Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/claim-system.23095/ (was made by Xhantium)
Main Idea: Once a refund is accepted, it is submitted via the website, where it waits for approval by senior administration, once approved it is submitted to a mysql database which stores the refund against the user's steamid, containing the items/cash. The user is also sent an automatic inbox on the forums containing a unique ticket/code they redeem in game by typing "/refund <ticket>" to claim their items, once this occurs the website is updated as the user's refund is now claimed, and no longer needs to be stored within the database.
Full description of the idea: (from the discussion post)
You could have 'refund items' bound to your steam ID on the SQL database or whatever that stay there for a prolonged amount of time (or even permanently?) which would be far more efficient and then claimable ingame, although someone would still have to go in-game to add these items but maybe there could be an external way of adding them too once a refund is accepted.
So for example a refund request is accepted and submitted through the forums or in-game, this assigns the refund a unique number and the items are automatically attatched to your steam ID and the staff member posts this "unique number" in the thread for you to use, then you do something like "/refund xxxx" in chat and a window pops up verifying all the items that you should have and you press "Claim" or something along the lines and it gets sent to your storage, saving a lot of time waiting for Senior administration to come online at certain times, and also reducing the amount of work they have to do
Why should it be added?: I feel like this would be a far more efficent system that would save up a lot of time (although may take time develpoing and making perfect) reducing the amount of time that players are waiting to get their items.
*Other additions:
Senior admins still have to "verify" that the RR is completely valid?
Main Idea: Once a refund is accepted, it is submitted via the website, where it waits for approval by senior administration, once approved it is submitted to a mysql database which stores the refund against the user's steamid, containing the items/cash. The user is also sent an automatic inbox on the forums containing a unique ticket/code they redeem in game by typing "/refund <ticket>" to claim their items, once this occurs the website is updated as the user's refund is now claimed, and no longer needs to be stored within the database.
Full description of the idea: (from the discussion post)
You could have 'refund items' bound to your steam ID on the SQL database or whatever that stay there for a prolonged amount of time (or even permanently?) which would be far more efficient and then claimable ingame, although someone would still have to go in-game to add these items but maybe there could be an external way of adding them too once a refund is accepted.
So for example a refund request is accepted and submitted through the forums or in-game, this assigns the refund a unique number and the items are automatically attatched to your steam ID and the staff member posts this "unique number" in the thread for you to use, then you do something like "/refund xxxx" in chat and a window pops up verifying all the items that you should have and you press "Claim" or something along the lines and it gets sent to your storage, saving a lot of time waiting for Senior administration to come online at certain times, and also reducing the amount of work they have to do

Why should it be added?: I feel like this would be a far more efficent system that would save up a lot of time (although may take time develpoing and making perfect) reducing the amount of time that players are waiting to get their items.
- Reduced time waiting for items
- MrLewis wont get nagged to do refund constantly :trande:
*Other additions:
Senior admins still have to "verify" that the RR is completely valid?
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