dieing
2 photo show even if you open the door you wont have cover and the guy in side will have
Your version of the rule: no one is allowed to use pd windows to shot people who are out side or camp down at jail door tell v5
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: about the windows its 1 way
first photo show how hard to crowbar the door without dieing