[Administrators] Ability to spawn props

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Ability to spawn props (weapons and money too)

Short explanation:
Extend this power to Administrators too

Detailed description:
Since only Owners, Head Administrators and Senior Administrators have this ability; they are the only ones who can deal with refund requests.
I think Administrators should have this ability too, without thinking they can abuse it, because they're trusted staff members.
The main problem i have now is that it can take a long time before someone reply to a refund request, even if it's such an easy problem to solve (not like a ban request which can be harder), and this time takes even longer if we consider that Owners, H.Admins, and S.Admins haven't much time to spend in refunding players while they are on the server, it's also rare to have them online when the server isn't full (i don't mean that they are mainly offline, but that when they come on the server, it immediately becomes 60/60 and none else can join to get his refund.
It will also be easier to set up unofficial events if only Admins and lower are online

Optional additions:
  • Give Moderators the ability to respond the refund requests on the forum
  • Add a way to refund players without having to join the server (...but i think it's impossible)
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With the mass amount of moderators here. You really do have to prove yourself to become an administrator!

As an administrator you should be fully trusted 100%! Where as a mod I'd say 99% as there has been issues with people before. I am going to +support tthis as it will increase response time for players, allow fast handling of some situations and also lower the work load of the two senior administrators.
The problem I would see is that some mods would not be 100% sure about some refund requests but deny or accept them anyway. There was one a couple of weeks ago I thought was going to get denied however it got accepted, so for the mod part im not really sure
[DOUBLEPOST=1428316612,1428316385][/DOUBLEPOST]'Bamarin [IT] dw im not trying to push your idea down, just trying to raise some points. Also with the admin point, I dont think it should really be added because it gives you the possibility to spawn in weapons aswell

Good idea since the Administrator rank is a hard rank to earn and moderators should have proved themselves before becoming an Administrator so they should be trusted when spawning props. Although they should only be able to spawn props when an Owner,Senior Admin or Head Admin is online and they must also be in admin mode.
Why would Admins need to have ability to spawn items?

Why would Mods need to have ability to respond to refund requests?

Could you explain more detailed please?

Thank you.
When Swiper was first promoted to his role of Senior Administrator, he always said to me that we wanted the Administrators to be the 'master race' of the staff team meaning that the trust of them is absolutley high and they deserve recongition for the hard work which they have put into the community.

So why should they not get this ability, it's not about trust.. at all; this is simply about the role differences that Senior Administrators and Administrators have. One role is to deal with refunds, the staff team Etc and one role is to carry on dealing with reports and ban requests to the best of their ability.

We have two Senior Administrators, both of them deal with refund requests and get them done quickly; a little poke on the TS3 server does not hurt anybody.

Refund requests get done, and waiting a hour or so is not going to hurt anybody. I mean.. look at the evidence:
It would be retarded if Admins had this, It would be to hard to keep track if they were spawning things for themselves and they are not trusted enough, for example Ayjay abused as Admin and that wasn't expected.
Just gonna put this out there, but why would they honestly need to spawn in props, senior administration do a good enough job of handling the refund requests, sure it may take more than a few hours, but it is handled. Why would administrators need the ability to spawn in props other than refund requests? I don't think there's much point. Honestly, it's better to just leave the system as it is, it works and there's no problems with it.
It would be retarded if Admins had this, It would be to hard to keep track if they were spawning things for themselves and they are not trusted enough, for example Ayjay abused as Admin and that wasn't expected.

I mean, even Senior Administrators can't really be trusted with this considering @Alex_:D used to spawn M82 bodys in and sell them for in-game cash, not to mension the countless times he abused other features.

Maybe that was because he was a shit Senior Admin though.


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