Admin Complaint - Blackdown

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You deserve it. You are a person with a disrespectful and unfriendly personality, you wont improve yourself...
As my and many other peoples opinion, you are somebody that frequently breaks the rules, and your roleplay is miserable as you dont take it serious and dont mind any rules at all.
When it comes to you telling other people about their mistakes, you most likely spam "1.1".

I also dont get the point, there is a reason given at your ban, obviously. Even in this ban theres described you once again spammed.

To be honest, I think 3 days is way too short. You should take it as a gift....
Google. I listened to your side of the story. You didn't really explain much but I listened to what made sense and what I needed to hear. I explained the situation to you and you seemed shocked that I gave you two days. I increased it because you said that was pathetic and acted smart with me by saying that you said that in IC chat. Which you did, making you break 3.24. There isn't much more to the story other than the fact that you spammed constantly, ran away while at gunpoint, and acted smart with me. The situation lasted much longer than it needed to and I think that Dimitri is right when he states that you constantly break rules as you have four bans, multiple warnings, and don't seem to know the rules. I gave you a fair ban and that's final. Wait for Alex or Bolli to deny this, but this is just stupid. I mean, you haven't made a ban appeal. You just got pissed and made a complaint on me because you were mad about your ban time. Your ban will stay at the current length and your appeal if you make one will not be accepted. The deny of this appeal has nothing to do with this complaint, I just simply feel that you need to learn the rules and take time off with your ban. Thank you.
You apparently broke quite a few rules and you have 4 other bans on record, so I think a 3 day ban is appropriate.
As mentioned before, you break the rules very often and you have 4 bans on record (nothing to be proud of). I'd say you deserved more than 3 days, so consider yourself lucky.
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