The community manager should be stripped their administrative powers on the forums and the servers (so they can't ban people) since they're not a part of the staff team. They should be hosting events, keeping the community together and be representing the playerbase while the Head Administrator should be representing the staff team

The role of the Community Manager at the moment is as foggy as the Battle of Lützen 1632 @Husky
Maybe more FPS improvments updates would be cool. If im not remembering correctly didnt fredy write that there is more to come in the future ? about FPS improvments

EDIT: For me as example it says my forum was created 2017. Im not that old of a member there are more older ones but however. I came back because of the FPS improvment update cause it runs way better and i finaly get 50-60 fps around 45 players
Fr perp boring asf rn. Do something and stop making dumb excuses for not wanting to change the map when the content will/can be made by players smh. Perp dead rn yous all need to do something and stop saying 'Not changing the map until v5' lollll
Good point, and I think you’re right. Rp is all about the players’ imagination of implementing rp elements with the tool given to them. If they don’t or can’t, I can understand that the server could be boring. In fact, the lack of initiative of players eventually resulted in several seriousRP servers to stop existing, big communities gone resulted of low player count.
Change start with you, not just a new map.
I find it quite interesting how many people think the problem would be solved with just a new map. I can imagine playing on the same map for years can become repetitive, but as many stated already, the community stays alive by the community. If everyone only complains rather than really make a roleplaying difference in the server, no new players will come. Same with raiding new players. Give them a reason to stay, and more importantly, try to set an example for them, include them in the server, rp together. Don’t scare them away in their first experiences on the server.
Again, has nothing to do with the map, it’ll be nothing more than a new map with the same NPC’s on a new place to memorize.
I think the point is the lack of transparency, and the repetiveness V4 brings to the table; we've had it in rotation for 7-8 months now. People will happily play a new map because it's something fresh. Evo brought me back when the map was changed.
Changing the map could bring new players in and old players back because there is actually something to come on the server to see. A simple map change could give the server a player boost.
I don’t think a lot of people understand what V5 is actually going to do for the server, sure, it will fill it for a week or maybe longer if we’re feeling optimistic, but the map isn’t the issue when it comes to why peRp iS dYInG. The main issue is stuff to do outside of cops and robbers rp, because let’s me real, people play peRp to play with friends and make virtual currency at the moment, but that means that if they want the most money possible they have to power grow, but as a role play server, which is what we’re supposed to be, powergrowing is not roleplay; sitting in an apartment all day making the most money afk is mind numbing and damaging to the server imo

the other week, I went on duty as a paramedic, because no one really plays it anymore and I wanted to do some medic roleplay, but I was immediately put off by the pay check I was receiving which was $7,200~ Per hour, which in comparison to growing drugs (approx $110,000 per hour) is FUCK all, literally pennies and shit cash, sure you get $500 per revive and $250 per body cleanup but even with that it’s fuck all. So why should players, who do things that involve roleplay such as medic, cop, roadcrew, courier etc, feel passively punished by their pathetic pay checks, I feel we need incentives for players to go out of their way and do these jobs, not really for cops (for me $36,000 per hour with Max pay, no income tax as sgt) as their pay is passable at best.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see the server, if only v5 is the change, dead at around 30/70 players 2 weeks after V5 comes out, a map change will draw players back in, but we’ve got to show them something that will keep them hooked. I don’t want the developers to feel like the community is at odds with them, because most of us are very grateful that they are giving up their free time, to produce content for a garrysmod server. All I’d like to ask for is instead of teasing in the shout box, which most people will miss, instead tease in a post, let players see some little bits of what you’re working on, I’m sure you don’t want to show everything because you’ll lose the mystery that’ll draw some players back, but little teases I think (not in box shout) will satisfy most community members.

maybe even a roadmap/extremely rough plan of what developers have planned for the future? Give the community something to look forward too expect for v5, but I’m not sure how all you lot code if it’s in the moment or to a set plan, so I’d like to hear your input where possible @Samuel @Lelios @Ayjay @Fredy @roxie
Thanks again for you lot giving up your free time to make content for us, we may not seem appreciative sometimes because at the end of the day we’re internet spergs who don’t understand most things

tl:dr - v5 will help peRp in short term but won’t fill the server long term, maybe roadmap or plans from developers? Increase legal job pay for more incentive to roleplay?

(typed on phone so sorry for any grammatical errors or idiotic sentences)