AlexDuns, Kempotent, JRW - Rule 5.3

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Your Steam/In-game Name: CashCarti/Billy Hash

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: AlexDuns, Kempotent, JRW

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
These people broke the Raiding rule by raiding us twice in half an hour and constantly changed their story on what happened after getting called out. Initially they tried to play it off as if it wasn't a raid and that they just heard shooting and decided to come in. After getting called out they tried to say it was a counterraid after we raided them after they raided us 15 mins prior. After that they tried to used the excuse of we could raid twice in one hour but failed to acknowledge that they could only do so if they have died previously which they all did in the initially raid. I genuinly don't mind if they raided us normally and only once every half hour but the fact that they broke the rule caused me to lose weapons and items that I shouldn't have lost otherwise if they just followed the rule like everyone else. It isn't fair the they're allowed to get away with rule breaking and have advantages on other players by breaking the rules, they're set in place for everyone they're not special. Ontop of this they're essesively toxic but that a discussion for another time.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Above is proof that they broke the rule since you can witness both raids in one demo which is 30 mins long. The beginning starts with my death and then ends shorters than 30 mins due to me leave the server.
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I won the first raid. Just then proceeded to get RDM'd regardless the situation was over.
I do not see how any of us are toxic, you are all flaming in ooc after we said just make an AR, the reason i am stating this is because the flow of bans that just happen and i don't want some petty lie bring me into it.
Whether you were RDM'd or not you still died that doesn't give you the right to break a rule and raid us twice
Do you have any proof that I'm lying I've clearly laid out all my evidence and if you had any please free free to post it :)
not here to argue lad. Didnt die in said raid I died about 10 minutes after the raid was won.
@JRW I never said I didn't flame in OOC I did when there was barely anyone online I even have it in my own demo I've got nothing to hide, I want proof that we're lying and slandering you because all we did in OOC was confront you on what you did

@Cash Carti could you please re upload the demo?

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