Server Suggestion Add the ability to retrieve mugged items from dead bodies

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Description of the idea: After being zip-tied and the items are taken add the ability to click e on the body to take the mugged items, and the mugged items only. This prevents abuse of the feature and preserves character items. This can only be done with items taken from a zip-tied person as this reduces disputes over which items are and aren't yours. You can only retrieve items that weren't stored as well.

Why should this be added? (pros): People who lost their items to a person who mugged them are able to get the items back when the person who mugs is killed. It is also realistic to take the items back from a body.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Could be a hassle to code.
I've considered doing this for a while. I think I'd prefer a more generic system that would also cover many recently picked up and/or illegal items. It could also allow for some concealed weapons to stay "concealed" after you are unconscious. As you have pointed out, the system would be complicated to create, which is the primary reason why it hasn't happened.

This kind of mechanic could remove the need for some rules that prevent people doing certain things while they are in danger.
so if some random joe dies on the street they loose everything on them if someone zipties them and takes it